Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, May 14, 2017
Adoration Chapel

Hello, Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I believe, adore, praise and love You. Thank You for holy Mass this morning! Thank You for holy Mass yesterday and for the beautiful Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. Thank You for the canonization of Saints Jacinta and Francisco. Thank You for all the blessings You bestow on the world. Please bring those who do not know the love of God into Your family. Give them the gift of faith. Help them to see with the heart. Jesus, be with (name withheld). Guide him and direct his next course of action. If this property is meant to form Our Lady’s community, please allow it to come to fruition.
Lord, I pray for all those who are ill; for (names withheld). Please heal them if it is Your holy Will. I also pray for those who do not believe in our family and for those who have left the Church. Please bring them safely into the ark, Your Church. Give us the graces we need in this important hour, Lord. Keep us in Your holy Will and sealed in Your Sacred Heart. I love You, my Lord and my God!
Jesus, have You anything to say to me!
“Yes, My child. I am with you. I walk with you. You felt My presence today. You felt My presence yesterday after realizing that though you felt lonely, you are never alone for I am always with you. You are concerned My little lamb, and yet you remember that during times of concern, you are to trust in Me. As soon as you meditate on trusting in Me, your peace is restored. You are growing, My child. You are learning to trust and even though you are going through many trials, you know My peace. Even though you are filled with sorrow and are experiencing the pain of separation from loved ones who have completed their earthly pilgrimage and have been born into Heaven, you also know the quiet calm, flow of peace and of My love. You are not alone, My child. You are not an orphan, though you have been tempted to think this. Your Father in Heaven who is truly your Father, shepherds you. He leads you. He directs and guides you. Your earthly father prays for you. Your mother and grandparents also intercede for you. They have a deeper knowledge and a new understanding of the role I have asked you to assume; the mission God the Father has given you. I assure you of their prayers and the prayers of all of your relatives in Heaven, of your friends, the saints and the angels. No, My little lamb, you are not alone. You are surrounded by a heavenly band of angels, though you are unaware of this. My child, because the veil shrouds your ability to see this heavenly band of angels and yet you believe, gives more merit to your soul. Those who believe in Me, yet cannot see receive many graces for their belief. It is easy to believe that which one can see. My child, one day the veil will be removed and you will see everything that I desire you to see. You will see the things of Heaven and how very close Heaven is to earth. Then, your joy will be full and your trust complete. For now, you must continue on your journey with trust and in confidence that I, your Jesus am guiding you. Though the path through the wilderness is difficult to see and to navigate, you must continue to walk taking one step at a time holding fast to My hand, child. The way is unclear to you. The mission, dear little one has not changed. It appears so to you, but it has not. What is needed is trust, My daughter. Today, I want to assure you that I am still calling and inviting you and your family to all that I have asked from you. You are confused because to you it appears that My plan is falling apart. My child, this is understandable, and yet the circumstances are only that; circumstances. My plan is grander than mere circumstances. I have told you on many occasions that I do not set My children up for failure. Though others have let you down, I will not let you down. The formation of My Mother’s community is My Will. It is the Will of My Father. It will be accomplished.”
Jesus, I firmly believe that You will establish this community and possibly many others like it all over the world. I believe Your plans will come to fruition. I believe everything that Holy Mother Church teaches us, because You established Your Church and I believe all that the Apostles have handed down to us comes from You and Your Holy Spirit. I believe in the Era of Peace and the Renewal. Jesus, I also realize that some of Your children have not cooperated with the Holy Spirit and were irresponsible with Our Lady’s land. Jesus, just because I believe all of this, doesn’t mean it will occur when I thought and in the way I thought. My expectations are open to Your Will, Jesus. I will be disappointed if we are not being called anymore to the specific place You have given to Your Holy Mother Mary, yet You can move us anywhere. You can also use other people to fulfill the plans and the mission entrusted to us (though I hope You won’t). I have no right of ownership to Your plan for I give You my ‘yes’ regardless, Jesus. I am your instrument, your tool. I only ask that You guide and direct me, Jesus so that I do not go astray. The ultimate victory is Heaven, Jesus. Everything else is a means that leads to our destiny, Your Kingdom. I pray that Your Kingdom begins to be planted and grows in my heart and soul so that one day I will transition easily into Heaven. Give me more love, Jesus, more trust, more joy, more peace. Make my heart a flame of love for You, Jesus such that my heart burns like the hearts of the disciples on the road to Emmaus. I love You, Lord. Help me to love You more. Forgive me of my sins, Jesus. Create in me a clean heart, Lord and put a steadfast spirit in me. Give me Your heart, Lord. My heart is too weak to contain the love from You and for You that I desire. If not Your heart Jesus, then the heart of Your holy Mother Mary, who loved You perfectly.
“My child, My child, I hear your prayer and I know of your desires. They delight Me. You, My little one, know the path to the center of My merciful heart. You are My tender, loving child and friend. Your desire to love Me even more, consoles My Sacred Heart which has been deeply wounded by the lack of love from many of My children. My little lamb, I handed My little ‘orphaned’ children to you and you received them into your heart. You and My son, (name withheld) caress them with your prayers. They are not physically with you, yet but when they come to you, your love, your prayers, your embrace, though in the spiritual sense now, will ease their physical transition. Your beautiful and loving acceptance of My request, is almost as meritorious as fulfilling this role. My child, the responsibility given to you is very real. Just because it has not occurred yet, does not make it less real in Heaven’s realm. I am outside of time, My child, but your ‘yes’ to My plan gives eternal merit. The responsibility for delivering the children to you is Mine. You have done all that I have requested thus far and now you are to pray and wait upon Me. This is the time for great, deep prayer. This is the time for increased levels of trust. Assume not the burden of worrying about the details of (location withheld). Leave those to Me. They are My responsibility. My Father assured you that My Mother’s community will come to fruition. He assured you that you are indeed invited to be part of Her community. You will know when it comes to pass that My Father and I Will this community for otherwise, it could not succeed, such are the obstacles laid in your path. Now, I call you to trust, to love and to be a light to others. There are many people who doubt, are questioning their invitation, and now have no desire to be full members of My Mother’s community. That is their prerogative, My child. Do not be concerned for even if all of My children followed their own plan, I will send others to join you. They will not all leave, My child; I am merely explaining so you will rest assured that all will be well. My child, do not be concerned with who will remain. It is not for you to know now. You will know in time and over time. Be at peace. My plan will come to fruition. My Mother desires this community and I have given this land to Her. She searched and found this location to be pleasing to Her, and so, it will come to pass. Do not be concerned with the timing, for My Mother had secured yet another delay from the Father. She is the most powerful intercessor for Her children.”
Thank You, Lord. You have given me much peace. Thank You for Your prayers, Blessed Mother. Thank You for Your holy love for us. Help us, dear Mother. Lead us to Your Son, Jesus. Heal our wounds, Jesus. Blessed Mother, please ask Jesus to heal the emotional and financial wounds from which we all suffer. Heal our relationships, Lord. Help us to recover from this major disappointment and restore our unity. We have become disjointed, and some are acting like unruly children. Give us the peace that passes all understanding. Prince of Peace and Lord of Lords, come to our rescue. May Your Holy Will be accomplished soon, Jesus. Keep Your Holy Will front and center for me, Lord. May I be safe in the embrace of Your precious, adorable Will.
“My daughter, My Mother is pleased with your ‘yes’ and that of My son, (name withheld). We know of the sorrow and concerns of Our little (name withheld), too. Please tell her that she is in the palm of My hand. My plans for her are for her welfare and her well-being. She also is being called to a new level of trust. I know of her sacrifices and of her suffering. They are precious in My sight. All will be well. Continue to walk with Me. All will be well. This time of trial serves to prepare you for what is to come, which will be even more difficult, but when the trials increase in intensity, you will be better able to bear them and when you are not fully prepared due to the urgency of the time and the level of upheaval created by the evil one, I will supply all graces needed. They will be sufficient for you. Be at peace. The world does not have peace, but you are not of this world. You belong to My Kingdom and My children walk with the light and therefore have peace in the midst of great turmoil. Peace is peace in the midst of great turmoil. Peace is desperately needed, My children and you must remain at peace in order to minister to others. I am your rock, your foundation, your fortress. Of what should you fear when I AM protects you. My little lamb, I want you to be very little indeed and so I will provide for your every need. I give you this time to rest, to pray and to be with Me. You will reflect on this time period as a time of great grace. You will realize what a great gift it is. I give you this gift out of love and concern for you and your family. My child, you miss your earthly father. You miss even the times you did not have with him. Allow God this time to be father to you. Allow him to provide for you, My little lamb. He will provide for your every need. Hasn’t He provided for you all along, My child?”
Oh, yes, Jesus. He certainly has. He is the perfect father.
“There, My child and so you see that He is to be trusted. He is dependable. He always provides for you.”
Yes, Jesus. This is true. Thank You, Father God. Praise You, for Your love, Your concern, Your action in our lives. Jesus, when it is time for me to begin searching for a job, will You make it simple, just like before?
“Yes, My child. It is not yet time, though. You will know from My prompting and from the state of your heart when it is time. I am granting this time for you, and you have sensed this, have you not?”
Yes, Jesus, I have. I have not felt prepared to give my attention and time to looking for a job, though I think that time will come. There is a certain sense of uneasiness about this, as I am responsible to work for my family, though I wish I didn’t have to do so. Money doesn’t grow on trees, as the saying goes, so….
“My child, this is why I have assured you today, for I know of the cares and concerns weighing on you. Trust in Me. Rest in Me. Be aware of My presence. Speak with Me often. I will direct you, not just in our visits on Sunday, but at any time that you call on Me. Relish this time, My child. Be in the present moment. All will be well. My son, (name withheld) put your mind at ease. Trust in Me, your Jesus. I am guiding you and your family. Focus on their well-being. Be present to them. Your peace, your trust, your prayers, your tender heart of a father and husband, form a solid foundation of security for your wife and children. You are growing into the spiritual leader I am calling you to be. This is a leadership of real presence and engagement, not only one of prayer, My son. Enjoy the time I am giving to you with your family. All is a gift from God the Father. Give me your concerns and worries. Reflect on all I have done for you. Reflect more, My son on the things of Heaven. One day, you will all be so busy, fulfilling the mission you will scarcely have time for relaxation. ‘Be’ with one another and bring My presence to others. I will guide you. Make this short respite a time of fond memories. My Mother and St. Joseph did this for Me. I still relish the hidden years of My childhood and early adult life. They are treasures that I can remove from My Heart and gaze upon. They comfort Me in times of sorrow over My lost children. How I long for all families to give the gift of love and happy memories to their children. You must build this way of living into your family life now, so that you will be able to live this life of love with My little children so in need of love and safety. All that I am teaching you is for your good and for the good of others. Put this into practice, My children. Ask My Mother and St. Joseph to teach you and to assist. Make them participants in your family life. All should be done in a light-hearted and relaxed manner, not in a heavy-handed way, for that is not the spirit of the Holy Family. Pray for these graces and they will be given to you. I love you. I walk with you, My (name withheld) and My daughter. All will be well. Let us begin this new period of watching, praying and waiting in joyful hope for My plans to come to fruition. Ask My Holy Mother Mary and all the saints I have given to you for their intercession. This is a time of rest and building a life of holiness to a deeper degree than ever before. Holiness, a sense of awe, joy and wonder, a sense of peace that comes from the depths of trust in God; this is what I Will for you. Pray for this. Accept the graces My Holy Mother is handing you. Relax and be love to one another. My little warrior, (name withheld) is especially looking to you, My son to lead him, and to teach him how to be a holy man of God. A holy little man of God, is one who plays, pretends, enjoys life, learns, is obedient to his parents, and is learning the beginning of responsibility, simple chores, and the dignity and worth of every creature and child of Mine. He is a good, holy boy who needs loving correction, but most of all needs love. Continue to guide him in his faith and he will grow wise and holy. I have special plans for him and these formative years must serve to prepare him well. Be joy; Be peace; Be mercy; Be love. Walk with Me, My children. You do not know the way, but I do. Follow Me. All will be well. Let us begin.”
Thank You, Lord for Your words of life and Your lessons of love. Thank You for Your love and for Your wisdom. Thank You for Your mercy. Please bless our priests, Jesus and bless the future Bishop. Dear Blessed Mother, I forgot to tell You, Happy Mother’s Day! I love You! Thank You again for Your intercession for us. Thank You for Your love and protection.
“You are most welcome, My child. Thank You for honoring Me yesterday. Listen to My Son. I love you.”
I love You, dearest Mother Mary. Please give my Mother my love. She is such a good mother.
“Yes, My child. I will tell her. You may also tell her. Speak with her on this special day for mothers.”
Thank You, Blessed Mother. I will do as You suggest. (Quiet time in prayer)
Thank You for this great grace, Jesus! I love You and appreciate all that You do for me.
“I love you, also My little one. Be at peace. Rest in Me. Allow Me to heal your little wounded heart, so full of sadness. Offer it to Me, My child for souls.”
Yes, Jesus. I offer You my sadness for the good of souls.
“I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in My peace so that you can give My peace to others. I am with you.”
Thank You, Jesus. Amen! Alleluia!
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