Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, November 25, 2018
Feast of Christ the King, Adoration Chapel

Hello, my adorable Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. It is good to be here with You, Lord. Happy feast day, Jesus! Thank You for Holy Mass this morning! Thank You for Holy Communion. I am grateful for the blessings You give me, Lord.
Jesus, there are many people who are very ill. Please help (name withheld) who is extremely ill. Heal her, Jesus. I pray also for (names withheld) and all who are ill and on the church prayer list.
Lord, as Advent approaches, prepare my heart so that I am ready to welcome Your birth as if it was happening for the first time. Help me to have the faith of the shepherds, Jesus who left everything to find You. Lord, please guide me in all that I do this week and all that I need to do. Help me with my studies. Thank You for the help You have already provided. Thank You for being with (name withheld) during his test. We are so thankful, Lord.
Jesus, is there anything to say to me?
“Yes, My child, all that I have told to My son (name withheld) is accurate. My patience is untiring and knows no bounds. My patience is divine. I await more souls in their conversion process, for I do not want even one soul to be lost. I love each person created as My sons and daughters. More souls would convert if more of My Children of Light extended love to them. My children, I need you to show My love to everyone you encounter. Be merciful and be peace. You will never run out of My peace, as long as you return to Me, the source of peace. Give all to others and return to Me. I will replenish you. I am the Prince of Peace. My children, look around you during this coming holy season and find people in need and then help them. There are homeless, there are children who are in families filled with conflict, there are elderly people who are unable to go out from their homes; there are countless situations people find themselves in and do not let anyone know. Befriend them. Ask what they need. Be kind and loving. Many just need your warm smile and conversation to know that someone cares, and notices them. Do not let each day pass, going about your busy-ness, too focused on your own problems to notice one standing in your midst. Acknowledge people. Speak with them. If you can help someone materially, do so. When you help one of your brothers and sisters you are being kind to Me. This is the way to store up heavenly treasures. It is also the path to My Kingdom.
Thank You, Lord. How many times You have said these things to me and in spite of their simplicity, I do not do this every day. Help me to be more kind, Jesus and less focused on myself and all that I need to accomplish. Lord, please bless all who came into the church last evening. May they always be faithful Catholics.
“I hear your prayers, My child. I accept them and hold them close to My Sacred Heart. Prepare, My little one as I have asked with prayers of the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet. Pray with your families, the most Holy Rosary every evening. Bless them with holy water each night, and before they leave the house each day. I will give the children many graces in these days; graces of protection, peace, mercy and love. My children, and I am speaking now to the young ones, you are not only the future of the Church, but you are also important now. Your prayers, prayers of the innocent ones avail much from Heaven. If only you could see what occurs in the spiritual world, you would not find spiritual works to be ‘boring.’ They are in fact far from being boring, but you must have faith for now and do what your Jesus asks of you, just because you love Me and I love you. I will fill all of My children with much grace when you are open to Me and when you seek Me. I am sending you out to change hearts, and in this way you will cooperate with Me to change the world. I am God. I am your Savior. I am the Redeemer of the entire world, and yet I need you. I need you because I love you. You need Me, also My children and therefore we must work together to usher in My Kingdom. My Kingdom must first come to the hearts of My people. Give Me your open hearts and I will fill you with My love. I will fill you with My mercy and My power over sin and evil. My Mother intercedes for you. All of Heaven prays for you and your success in following Me. Do not be afraid to love, be bold in your love, generous with your mercy. Bring each problem, challenge and obstacle to Me, My children. We will resolve each problem together. We are one, My friends, My children. I love you and I am preparing you with these lessons of love. I prepare you as I did My first disciples. You must be like the early disciples and rebuild My Church. The Church is being purified now and this purification will continue. Do not fear if you see the Church growing smaller. Do not fear the time of persecution that is surely coming. You will still spread My Gospel and there will be many miracles and conversions. You must open your hearts now to the love I am calling you to be so that you will be prepared for this time that is coming. You will be like rescue workers sent out into the pitch-black darkness, but the Holy Spirit dwelling within you will be like your helmet equipped with a head lamp. You will be My search and rescue squad sent out in the darkness to find lost souls in danger. If they are not found they will die from being exposed to the elements. Practice loving now, My children, for great acts of love will be required of you and you must learn now by doing the small acts of love. Do not begrudge others. Do not grumble and gripe but do everything out of joy and gratitude, for you know and love the Lord God who is your friend and you have everything when you have Me. No one can take Me from you. The more you give away to others out of love, the more you will receive from Me. Do not be afraid to give your love. Imitate your Jesus who withholds nothing from you.”
Thank You, Jesus! I love You. Help me love You even more.
“My little lamb, thank you for being here with Me today. It is good to see you and My son (name withheld). Please pray as I have taught you and spend time with Me in the Holy Rosary. It is important to pray as a family. Put Me first in all you do and I will arrange things so that all will work out. I am the Creation of time. I love you. I bless you now in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace and remember that where you go, I go with you. You are never alone, but I am there in your midst. Share My love with others who are desperately in need of My love. All will be well. Go out in My name.”
Thank You, my Lord and my God, my Jesus of love and mercy. Praise You Christ the King of the Universe! Amen and Alleluia!
Source: ➥