Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, March 4, 2022
Oh my Church! My priests! ... Open your Eyes! ... Open your Hearts!
Message from Our Lady to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 02-03-2022 - 16:19 locution
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I bless you my children and place you all in My Immaculate Heart.
I will teach you the way to Heaven, ... I will teach you the Things of God, ... you will grow in love and be in Love.
My beloved children, destruction advances, man is more and more evil! The earth is trembling in every corner of the planet, ... soon you will see fire fall from the sky, ... you will see the seas rise and fall with a power never seen on the coasts, invade the cities, swallow them up, ... drag them away with it.
We have come to the vision of the prophecies given at La Salette and Fatima, today you see all that was announced in the past. ... Many have not believed, have scoffed at these prophecies and have clung more and more to this Earth, have followed a false god, have abandoned God's commandments, have preferred to choose the easiest way to live on Earth.
But we have come to the end, we have come to a point of no return: ... if men do not decide to return now , to their Creator God, preferring to follow the ways of the Devil, they will lose their life and never get it back.
Oh my Church! My priests! ... Open your eyes! ... Open your hearts! Return to your Creator God! Return to the Truth, bring back to the Church the Truth, ... proclaim Jesus!
Beloved children, forget the things of the world, you belong to Heaven, you have been taken into the arms of Jesus and anointed to be His priests, do not turn your backs on Him, repent now, ...before darkness descends on Earth.
The Heart of Jesus weeps tears of blood for your betrayal, swore fidelity to Him, then you knelt down to His enemy, you followed His enemy, you drank his poison, you strove for more and more in this infamous world.
You have given yourselves over to revelry! ... You have deluded yourselves! You have not taken the right path, you have done everything wrong, ... if you do not repent now, God's justice will be hard on you.
I look at this world, ... this Humanity that still does not want to understand that everything is over, that there is no future on this Earth! My children, it is useless to put money aside for yourselves, to put money in the bank, ... everything will be burned, it will be lost! Instead, strive for the Works of God, strive for the Truth My children, do good to your neighbor, give justice to your brothers, put them in a better condition, help your brothers, the children of God!
My children, oh you who can, you who have the means, stretch out your hands now, My children! Ask for forgiveness of your sins so that the Lord may see in your charity, in your rethinking, your new choice that of belonging completely to God to be then lifted up by God.
You are now at the end of this earthly race, Heaven manifests itself to you, announces to you, again, through its prophets, the Hell that will soon be unleashed on Earth! You will not be able to turn back unless you give yourselves to the hands of your Savior.
Work for good, do good works, My children, this is what Heaven asks you to do, be of service to your God, love Him with all your heart and listen to Him and follow Him, respect His will.
I love you My children, as always I join My hands to yours, and with you I pray and beg Jesus to anticipate His return.
"Father, ... to You, I prostrate Myself today, I ask that this happen now, in these already terrible hours! ... tears of blood flow from Our eyes at what Your children are going through, Lord.
I beg You, God, let it all end now, in this very hour that I am calling on You for help: ... send Your Son Jesus, that this world may be renewed!".
Let war and all wickedness quickly cease! ...let Satan be thrown at last into the bowels of the Earth from which he will never again be able to escape.
Source: ➥