Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, November 1, 2020
All Saints Day, Adoration Chapel

Hello my dearest Jesus present in the most holy Sacrament of the Altar. I believe in Your true presence, body, blood, soul and divinity, my Lord and my God. Thank You for Holy Mass and Communion this morning. Thank You for the opportunity to be with members of my family yesterday. Lord, please bless (name withheld) who is so far from us. Take care of her, guard and protect her, Lord. Protect all of our loved ones, please Lord. Jesus, I pray for all souls who are far from You and who will die today especially for those who are unprepared for their deaths. I pray also for souls who have left the Church, that they will return in full communion. Help our ailing Church as she goes through her passion. I believe and trust Your words, Lord that, ‘the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church.’ Thank You for this assurance as sometimes it sure seems to be prevailing but I know the Church, Your body, will triumph over evil. You seem to be in the process of purifying the Church. I pray this process will go smoothly and swiftly, Lord. It is such a painful process and I’m sure we aren’t even to the worst part, yet. Lord, watch over You holy priest sons and the consecrated religious who sacrifice their lives for You. Protect them and help them to fulfill the vows made to You. Help us to be faithful to our vocations, too Lord and all married couples. Thank You for Your great love and mercy, Jesus.
Lord, have You anything to say to me today?
“Yes, my little one. Your nation is in turmoil, due to the present separation and disunity caused by those who want to rule your country and many other countries in the world. Evil is undermining human rights, freedoms and its goal is oppression, power and dominion. My child be prepared for more and more dissension and insurrection. Pray for conversion of hearts, for peace and for healing of wounds. My little lamb, I love each one of My children but many have chosen a different path than the one I laid out for mankind. Many have decided to side with My adversary and consequently they attack all that is sacred, life, faith, hope and love. This is why they attack My Church where faith, hope and love is to be found in the Sacraments, the teachings, the most holy Mass, and the handing down of the faith to generation after generation. Pray for your shepherds who do battle daily with the evil, fallen angels. Pray for them and encourage them. Let them know you support them. If there are shepherds who are not living up to their promises, their vows and you know them, speak with them (privately). Correct them in brotherly love. Do not merely look the other way, My Children of Light when you are aware of sinful behavior or errors in the teachings handed down through My Apostles. Speak to them in love for the sake of their souls. If they listen to you, that is a great grace. If they do not listen to you, continue to pray for them but know that you have done your part. Remember, My children admonishing the sinner takes courage which is a cardinal virtue. My Children of Light hold fast to the truths of the Faith. You will be asked to teach others in due time. Be prepared to evangelize the multitudes. Do not be afraid. I am with you. I will give you the words to say. Have catechetical information they can read and ponder. Share it with them. There will be many, many souls who will be in unity with the Church after the Illumination of Conscience and I want you to be prepared to help them.”
Lord, I’m sorry I haven’t ordered what is needed for the packets. Help me to accomplish this in the upcoming days.
“I will assist you, My child.”
My daughter, you are trying to do My Will and this pleases Me. Do not compare yourself to others. Each child of Mine is unique and faces different circumstances. You and My son, (name withheld) cannot do everything alone. I recognize this occurs often but pray before each task or project. Ask for assistance from others and do not be hesitant to reach out to those you know. It will be a blessing for them when they assist you and more will be accomplished for My Kingdom. It is an exercise in humility when My children ask others for help. I am giving you a community of believers.”
Lord, so many people are carrying heavy loads. People are working hard to accomplish the tasks set before them especially now. People feel time is running out due to the coming ‘reset’ that it appears is soon.
“Yes, My child and this is precisely why you must all work together. More will be accomplished, and relationships will be strengthened. You are part of the Body of Christ, not a collection of pieces but part of a whole. When My children work together and unite with My Holy Spirit amazing things can be done for the Kingdom. Pray, My children for answers to life’s problems. Pray for each and every need you have. I can work through My people when I am asked and when you seek My intervention. Great things will occur, My children when you depend upon Me and your brothers and sisters. I am building a community of love, of mercy and of peace. You are stronger when united to your brothers and sisters. This is how you will survive the coming days. I will bring people together in the refuges I have planned and you will be communities of believers, helping one another, working together, praying together, sharing meals and sharing life’s burdens. In this way, through My Children of Light, My Mother’s Immaculate Heart will triumph. The renewal will come and My children will bring the love of God to more and more unbelievers. You will teach them the truths of the Faith in the refuge times. Be prepared for this spiritually, My children. Avail yourselves of the Sacraments now while there is still time. Do not be afraid. I am with you. I will take care of many, many things and you will come to know that I love You, I can be trusted, and that I provide for My children who love Me. I love each person in the world, My little one, but because of free will, I intervene with those who want My assistance. At times, I intervene directly even with those who do not seem to want this but I know their hearts. There is often a small opening caused by the grace from the prayers of the faithful. This is why you must continue to pray for lost souls. Do not lose hope, My children. All will be well. Focus on this and trust in Me. I watch over you, I walk with you; I love you.”
Thank You, my Lord and my God. Praise You for Your love and mercy. Praise You for Your justice. Pour Your mercy out each day on us, Your little children who are so much in need of Your love and assistance. Thank You for Your passion, death and resurrection, Jesus. I love You!
“And I love you. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace, My little lamb. All will be well.”
Amen! Alleluia!
Source: ➥