Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
My Children, Pray, Pray for All Those Who Are Far From My Immaculate Heart, Pray for Those Who Seek the Lord but Are Lost Behind the False Beauties of This World
Message of Our Lady to Simona in Zaro di Ischia, Italy

I saw Mama, she was all dressed in white, on her head a crown of twelve stars, a very large white mantle that covered her shoulders and reached down to her feet which were barefoot and resting on the world, in which there were scenes of war. Then Mama covered it with her mantle and everything ceased.
Praised be Jesus Christ
My dear children, seeing you here in my blessed wood fills my heart with joy. My children, I come to you again to ask for prayer, prayer for my beloved and favorite sons, prayer for the Holy Father, prayer for this world that is increasingly in ruins, increasingly conquered by evil. My children, pray, pray for all those who are far from My Immaculate Heart, pray for those who seek the Lord but are lost behind the false beauties of this world.
My children, I love you with an immense love!
Pray with me daughter.
I prayed with Mama for peace and for the Church, then Mama resumed.
My beloved children, be ready to embrace your cross, offer everything to the Lord, all your sorrow and all your joy. My children, pray, learn to remain on your knees before the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar; this is where my Son awaits you, alive and true.
I love you my children, I love you, do not be discouraged, in every difficulty turn to the Lord, entrust everything into His hands.
Now I give you my holy blessing.
Thank you for having come to me.