Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Adoration Chapel

Hello my dearest Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I believe, adore, praise and love You, my God, my Savior, my King. Thank You for the opportunity to adore You in this chapel, Jesus! Thank You for Confession, Holy Mass and Holy Communion, my Lord. Thank You for being who You are, God. I love You. Thank You for all You have done for mankind and for me. Lord, I give You my life, my work and my heart. I lift up my husband, children and grandchildren and ask You to draw them to Your Sacred Heart through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Thank You for Your love, Your sacrifice of love and for Your life! Thanking You for showing us how to love. Teach me to love, Jesus. Teach me to forgive as You forgave. Teach me how to be like You, Lord. Blessed Mother, lead us close to the heart of Your Son, Jesus. Lord, I lift up all family members in need of healing, be it spiritual, emotional or physical healing. I pray especially for (name withheld), Lord. Her life is at stake and her family needs her, Jesus. Please spare her and bring complete healing to her. I pray that those who are separated from the One Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Faith be reunited in Faith. Bring them home to Your Church, Jesus. Thank You for what You are teaching me, Jesus about Your Heart and Your Church. I am so very grateful, Lord. Help me to know what more You want me to do to evangelize, Jesus. Show me, prompt me, call attention to the next step You want me to take and may it be obvious to me since I am not always awake, Lord. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You.
“My little one, thank you for your presence here and for your love. I am drawing you closer to My Heart. Your desire for Me, pleases Me. I am aware of your struggles with prayer and it is good that you continue working at prayer in spite of this. Your desire, and your action pleases Me. My Holy Spirit will assist you, so do not worry but continue in your efforts. I am closer to you in these moments than you realize. The main objective is that you pray. There will be times of dryness, times of distraction in prayer, times of difficulty in performing your duties and feeling as though this competes with your time with Me in prayer. Guard this time with Me. Protect it, My child. It is the most important part of your day. I will help you with all of your duties, so do not fear. Make this time with Me, every day, a priority and all will be well. I will provide.”
Thank You, Jesus. I am really struggling with this even though I know it is very important. Help me, Jesus. I love our time together because I love You. Lord, how do we reach people who don’t know and love You so they may have You come to dwell within them? How do we introduce people in this day to You, Lord when there is such a crisis of faith, even in Your Church? How, Jesus? What is the way to reach those who have left You, Lord because they have been hurt, or because of inadequate catechesis, or because they were never taught they could have a personal relationship with the God who created them? How, Lord?
“My child, one must first give love and mercy. One must first be set apart through personal holiness. One must strive to be open and approachable but not compromising beliefs or values. Be friendly; be charitable, be loving. Be peace, My child. Have confidence in your relationship with Me. When one sees the love in your heart they will begin to be open to having friendship and will share their heart with you. This will then be the opportunity for you to share what I have done in your life. Just as I spoke in parables, you would do well to tell the ‘story’ of what I have done for you. There are many things to share.”
Yes, Lord. There are many blessings and even miracles I can share with others. Jesus, what about with those who have rejected You or the Church?
“In those cases, My child, you must love. Forgive and love. When a heart is hard, the only thing one can do is love. Since love is sacrificial, one could show their love by fasting, praying, doing works of mercy and love for the soul who is hard hearted. Make small sacrifices out of love. This will give them graces and will cause a softening. It may take a long time, My child but I am patient. You must be also. Persevere in this love. I will assist you. My Holy Spirit will assist you. It is difficult in many ways, but souls who have hardened hearts are often deeply wounded. These wounds take time to heal, My child. Rely on Me to heal them. Give them to Me, My little lamb, and do your part. Cooperate with My love and mercy. Allow Me to dispense love through your heart.”
Yes, Lord. Some people will not allow others to get close to them, let alone to do something for them.
“In that case, pray and offer sacrifices for them. This is very effective, My child and you have observed this. Recall when, through prayers and sacrifices, I changed the heart of one who was closed?”
Oh, yes, Jesus. I almost forgot about this. It was such a miracle of grace.
“Yes, My child. It seems easier for one who is not related to you. Family members cause the most consternation, because of your love for them. Remember, I have the greatest love for My children, and I want closeness with them even more than you do.”
Oh, of course, Jesus. I realize this. I just want to be sure I am doing my part and not overlooking something. I also yearn for them. I am concerned for their souls, but I know You are even more concerned. I give each one to You, Jesus. Please bring them back to You and Your Church. They are in Your hands, Lord Jesus.
“My child, meditate on My passion. I will give you graces for this and will reveal more to you through My sacrifice.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Lord.
“I bless you, My child in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace, My little one. Go in My love and mercy. Be love, mercy and peace to all you encounter, My daughter. I am with you. I remain with you.”
Praise and thank You, Jesus. I love You!
Source: ➥