Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, March 10, 2019
Adoration Chapel

Hello dearest Jesus present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. I believe in You, hope in You, love and adore You, my Lord, God and King. Lord, thank You for Holy Mass and Communion this morning. Thank You for my family and friends, Jesus! Lord, as You know there are many things on my heart today. I give each one to You, my Jesus and trust that You will take good care of them. Lord, I lift up (name withheld) friend who has cancer that has metastasized. Lord, if it is Your Holy Will, heal her. Jesus, she wants to be able to attend (occasion withheld). She is so young, Lord. You healed many, many people when You walked the earth. You can heal now just as You did and I believe You heal, still. I trust Your Holy and Divine Will, Lord. Jesus, I am also very concerned with our parish and the number of people who are leaving now that there isn’t someone to tickle their ears. Now, with the first priest to preach the Good News and to speak the truth, people are leaving. They want to hear easy messages, Jesus. Lord, I am sure there are some souls who are unable to handle hard sayings and they need time, but most of us need to hear the difficult message of the Gospel to challenge us. Please help us, Lord Jesus to grow in wisdom and truth. Help (name withheld) with the wisdom of Your Holy Spirit. I trust You to provide for us, Jesus. Jesus, I hope in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Lord, please heal (names withheld) and all people who have left the Church home. Lord, You know all I carry in my heart. Please bless and keep each one in Your Sacred Heart and in the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Lord, have You anything to say to me?
“Yes, My child. It is as you indicate. My people do not want to hear that which challenges them to change. They desire words that comfort them in their complacency. It is also true that souls are not always ready for strong words. These souls need words of love and mercy. Yet, when speaking to a broad audience, it is good to speak of issues that need to be corrected or understood. I did this when I preached and it caused good people to search their hearts for areas in need of pruning, and in those who wanted to be encouraged in their complacency or even in spite of their sinfulness, to be angry and to conspire against Me. There is always some place else people can go; to another parish, another church, to a group of people who will take their side. This is why it is the narrow path that leads to Heaven. I often spoke in parables because My words were too difficult to understand or accept. A story was easier to understand and those who were ready to accept difficult sayings, would understand deeper truths of the parable. For those who were not open, the story would stay in their memory and they could reflect on it over time. Parables are a way to penetrate hearts with truth, in a way that approaches each heart where they are.”
Yes, that is beautiful, Jesus. I know You spoke in parables, and there are times it seems as if You knew some could not grasp what You were saying. You explained the parables to Your Apostles. I didn’t realize the reason You explained to some, but not all. I think this is richer still and more complex but thank You for explaining part of this mystery. You know our souls so well, Jesus. You really are the great physician, doctor of our souls as well as our bodies. Lord, help our priests to be good shepherds. Help them to be pastoral and fatherly. Give them all they need to minister to so many different souls. Lord, I also pray that You will send an associate pastor to help (name withheld). He needs someone to help balance him and to give him support. He must feel the weight of the world on his shoulders. Your good, holy priests are suffering much (at their expense) for the sins of others. Heal our Church, Lord. Blessed Mother, when children are wounded, fearful, and down hearted, we need our Mother. You are the Mother of all mankind. Be our Mother now and help us to change. Help us to trust in God’s mercy. Help us, dearest Mother Mary to open our hearts to the Lord.
“My child, entrust your children to Me. I know you are concerned for them. Leave them to Me. I will make all things new.”
Thank You, Lord.
“My little lamb, I am your Shepherd. I will not lead you astray. Trust in My words to you. I have spoken to you over the years, even at times when you did not write My words. They are true and will stand the test of time. Reread My words that you have written and you will see things you did not understand at the time. You will understand many things I have said, only with the passage of time. You will also understand some things you may have misunderstood, for you saw them in time and in the context of what you could grasp and also in light of certain circumstances. In retrospect, My words will take on hidden meaning. Hidden only because you were either not ready to fully understand or because I gave you these words for a time to come. Reread My words to you and reflect on them. Pray to understand them. They are not difficult words, I realize, but My children are living in a finite world and spiritual concepts, even for the most scholarly people are not always within grasp. I am the Word. I AM. My ways are above your ways. Trust in Me. All will be well. Put aside all worries and trust in My Will. I love you, My child. I love each and every child of Mine. Give all concerns and burdens to Me.”
Thank You, Lord! Jesus, I forgot to pray for (name withheld) who is suffering very much. Please help her. Ease her pain and suffering. Console her. Console (name withheld) also Jesus. She is suffering to draw closer to You in their suffering.
“My child each of your requests is held in My heart. You are close to Me and therefore your concerns are My concerns. Thank you for bringing them to Me. Be like a small child that brings her problems to her parents and be confident in My solutions. Be joyful and carefree. Come close to My heart and comfort Me with your love. So many souls have forgotten Me or have rejected My love. Your love consoles Me. My friends’ love brings Me comfort. I love you, My little one. I love your family who is close to My heart. Thank you for your love and friendship.”
Thank You, Lord for teaching me how to be a good friend, by being the perfect friend, the perfect Shepherd, the perfect Teacher. I love You with all my heart, in spite of my many faults and sins. Thank You for Your merciful love. Help me to be like You, Jesus.
“I desire that My children know of My deep love for them. I love each child of Mine from the elderly to the adults, teens, children and infants. Each person is created in My image and likeness. It is because of My deep love that My children have My likeness. I want you to be like Me, My children, because I am your Father. We belong to one another. You were created to know Me and to love Me. You were created to be close to Me during your earthly journey and afterwards in My Kingdom. This is so, simply because I love you. There is nothing so terrible or too horrible, that I am unable or unwilling to forgive. Know this, My children. Do not allow the evil one to tell you lies about My mercy. He wants to tempt you to condemn yourselves. He wants you to listen to his deceit, to his lies. He will say that your sins are too awful, too deplorable to forgive or that you are not worthy of My forgiveness. He will fill you with many doubts. Do not listen to him. He has the title, ‘father of lies’ for good reason. I am the seat of wisdom. I am truth. I am the loving Father of all mankind and I say that I love you no matter what you have done. Come to Me. Repent of your sins and accept My mercy and My love, My complete forgiveness. I will not only forgive you, but I will heal you. Lean on Me for all that you need. I will provide for you. Listen to My whispers of love from the cross. Read My dying words. Even from the cross, I did not condemn but forgave. I forgave My murderers. I forgave you. I forgave all who had sinned against Me and all who would live in the future who would sin against Me. I am mercy. My heart pierced for your transgressions is a heart filled with incomprehensible mercy. It is overflowing with mercy. Come to Me and I will give you all that you need to be fulfilled. I love you, My children. Dare to love Me in return.”
“That is all for now, My little one. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in My peace and in My love.”
Thank You, Jesus! I love You!
Source: ➥