Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
Pray with a Humble and Sincere Heart
Message from Our Lord to Valentina Papagna in Sydney, Australia

This morning when I was praying, the angel appeared, and he said, “The Holy Family invites you to come to Heaven with me.”
We suddenly found ourselves in Heaven, and St Joseph and Blessed Mother were waiting for us, surrounded by many saints. Blessed Mother went to a side room and brought Baby Jesus in her arms. He looked so beautiful with slightly long curly blonde hair and dressed in a pale blue nightie. Blessed Mother came to me and said, “I know how much you love my Son Jesus as a little Infant; that is why He likes to come to you as a Baby so that you can love Him tenderly and console Him, for the world offends Him so much.”
Blessed Mother Mary Most Holy then sat little Baby Jesus down on the floor; He had not started to walk yet. I watched as He grasped His Mother’s dress with His little Hands and pulled Himself up to stand on His Feet. He was smiling.
I kneeled and called Baby Jesus to come to me. He suddenly stood on His own Feet without holding onto His Mother’s gown. He then raised His right Hand and placed it on His Sacred Heart and said to me, almost in a whisper, “Ask Me to come to you from your heart.” As He said this to me, with His right Hand, He made the Sign of the Cross on His Sacred Heart.
I was so surprised how our Lord spoke so clearly with a mature voice. With open arms, I said, “Come, my beautiful Holy Baby. Come to me.”
All of a sudden, He just ran to me, into my arms, and I hugged Him. I was so happy. When Blessed Mother saw Baby Jesus run to me, into my arms, she was overwhelmed with joy. Seeing Baby Jesus walk, she said and kept repeating, “This is a miracle! This is a miracle! He is not even one year old yet.”
All the saintly people present were watching with immense joy.
Although still a little shaky, Baby Jesus started walking amongst the saintly people. Everyone present was so happy, adoring Him and giving Him praise and glory.
At that moment, I understood that everything we ask of our Lord must come from our heart because God speaks to a sincere heart, united to His Heart.
Later that day, when I was praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet, the Holy Mother came and said to me, “More and more you discover who God really is.”
That touched my heart so profoundly. People take our Lord for granted and have no idea who God really is. He is capable of doing everything. He is beyond our understanding.
I said, “Thank you, my Lord and my Mother, for your holiness and the graces that you reveal to us. Thank you for this teaching.”
We should love and respect our Lord more deeply and remind ourselves that we are nothing in His Holy Presence but a tiny granule of sand. God is pleased when we humble ourselves. Our Lord Jesus told me many times that He suffered in His Passion for our pride and vanity.
He said, “I hate pride! I suffer so much for pride and vanity! If you do not humble yourselves on earth, then after you die and in the next life, you will have to suffer in Purgatory for a long time.”
Thank you, Lord Jesus, Blessed Mother and St Joseph, for the beautiful grace of being in Your holy presence.
Source: ➥