Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, January 1, 2022
My Time is Near
Message to Gisella Cardia in Trevignano Romano, Italy

My daughter and sister, thank you for receiving Me in your heart.
My daughter, in these times you have seen despair, death and slander around you; perhaps you have thought that you have been abandoned by Me? You are constantly ready to complain, yet I have consoled you many times and you have never noticed this; and not only have I given you important teachings, but you have not paid attention to these either. My children, brothers and sisters, God is waiting for you in love and joy.
I have separated you in order to help you reflect; I have tested you every holy day and you have not always reflected. How much peace and joy I would like to give to these often hardened hearts.
I would like you to reflect, but how many times have I asked for your hands in order to lead you towards calm waters and, instead, you have preferred the storm — believing that you are capable of solving everything without My help. But remember that I alone am the Way, the Truth and the Life and I alone can help you — if only you would really entrust yourselves to Me.
It is I alone who can hold your hands when you ask Me for help with all your heart; and again, it is I who can give you the consolation that you deserve when you feel alone. My children, My time is near: enter the Ark of the Covenant, of peace, love and fraternity. Only thus will you be able to overcome the Storm that is coming.
I have taught you many things during this period, and perhaps by calmly rereading My words, you will be able to understand My Will. I want to see you all enter My Kingdom.
Now I bless you in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Always be ready to fight together with Me, My Angels, My Archangels and My Blessed Mother, and we will succeed in defeating absolute evil and opening the doors to infinite good.
Source: ➥