Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, March 27, 2022
There is no life without Life, man can never have victory against God!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 25.03.2022 - 6:57 p.m.
Mary, Mother of Jesus and of the Church, sacrifices her All for the salvation of men. Participant in the last Divine Work in salvation, She, as Coredemptrix, proclaims the glory of Her Son Jesus and in Her Mission brings back to the Father the lost flock.
Mary Immaculate in Her Conception is presented to the Temple where She lives in chastity and love. Always, in Her Heart, dwells the Most High, She already tastes the victory of God!
My children, we have come to the final scene, the curtain will now fall and all that has been will come to its fulfillment.
God the Father is calling His children to the Truth, the repentance of this humanity is urgently needed, its conversion is urgently needed.
Now I will show to the world My Power as the One and True God, I will manifest Myself as God the Creator, the Almighty, the Omniscient, the Omnipresent!
Come on, oh you who are giving Me battle, come forward with the weapon of your pride, ... all is accomplished, the chapter is closed, it only remains for Me to intervene.
Mary Most Holy, the Immaculate Conception, will today manifest herself to the world as a Warrior, She will defend the Church of Jesus, She will show Her ability to take the government of the Church back into Her Hands and give it back to Her Son Jesus. She will bring honor and glory back to the Catholic Patriarchate, ... She will generate the New Church faithful to Her Son Jesus.
Beloved children, the purpose of this message is to make you understand that there is no life without Life, man can contort himself in a thousand ways but he can never have victory against God!
Prepare now for the final battle, the price will be high but Mary is with you, ... the promised help! Take the field, My children, the battle will now flare up. Mary will fill her faithful Followers with the Holy Spirit, the little remnant who will enter the new Earth victorious.
Laudetur Jesus Christus!
Source: ➥