Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Candlemas & Feast of the Flame of Love

Hello my Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. I adore You, believe in You, trust You and love You, my God and my King. Jesus, my Savior, my Redeemer, my Friend, my heart is breaking due to the betrayal of one who was a dear friend. Oh, Lord, I know what I am experiencing is nothing compared to Your betrayal but the pain is terrible. Lord, You are mercy and justice. Please protect us from those who are unmerciful and unjust. Convict their hearts, Lord so they may repent from their evil and corrupt ways. Lord, be my refuge and my stronghold. My God, forgive my sins and the sins of those who do not realize what they are doing. Jesus, heal my hurting heart. Give me graces to forgive as You forgive and to love as You love. Blessed Mother, Mother of Sorrows and Mother of Mercy, pray for me and for all who have been victims of corrupt people. Pray for us Oh Holy Mother of God. Help me to bear my suffering. I unite it to Yours and to Jesus’ on the cross. Lord, keep me in Your Holy Will and protect me from all evil. Give me Your mercy, Your peace, Your love and may I be able to give this to others. Thank You for this wound, Jesus. Use it for Your gain. Conquer all mankind with Your great love. Help me, Jesus in this time of great sorrow and suffering. Bless those who try to hurt me, Jesus. Bless them with Your graces for conversion. I love You, Jesus. I trust in You. I entrust myself to You and to the Holy Family. St. Padre Pio, pray for me.
“My little lamb. I know you are hurting and suffering from this betrayal and from the deception you have recently learned about. I am here for you. You are tasting the bitterness of the cross. You are sharing in My suffering. I know what it is to be betrayed by one you love. So many of My children experience this and it is a sharing in My bitter Passion. Judas betrayed Me with a kiss, but he betrayed Me many times before this final betrayal. Remember, My child that I see all. I know all. I am aware of those who call themselves My followers who plan to harm My children, their brothers and sisters. Pray for them, My child. You must pray and forgive them even though they know better. They are being blinded by a false sense of justice. Pray for them, for those who follow Me are held to a higher standard. Entrust all of your deep wounds to Me for I can heal all wounds. You will use this to help many souls. I will help you to recover from this recent blow. Bring all to Me. Pray for all involved. Many people are hurting and are in need of mercy and forgiveness. Give them to Me. I am the God of justice. Mankind has long since lost its way and wanders blindly on the earth, pursuing their own ‘rights’ and sense of justice, often forgetting mercy. I am mercy; I am love. I will take care of you, My little lamb. This will pass and one day you will know the greater plan I have for you and for your family. I know you are looking to others to do the right thing, My daughter. I am, also. However, I give My children free will. If they choose to abuse this, they will answer to Me. If they repent and have sorrow for their sins, I will forgive them. My child, My child, do you not see that I too was betrayed. You have been a loyal friend to others and still you experience betrayal. I know what this means to you. Yes, I know. Comfort Me in the constant betrayal I experience when My children reject Me, deny Me and when they expect Me to give them blessings even though they raise their fist to Me and to My little ones. The violence done to the little children and the unborn greatly offends Me. Comfort Me, My child by being love even in the face of injustice. My child, I do not mean you are to ignore injustice and turn a deaf ear. I only mean that in your heart, you must forgive and love. Give mercy to those who hurt you and pray for them. Speak out, but be merciful. Lead others to God by being loving, merciful and holy. Many souls will refuse to follow Me. Some follow Me in their words only. Some deny My existence. Be meek and mild. I will help you. I know those who want to take everything for themselves, believe your meekness is weakness. Do not pay attention to this for they have aggression in their hearts. They have malice and want retribution. This is for God, alone. I am the only just judge. Leave all to Me, My child. You must try to change injustice, but also balance this by not taking too much ownership over the outcome. Trust in Me. Rely on Me, My child. I will never abandon you, even if all others fail you, I will not. Rest assured, My child. I am your Protector, your Savior. I love you. You are Mine. Remember you have a treasure many do not have. You have My close friendship and My love. I love everyone, but many do not love Me in return. Many do not live like they love Me. Do not allow this to consume you, but leave all to Me. I will be the just judge.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Lord. Please restore my peace, Oh, Prince of Peace. You are the only One who can. Thank You for Your love and mercy, Jesus.
“My child, soon a day is coming and is almost here when all will tremble and beg for mercy. Be prepared and keep your eye on what really matters. Those who strike others physically, spiritually or emotionally will beg for forgiveness and they will receive it. If I, who am perfectly holy can forgive, and I always forgive when one truly repents, you must do the same. I see your tears and I hear your cry. I am with you. My Mother and St. Joseph are with you. Rest in Me, My little lamb. Rest in My arms and allow Me to carry you. I will see to everything.”
Thank You, my Lord, my Shepherd and my Savior. Thank You for Your love even when I do not deserve it. Thank You for forgiving my sins, Lord. Help me to forgive others. Grant me Your peace. Blessed Mother, thank You for Your feast day. Thank You that You spread Your Flame of Love to Your children. Please heal all who have hardened hearts and who do not know and love Your Son. I pray for all who are away from the Church that there will be a great re-uniting of souls
“My child, My Mother’s Flame of Love engulfed you today. She shares in your sorrows also for She is a good and loving Mother; the Most Perfect Mother who loves all of Her children perfectly. Thank You for uniting your sorrows to Her sorrows. Thank You for offering this for souls. Many will benefit from My children who offer their sufferings and who sacrifice for souls especially during the Time of Great Trials. I breathe My peace into your weary heart, My child. I will grant you peace and a return of My joy. Bear with this difficulty for love of the one who is in need. Bear this cross for all who are misunderstood, rejected and unloved. You will be stronger for it, My little lamb. Recall what My son, (name withheld) said to you during the prayer group. All wounds will be healed and also will bring you strength and the ability to help others when the time comes. I give you My peace and My love. Walk with Me on My Passion as the Church goes through her passion, also. My children, you are the Church. Stand at the foot of the cross and pray for purification of My body, the Church. One day, the suffering, the pain will pass and then My Mother’s Immaculate Heart will triumph. Until then, continue to pray and to frequent the Sacraments. Graces will be poured out on all who ask for them and are open to receive them. Remain strong in your love for Me. Love your neighbor. Love even your enemies, for you must follow your Jesus and love as I love. All will be well, but endure the cross and soon the resurrection will come. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Be at peace, My little one. Know that I love you.”
Thank You, my sweet Jesus. Praise You and thank You! Amen and alleluia.
Source: ➥