Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
My Children, You Are Invited to Be Silent and to Pray More; Your Life Will Speak
Message of Our Lady to Angela in Zaro di Ischia, Italy

This afternoon Mama showed up all dressed in white. Even the mantle that enveloped her was white and also covered her head. On her head was a crown of twelve stars. Mama's face was sad.
On her chest was a heart of flesh crowned with thorns; her arms were open as a sign of welcome. In her right hand, she held a rosary, as if it were a rosary of light, which reached almost down to her feet. Her feet were barefoot and rested on the world. On the world was the snake that shook its tail loudly.
Mama held it steady with her right foot.
Praised be Jesus Christ
Dear children, I love you, I love you immensely and I welcome you all under my immaculate mantle.
My children, pray much for peace, which is more and more threatened by the powerful of this earth. Do not be discouraged by what you will see and what you will have to experience. I am the Mother of Love and Grace and if I am here, it is because I desire your salvation.
My children, convert, I beg you, return to God, be little as children and courageous witnesses of God's love. Convert! For this is the favourable time, do not put it off until tomorrow, it may be too late.
My children, my Son Jesus loves you, He loves you with an immense love. He waits for you every day in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, He is there silently waiting for you, but alas He is more and more alone and abandoned.
Mama has bowed her head and made a long silence by joining her hands in prayer.
Please, children, bend your knees before Jesus, do not go around the world looking for peace and happiness, because true peace and happiness can be found only by opening your hearts to Jesus. Abandon yourselves in His arms, which are always open to welcome and forgive you. Trust more in God and less in men.
My children, you are invited to be silent and to pray more; your life will speak. "By how you behave, they will understand that you are My children."
Pray much for the Church and for my chosen and beloved children. Pray children.
Then mom asked me to pray with her, we prayed for a long time. Finally she blessed.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.