Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Adoration Chapel, Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord

Hello dearest Jesus ever present in the Most Holy Eucharist of the Altar. I believe in You, adore You and praise You, my Lord God and my King. It is so very good to be here with You, my Jesus. Thank You for this great opportunity to adore You in the Eucharist. Lord, thank You for Confession and Holy Mass. Thank You for Holy Communion. Thank You for Your love and mercy and for redeeming us, Jesus. Lord, thank You for our pastor and shepherd. He had such a beautiful homily at Mass today.
I was thinking about the Magi and what a long and difficult journey they had as they sought You. They must have suffered during this long trip and they sacrificed much of their daily comforts. It was more important to them to find You and to worship You in person, to pay You homage and honor You with praise, adorations and their gifts than to remain in the comfort of their homelands where they surely had servants and every comfort of that time. They preferred to go without their temporary comforts, the comforts of the world, than to go without their spiritual need to be with and adore the Infant King. Jesus, may I have these graces, and like the Magi who truly were wise, be willing to sacrifice everything to be able to worship You. Jesus, they could have lost their lives making such a perilous journey and King Herod could easily have killed them had they not listened and gone home by a different route. Help me to always be attentive to Your direction, Lord and when I am unsure, enlighten my heart and mind and give me the wisdom from the Holy Spirit to do Your Holy Will. Lord. What must it have been like to find You in Bethlehem, lying in the manger, the food trough for animals, but in fact the bread of life for the World? What was it like to behold the purest and most holy face of God in Your baby face, so innocent, so lovely, so adorable? What was it like to be in Your presence those 2,000 years ago in Bethlehem and to greet the Most Holy Mother of God and the beloved, chaste and righteous St. Joseph? Oh, to experience this, Lord! How spectacular and how solemn this most holy experience. This is what the Magi experienced and they were deserving of this privilege, Jesus or they would not have been given this honor by God to be the first to come from foreign lands to worship You. They wanted to give You honor, glory, homage and worship and by doing so, they were honored and privileged. Jesus, this is true of those who worship and adore You in the most blessed Sacrament where You come to the world, not as a precious baby, but as bread for us, for the life of the world We come to adore You, to worship You and yet we are the ones who are honored to be in Your presence. Thank You for this great gift of adoration. Thank You, Jesus that we can come to adore You as the Magi did so long ago. I do not have gifts like they did, Jesus. I have only myself, weakened and stained by my sins, with my frustrations, my burdens, my concerns, but still, Lord I give You myself. I give You my life and my heart. I give You my love. Thank You for allowing me to be here with You, Jesus. I know I will not always have this opportunity and I am very grateful.
“Thank you, My child for coming to be with Me in this small chapel. I accept your praise and I acknowledge your meditation about the event so precious to Me and to My Most Holy Mother Mary and St. Joseph. The three wise men did sacrifice much to see Me and they were rewarded for their faith. They spent many hours in prayer and also had many sleepless nights praying and keeping watch. The shepherds also came to adore Me and it is fitting that the lowly ones, the shepherds were the first to adore Me. These simple-hearted people had great faith and pure hearts. They also brought gifts and theirs were the first gifts given to Me, to Mary and Joseph. This is to demonstrate that I came for all, no matter your state in life. I have come to save all people and I do not show deference to those of high social status for I am the Lord God. I love all of My children. What matters to Me is your hearts, My children, not the size of your bank accounts. I am concerned only for the state of your souls. Come to Me, all you who are weary, who have grown tired of seeking worldly pleasures, power, money, position. These things are temporary and will be gone tomorrow. Concern yourselves with the treasures that will last forever. Love one another as I love you. Help one another. Sacrifice for one another out of love. Share what you have with those who are less materially rich. I will reward you, so do not count what you share as a loss, for giving out of love is gain. When one focuses on what one has shared rather than on the one with whom you have shared, you focus on the material.'
'My children, My children, the temporal is fleeting. It is unimportant for your future, your salvation, your eternal life. Focus instead on your brother and sister whom you love and whom your Jesus loves. Then, you will see that what you have given is not lost. It remains within the family of God. Even greater, the deed that you did, to give unselfishly will remain with you in Heaven for all eternity. Therefore, do not regret for one moment, the good that you do, the sacrifices made for others. Only be sure that you do so out of love, not for recognition, not for false motives or from pride. Do everything in love. This is what I ask of you, My Children of Light. Never make others feel less than you when doing so. Remember to see Me, your Jesus in the face of the poor and the weak or the infirmed. Remember Me in My passion and care for those in need as you would for Me. This is love, My children. My little lamb, I heard your prayers for your little one. Trust in Me, My (name withheld). I will take care of (name withheld). She is growing every closer to Me through all of her trials. She is being purified and becoming more beautiful each day. I know of your deep love for her, for I put this love in your heart for her and for all your children and grandchildren. She is a special gift to you from Me, My child and you have a very close and spiritual relationship. This pleases Me. Trust in Me, My little one for I knit her together in your womb and I blessed you with her and her with you. I blessed her with (name withheld) and also with My son, (name withheld) for I wanted My special daughter to have a Godly father in (name withheld). I know your lives have been difficult and this has served to prepare you for what is to come. Through your suffering, each of you in different ways, you will know how to help those I send to you. (Not only in the future, but those I send you now.) This is part of My plan. Offer each trial, each suffering, each difficulty to Me, My beloved ones. Nothing you face on earth is ever wasted. I will guide My (name withheld) to find the help she needs. Trust in Me. All will be well. I love you. I walk with you.”
Thank You, Jesus. Praise You, Lord! Thank You, Lord for the special grace you gave me today to see Your beautiful, holy face in the Eucharist. What a surprise and a great joy for Me, Jesus. If only everyone could see You in this way.
“My child, you are thinking if others could see this, they would flock to see Me. I want people to come to Me out of faith, My child. One day soon, they will all see Me coming/appearing in the sky and like a flash they will know me interiorly. Blessed are those who do not see, but believe. I gave you this time as a gift, My special, loyal friend, but blessed are those also who faithfully adore Me even though they do not see Me hidden in the Eucharist. They do not see, but still they believe enough to come and spend time with Me. My child, I want others to know through you that I bless them and all who spend time in My Eucharistic presence. Much mercy is granted to the world and to each place on Earth where I am adored in the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Altar. Do not feel your time is wasted, My little ones, for this is the most important and best use of your time on Earth. I give you many graces to go out into the world from these intimate adoration chapels. Events in the world are literally changed from prayers offered to me during Adoration. Hearts and lives are changed. One day each person who has spent time with Me in Adoration will know how efficacious this time with Me was. Take heart and know that this is precious time with God, the Creator and lover of mankind. I love you, My children and I willingly came as an infant to dwell among you, to establish peace between God and man, to show you the example of holiness, a holy family to establish My Church, to give you the Sacraments, to suffer and die for you. This is why I came from Heaven to dwell among you, so that I could restore what was lost and so that all could accept Me as the Messiah, repent and be saved. I came to give you life. I came to restore to the Father, His children and to reunite the Family of God. You must all do your part and this is to do the Will of the Father. Obey His Commandments and do so out of love for God and for one another. If all of My children will strive to do this, the peace of God will reign in your hearts and nothing will destroy it.”
“A heart filled with love for God is impenetrable and cannot be broken permanently. Do not be afraid to love and to risk loving your brothers and sisters. Do not fear love. Love cannot hurt you. Yes, sometimes love is not returned. I experienced this many times, My children. I know what it means to love and to be rejected. Still, this love that you have for others cannot hurt you, cannot harm you. It may appear to be so emotionally, but instead, to the contrary, your soul is being strengthened. Your love, though not always returned to you by the one who does not know how to love, is not wasted. Instead, it comes to Heaven and is given to God. Never resist loving your brothers and sisters, even your enemies. Give freely of your holy love and regardless of what happens on Earth, know that your love and good deeds done out of love will be there for you in Heaven. Continue to love, no matter the cost, My children. Always love the way I love. Pray for your Guardian Angel to help you, so that your love does not become disordered. Read the Gospels and you will understand. Spend time in prayer and I will guide you. All will be well. Put love into action, My children. Do not wait. The world is desperately in need of love; My love. Give My love to others.”
“My child, this is all for now. Continue to be faithful to all I have asked of you. The race is past the half way point and it is now one of endurance. Persevere, My children in your prayers, in frequenting the Sacraments, fasting and almsgiving. Do acts of charity with great love. Pray the most holy Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Observe creation and see God in all that He does through nature. Be alert. Go in peace, My child. I bless you in the name of the Father, in My name, in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace and in joy.”
Amen, Lord. Alleluia. I love You!
Source: ➥