Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, November 15, 2020
Blessed Sacrament Chapel

Hello my dearest Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I believe and hope in You, love and adore You my Lord, God and King. Thank You for Holy Mass and Holy Communion, Jesus! What a great privilege to receive You in Holy Communion. Thank You for time with my children and grandchildren this weekend. Thank You for the blessings of our faith and our family. Lord, I trust You and Your Holy Will and I entrust our country and the outcome of the election to You and to Your Most Holy Mother Mary. Blessed Mother please continue to intercede for us that the corruption will be exposed, justice served, and that all involved in corruption will repent and come to know the great and merciful love of God. Protect President Trump, Vice President Pence and their families. Protect all who are investigating the election fraud and bless them abundantly. Pour out graces for honesty, courage and love of neighbor. Please block, in Your holy and perfect name Jesus all evil spirits in the air, water, ground and under the ground who wreak havoc in our nation and in the world. By the power of Your precious blood, Lord please bind all spirits of manipulation, deception, chaos, disrespect for life, violence, and anarchy and send them to the foot of Your cross to be bound by You forever. Jesus, adorable Jesus, hear the cries and lamentations of Your people of the U.S. and restore Your protective hedge around us, because of Your great, infinite mercy. Oh, Lord Jesus Christ, we do not deserve Your protection. We do not deserve Your mercy. Lord, we deserve Your just punishment for the millions of babies murdered by way of abortion, and abused in the satanic cult of sex trafficking. Father forgive us; forgive, forgive, forgive. Free our babies and all children from their oppressors and their abusers. Help Your Children of Light to do our part to cooperate with Your Holy Spirit to expose this diabolic plan to destroy the human race. Lord Jesus, by the power of Your most precious blood, please open the eyes of those who are blind and do not believe or refuse to understand what is really going on in the hearts and minds of those who plan to destroy the nation founded under God and on the Godly principles, liberty and justice for all. Lord, help us to do our part according to Your Holy Will. Guide, guard and direct us Lord, Creator of the world and our Father, so that we know what we should, what we must do. Lord Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You.
“My child, My little one, I hear the cry of your heart. I hear the prayers of My children crying out for mercy and justice. A great many people are praying. I invite all Children of Light to redouble your efforts and to pray more, not less. Do not let your guard down now, My children. Do not be discouraged for I am at work, though it does not appear to be so. Things are often not what they appear to be. Pray very hard, and with all that comes from the heart for conversions and for My Holy Spirit to reign in the world. Pray, My children to bring about My Kingdom. My child, I am with My children. I want you to be aware that things will grow ‘worse’ before they improve. This must be so now, My little lamb because evil wants to reign in the hearts of mankind. Indeed, evil already rules in the hearts of many, many people. My child, just as one with an infection who is unhealthy grows more and more sick with fever and putridness in an infected wound, so it is for this country. When the one who is ill with infection receives a warm compress to draw the pus from the wound, it gives temporary relief and the body can continue fighting. However, when the infection has overcome the body and it is in the bloodstream, the person who is ill must undergo extreme treatments to conquer the sepsis. My little lamb, sometimes the person is so ill they must be given life supporting measures, oxygen or even a ventilator, IV antibiotics, etc. until the treatment works and this can take time.”
“You see, My child, your nation is ill with sin and corruption, and many people worship false gods, either unknowingly, thinking they are true and right religions (pagan religions) and many worship satan. My child, until there is true conversion, I will not free your country from the grip of those who are corrupt. However, do not lose heart, satan is losing control over this world and his time in this Age of Disobedience is drawing to a close. Because so many of My children are praying, especially the most holy Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet, offering Holy Mass and doing penance for sin, satan’s grip is lessening. My child tell others to pray. Pray even more than you have been. Some are praying much. Others are praying only a little. Everyone must pray more. It takes much prayer, much desire for holiness, much yearning for righteousness to overcome the amount of evil that has infected the souls of My children. They have become so distorted and infected by evil that they are almost unrecognizable to Me. However, since I am God, I can see their souls as they could be, (the sun has just become very bright and is shining into the Blessed Sacrament chapel with a beautiful golden hue, illuminating what had been a gray, gloomy atmosphere except that My Lord is present here) as they should be. Yes, My child these children of Mine who are infected with so much evil, sin, hatred for God, can become holy and pure. They are redeemable and they can still repent, convert and come into the family of God. It is not too late, but you must pray very hard, My Children of Light. Ask My Most Holy Mother Mary, every day to intercede for these lost and even putrid souls. Ask the saints in Heaven to pray with you for them. My children, have mercy on their souls. If you knew how horrible and detestable hell is, how much suffering and how annihilated souls are when in hell, you would do everything possible to prevent even one from going there. You do not grasp this fully, My children, I know. I will help you to understand in a small way. Hell is like walking into a burning fire and standing there, unable to move. No matter how many people come to your rescue, they cannot lift you to carry you out of the fire. All the while the pain from the fire is excruciating. Nothing you do relieves the pain. A person on earth would soon lose all feeling, due to nerve damage, but souls in hell do not have any reprieve. Not only that, every soul in hell, and there are many, howls, screams and roars from the pain. Souls cannot escape from this hell that they have chosen out of their hatred for God and yet they burn with this hatred and do not desire to be in Heaven.”
“My children, never stop praying for your brothers and sisters. Never tire of praying for conversions. I am counting on My beautiful Children of Light to pray for the children who walk in darkness. Be merciful. Be love. Be generous with your prayers. Remember, your family members and the saints in Heaven pray for you, also. In some cases, your family members prayed for years and begged for graces for conversion for you and this is why you now walk in My light. Do this for love of God. Live the Gospel, My children. Love with all your hearts and live your lives to bring others into the heavenly Kingdom. My children, many, many will become loving holy people when they see their souls as I see them (Illumination of Conscience). Be prepared to help them. Welcome them into the Church, My children. Encourage them. There will be many who feel there is no hope due to the state of their souls. They will doubt the love of God, even though they will have experienced the great love of God and My immense mercy. Over the weeks, they will begin to doubt. Help them, My children. Teach them about My mercy and My love. Show them how to pray. Instruct them and help them go to Confession and/or lead them to the baptismal font where My holy priest sons and deacons will be. Be love. Be light. Be mercy and show My mercy, children. I am counting on you. Trust in Me. Trust Me even when the darkness grows. Remember, I am the good physician. I must purify the world of evil and it (evil) will not go willingly. Prepare, My children through the Sacraments, holy Scripture, fasting and family prayer. I am with you. All will be well.”
“Be in union with one another. Do not allow division to pull your holy families apart. Now is the time for greater unity and peace in your families. Stand up for justice, but also be people who sow seeds of peace, joy and hope. The world will notice. Evil will grow more contemptuous of good, but some will convert. Some will want what My Children of Light have, peace and joy. Be messengers of the Gospel. I again remind you that I am with you. All will be well.”
“First must come the full extent of the purification and then My Mother’s Immaculate Heart will triumph. We are in this together, My children, I assure you. You must endure this time of trials, My children and then you will see the time that all creation is longing for, so let us continue with strong hearts. I love you and I will never abandon you.”
Thank You, Lord. Alleluia! Praise the One Holy, Perfect Triune God forever and ever. Amen!
Source: ➥