Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Adoration Chapel

Hello dear Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Thank You for allowing us to be here with You. I love You, praise You, adore You, believe in You and hope in You. Lord, I bring all who are ill to You and pray for their healing and their consolation. Ease the burden of their suffering if it pleases You. I pray for those in the world who will die today, that You will bring them to Your heavenly kingdom. I pray for all who suffer from addictions and mental illness. Heal them, Lord and free them from their afflictions and from the one who wants all Your children to be tormented. Protect all of Your children from evil, sweet Jesus. Lord, I pray for graces to forgive and to have mercy as You have mercy. Help us to grow closer to Your Sacred Merciful Heart. Take us into the Immaculate Heart of Mary and transform us into holy and pure children. Unite us to Your Sacred, Divine Heart through the heart of Your Immaculate, Holy Mother Mary. Oh, Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. I love You, Blessed Mother. Help me to grow ever closer to Your Son, Jesus. Jesus, I love You. Help me to love You more. Jesus, I trust You. Help me to trust You more. Jesus, my Lord and my God, have You anything to say to me today?
“Yes, My child. You have much on your heart today. Give Me your sadness, your fears, your burdens. Give them all to Me, My little lamb.”
Yes, Jesus, Lord God, I give You all that is on my heart at this moment and all that will be on my heart today and every day. I give You my concerns, every fear and each burden. I entrust them all to You, my Savior. I entrust my children, grandchildren and every member of my family, both living and deceased to Your loving care, and to Your infinite mercy. Jesus, I also give You every sin that I carry on my heart which stains my little, poor soul causing it to suffer pain because it separates me from the one I love most. Jesus, please forgive me for my sins and also forgive me for the times I do not completely forgive those who have offended me. I want to forgive, Jesus just as You forgive, though I am incapable of being as merciful and forgiving as You because I do not love as You love. Lord, forgive even my un-forgiveness and replace my poor bitter, sad attempts to forgive with Your all loving, total forgiveness and mercy and with the glory of Your Mother’s purity. Lord, I recognize I can never be like Your Holy Mother Mary and yet I ask this of You. Give me the purity and the love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary so that I can truly love You as You deserve. Jesus, I am truly wretched just as the song, Amazing Grace says, ‘A wretch like me,’ but You can do all things, Lord and so I rest in the knowledge of Your infinite benevolence toward sinners and I place my unworthy heart in Yours. Hold me fast within Your Sacred Heart, Jesus where I am protected even from myself. Thank You my Lord, my God, my Redeemer. Praise You!
“This is a good prayer, My little one. You hesitate, but I want you to write My words. I know you are unworthy, My little lamb, and yet I love you just as I love all of My children. No one except My Mother is worthy, little lamb, so do not be concerned. Yet, I say that your heart is sincere. It has always been so, for I made you this way. You are My sincere child who recognizes her faults and runs to her Jesus just as you ran to your Mama, as a small child after you fell. Recall the times you came home after school calling, “Mother! Mother!” as you came in the front door to tell her all about your falls on the playground and why your tights were torn again. You wanted her to dress your bleeding knees and comfort you. Do you recall this, My child?”
Yes, Jesus. I vaguely remember this, but I remember more clearly my mother telling me about it when I was older. Apparently, I tore nearly every pair of tights or leotards as we called them, she bought for me. I fell down frequently on the playground. Of course, we couldn’t wear tennis shoes then and our dress shoes (saddle oxfords and patent leather shoes) were slick on the soles…. I do remember knowing that my Mom would make everything better once I was home. And, she always did.
“Yes, My child, she did. This is how you are to come to Me each time you fall. Come running to your Jesus and bring Me news of your falls, your wounds and allow Me to comfort you and dress your wounds. I want to be this close to you, My little one. I want to be this and much more for you. You are doing this already, My daughter, but this memory will serve to be a powerful image for you and help you to hasten to Me even more quickly.”
Yes, Lord. Thank You my beautiful, dear Savior. I love You, my Jesus.
“And I love you, My daughter.”
Jesus, the sadness I am carrying presses in on me; so much like a vice grip; squeezing my heart, or like a pair of tight fitting shoes, and tight fitting clothes, only I can’t remove it, Lord. It is with me everywhere I go. I only find a few moments of consolation when I receive You in Holy Communion and then it shows up again and remains with me. Jesus, I give this sadness, this loneliness, this absence of joy to You, Immerse it in Your Sacred, Merciful Heart. Your Heart is like an ocean, Lord and You said when we give You our sadness, or any burdens we carry, that they dissipate in the ocean of Your Sacred, Merciful Heart. Jesus, if it is Your Holy Will, please dissipate these burdens of mine. Take them, Jesus and where there are empty spaces caused by their absence, fill them (the empty places in my heart) with Your joy, Your peace, Your love, Your mercy. Grant me holy joy and holy peace, Jesus so that I may once again be a daughter of the Renewal. Lord Jesus, my King, create a clean heart in me and put a steadfast spirit in me, just as Your Word says. Lord, I want to be whole again so that I can praise You with the joy I once had in my soul. Lord, if it is not Your Will, and You prefer I continue to suffer, then I pray that You use my suffering for souls who do not know Your love. They have not basked in the sunshine of Your love as I have, Jesus. I can’t begin to imagine their sadness, their loneliness. Lord, use my emotional pain to console them and to open their wounded hearts to You so they will receive the graces You are already showering upon them. Open the very pores of their souls to receive Your grace and Your love, my God and my all. Only You can mend broken hearts, Jesus. Mend theirs now. Mend the broken families, the broken lives and hearts, Jesus who are in such need of Your love.
“My daughter, My little one, I accept your prayers and I take your suffering and apply it for graces for souls who are unloved. You grieve for the loved ones you have lost to Heaven, but they grieve for the love they have never known. They grow bitter and resentful for their poor little souls never had the water of kindness and the sunshine of love required by all of My children to grow into beautiful children of the Living God, and so their hearts grew into hard stones and have become almost like fossils. I cannot go against their will, but I can use the good will of other children and apply it to them thereby opening their hard hearts just like a small crack or sliver to allow My light to illuminate the darkness within them. My little lamb, I have relieved your sadness somewhat, for I cannot refuse the prayer of one who trusts so much in Me, but I ask that you continue to carry this burden a little while longer for there are so many desperate, unloved souls.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Lord for allowing me the opportunity to help even one soul feel loved; feel Your love. You must help me, though Jesus. I am not good at suffering and I tend to inflict my suffering on others by complaining and being irritable. Forgive me for the many times I have not suffered in silence and even in joy, but have criticized my family and have been cross with them. Lord, if I am to help other souls I do not know, I certainly don’t want to cause harm to those closest to me, and yet that is what I do. Lord, save me from myself and save my family from my sadness so they do not suffer because of me.
“My child, I will help you with graces, but it is not easy. This is something you can conquer with My assistance, My child, but I cannot make it easy or it would not be sacrificial. (I sense Jesus smiling at me, for He knows exactly how many times I am short with others and He knows that I already know what He just told me; that I still must bear the small cross or it wouldn’t be a suffering. Yet, He is infinitely patient with me.) You understand this, My little one and yet I am pleased that you are doing exactly as I asked—bringing your burdens to Me and doing so right away. This pleases Me, My child and it consoles My wounded heart. Later, you will feel My consolations in return but for now I accept your willingness, My child and that is enough for Me.”
Thank You, Jesus. I love You. As long as You are with Me and (name withheld) can put up with me, we will get through this together. Thank You for the friends You have placed in my life who care about and pray for me. I shudder to think where I would be without them and I know it is because of Your love that I have such beautiful, faithful friends. Lord, that is one thing I don’t like about this grip on My heart and that is not being able to extend myself much to others. There is such a dark cloud over me. It feels like a veil that blocks my vision of the world and keeps me busy about trying to pull it back so that I can see You and see others. I am so focused on that, and just getting through each day that I don’t see others who are in need. It seems self-centered, Lord. Help me to still do for others as I could before this sadness descended on me like a thick fog. Help me to be a loving presence in spite of any sad condition. I want to live the Gospel, Jesus. Please, Jesus.
“My child, My child this is as it should be and part of the cross. If I removed the veil of sadness that dims My light, so you could be as always with your friends, it would not be suffering. My little lamb, continue on as you are and keep praying for others. You will be more like a contemplative for a while and that is also being a loving presence for others. It is perhaps more of a ‘behind the scenes’ presence to You but it is not so to Me. You are suffering and praying for others and this takes you directly to the front lines of the spiritual battle between good and evil between My Mother and My adversary, between the very power of Heaven and the gates of hell. Do you see, My child? My child, do not underestimate the power of prayer and suffering to break the chains of oppression with which My enemy ensnares the children of God. Be encouraged now by your Jesus and trust in Me. I will use your crosses to move behind enemy lines and free those who are in prison and who have never experienced My love. All will be well, My child. All will be well. Ask Saint Teresa of Calcutta to help you and she will.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus.
“My little lamb, do not be anxious about the evil work that is escalating and seems to have corrupted the entire world and civilization, for I have already won the victory and one day, all will know that I am the One True God. All will worship Me in a spirit of truth and love and will be united to My Sacred Heart through the Heart of My Immaculate Mother Mary. The world will know peace like never before since the time of Adam and Eve before the fall. Yes, My child you have heard correctly, the world will know peace as never before recorded in the history books of mankind, except as recorded about the Garden. It is My Father’s Will for His children. It is His plan and all of Heaven works toward this. My Immaculate and Holy Mother leads these efforts as the Queen of Heaven and earth, to do the Will of My Father. She is united with the Blessed Trinity and so She perfectly carries out the Will of God, just as She did on earth. She was able to do so because of Her fullness of grace, due to having never experienced sin. This is how My first children were created, without the stain of sin, and they lived in the splendor of God’s presence for quite some time until they gave in to the solicitations from My adversary. They tasted sin and therefore lost the perfection of their souls and their bodies also experienced the consequence of sin by aging and dying and becoming corrupt in the grave. This is why My Most Holy Mother Mary, having never given into sin, was assumed body and soul into Heaven for She did not pay the consequence of sin and therefore did not age, nor did her body suffer decay after her life work was completed. I carried Her to Heaven Myself so as to escort Her into My Kingdom and into Her new Kingdom. She paid the price of the sins of others, through My children, for She witnessed the most horrific scene, the passion and death of Her only Son. You cannot begin to imagine the extent of Her suffering, Children of Light for Her heart was as pure and innocent as a small child, and with such love and tenderness did She love all others. The sight of such evil and hatred, not to mention such violence that She witnessed being directed solely at Her Son, whom She knew was also God, was a suffering that is indescribable to you who are without Her purity and grace. One day, those of you who come to Heaven will be given a full understanding of what My Mother and yours had to endure for love of God and you will be forever grateful. For now, you are to console Her with your love and your prayers. Pray for the souls who are lost and have no direction towards Me. By praying for them, you will also console My Most Holy Mother Mary, for She loves all of Her children and takes special concern for those who are lost. Thank You, My children!”
Thank You, my Jesus! Thank You, Blessed Mother ever virgin full of grace. Thank You for Your love and for Your intercession before God’s throne for Your children. Help us to grow in holiness. Give us graces from God to love as You love. Help us to know and love Your Son, Jesus Christ with the love, humility, simplicity and purity with which You love. Please do not give up on us, Blessed Mother but shelter us under Your holy mantle and give us refuge in Your Immaculate Heart, oh Queen of Heaven and Earth. Mother of God and our Mother, I love You. Help me to love You more so that I will have a heart more like Yours to love Your Son in the way that I should like to love Him and that He so deserves. Thank You for Your undying love, dearest Mother. Thank You for Your prayers and for the many graces You share with us, Your poor children. Open us to receive these graces, dearest Mother Mary and make us well disposed to receive all that God wants us to have so that we can love Him completely. Jesus, have You anything more to say to me?
“My child, I will continue to be with you in a special way this week. Continue on the path I have laid before you, rising each day in prayer as I have taught you with the rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet beginning each day for God and ending it each day. Do not take on the worries of the world but live only for each day, moment by moment walking with Me. Soon, the robe of sadness will be removed and you will feel My light more fully, just as you do the warmth of sunshine. I am with you. I walk with you. You are never alone, even when it seems that way to you. Remember this, My little lamb for I will never desert you. I love you. I bless you in the name of My Father, in my name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in My peace. Be mercy, be love to others. Trust in Me, your Jesus, My (name withheld) and My (name withheld) for I am worthy of your trust.”
Yes, Jesus. Amen! Alleluia!
Source: ➥