Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, December 4, 2016
Adoration Chapel

Hello, Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament. It is very good to be with You today. I love, adore and praise You, my God and my King. Thank You for the many blessings this weekend that You graced us with, and for the gifts of family, love and friendship. Thank You that (name withheld) is recovering from surgery. Thank You for the opportunities provided to me to serve others. I love You, Jesus!
Lord, please continue to help (name withheld) grow stronger so he can walk and be up more. Please, Jesus, keep him free of infections, Lord so he may continue to get well. It’s truly a miracle that he is alive, Lord and I am grateful. I just ask that he can be more mobile, Lord. I am sure that would be uplifting to him. Thank You for (name withheld) amazing recovery. Please help her soul to recover, also, Jesus. Lord, bless (names withheld) and bring them all to Your side. May they love and follow You always. Jesus, have You anything to say to me?
“Yes, My child. Thank you and My daughter (name withheld) for comforting and consoling My grieving children after Mass. Their hearts are breaking due to their loss.”
You are welcome, Jesus. Please ease their grief. Help them, Lord.
“I will help them. Their hearts are good and full of love.”
Thank You, Lord.
“My child, I want My children to remain on guard and to understand the need for more prayer. The times are still urgent. Many of My children think they can relax now in your country and in other countries where they had favorable elections. The times are still urgent, My children, and much prayer is needed. You do not see what goes on undercover of the night, but I see all. I know all. Evil cannot hide for the light exposes it. I am light. I am truth. Those who live in My light also live in truth, for I am truth. Those who follow Me and love Me are also in truth. Pray for truth to prevail, My children. Pray for peace. Peace remains at stake. Souls are at stake.”
Yes, Jesus. What shall we pray, Lord?
“As I have requested, the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the most holy rosary. Pray for those who are far from Me. Pray for those who will die who do not know and do not love Me.”
Yes, Lord. Thank You, Jesus. We will pray.
“More of My children’s prayers are needed. Pray with love and concern, My child.”
Yes, Jesus. Lord, I have thought for some time that we are in the storm already, but it seems hopeful (more hopeful) now. Is this the calm before storm?
“My daughter, the storm is already here. You are in its midst, however a reprieve has been granted due to the many beautiful prayers from My children and the fasting. Now that a reprieve has been given, many of those who were praying have already ceased praying or have not prayed as fervently. This reprieve is only that, and it is temporary. It is just as important to pray from your hearts now as it was last month and the month before. Perhaps, even more so, for when God answers prayer, often His kindness is taken for granted. Evil does not rest My children. It does not ‘take a break’. You mustn’t either. Pray for My Mother’s Immaculate Heart to triumph. This is a time of great grace. Use this time wisely.”
Thank You, Jesus.
“Love one another. Extend kindness and acts of mercy. Be light to those in darkness and despair. Give others joy and peace so that they may know the joy of the Lord through you. Live the Gospel, My children. This is nothing new for you, My children, and yet the business of the current age causes many distractions and misplaced priorities. The highest priority for you is love. Do your duty within your vocations and show love. May all your thoughts, words and deeds be demonstrations of My love. This is simple, My little children, but it is not easy. Ask for My help and My direction and it will be done. I walk with you each and every day. Be love and mercy to everyone especially those in your family. Sometimes it seems easier to be patient and kind to those you do not know, but love starts within your homes and with your family members. Give them the gift of My peace, children. Good parents do not like to see their children at odds with one another. My Father and I do not, either. It especially troubles My Most Holy Mother Mary when Her children are at odds with one another. I give you My peace. Give My peace to others. Be generous with your time and your love. Do not be concerned for I will fill you each time you return to Me, the Prince of Peace. Seek My grace in the Sacraments. Prepare for My coming at Christmas, My children. Prepare your hearts. Allow Me to be born into your hearts anew. I knock at the door of your heart. Will you allow Me to enter and take up residence?”
Oh, yes Jesus. Please enter and take up residence in my heart and in many hearts. I love You, Jesus. Come, You are welcome. My heart is very poor and weak but it is Yours. It belongs to You, Jesus. I will work harder to make more room in my heart for You. I realize it is small, but please enlarge my heart so that You can comfortably dwell within. How I love You, Lord. I am sorry that there was no room for Your Mother and holy St. Joseph on that incredible night of Your birth in Bethlehem. I invite You into my home, Jesus. You are always welcome. Help me to love You more each day.
“Thank you, My little lamb. I accept your offer and I will continue to live in your heart. I will even enlarge it, so that you will contain even more of Me.”
Oh, thank You, Jesus. Thank You. That is a wonderful gift. I do not deserve it, but I accept this with such joy. What a great gift from You!
“You are most welcome, My child. It is My desire to be in the hearts of each one of My children. So great is My love for them. Open your hearts, My children. Be like little children. Accept My most Holy Mother who loves such that love came to dwell in Her not just spiritually, but physically when She accepted Her role as Mother of the Messiah. Prepare your hearts through prayer, My children so that you can accept the mission I have for you and your families. Each person created has a mission, a purpose in the Heavenly Father’s plan. Pray to learn more about your role in building the Kingdom of God. Pray for souls. Pray, My children, pray.”
Thank You, Lord. Jesus, do we really need to know the mission You have for us, or is it good enough just to trust and to live each day open to Your Will?
“That is good, My little lamb. That is a beautiful way to live. However, out of My love and interest in your lives, I want to teach and guide My children. I long to be intimate friends with all of My children and when one is open to Me and walking with Me, we are also good friends. Good friends share their plans with one another, do they not?”
Yes, Lord. That is true.
“So it is with Me, I share what souls need, but also what delights them. It delights Me, also to prepare, guide, teach and direct My children within the plan and Will of My Father. Pray, My children, pray.”
Jesus, some people pray to know Your Will for their lives and feel they do not receive guidance and direction. What do you say to those who are praying and are following You.
“I say the same; pray. It is only through prayer that My children will come to know. I do not guide My children all in the same way. Each one has different gifts and different levels of understanding in the spiritual life, but I will answer and I do answer. Some will hear within their hearts, others through signs and through people I send to them. Some will know through Scripture, others through the inspiration of My Holy Spirit, and through their thoughts and ideas. Each child of My heart is unique and therefore each one receives My direction in different ways. Do not be discouraged, My Children of Light, but continue to pray and to hope in Me. I will show you what is needed each day. There are many souls who are hurting. You pass by them each day without noticing. Ask that I make you aware of those with wounded souls and ask for the grace to minister to them with My love. I will show the opportunities to you for assistance. Ask and you shall receive.”
Thank You, Jesus! Your words are life, Lord. Help us to do as You say, not just during Advent but throughout the year. We love You, Jesus. Save souls. Lord, help us to prepare more for our move. We have not progressed lately, Jesus as it seems there is one event after another, one illness after another, and something others need. By the time we regroup to think about what is needed, much time has passed. It’s difficult to know what is needed first, since we don’t know what will occur or when, but still we want to be obedient to You. Help us, Lord to do Your Will. We want to live in Your holy Will. Jesus, please give graces for faith to those souls who do not know You. Please pour out graces at Christmas time on the holy night of Your birth. Bring more souls into Your Kingdom, Jesus.
“My little lamb, I am with you. You have not sensed this as much this week, but I assure you it is so. Do not be concerned at times such as this, but only trust in My love and protection. My Mother and I are with you and your family. Delight in this knowledge, irregardless of your feelings.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You.
“My child, this is enough for today, though I realize you would stay with Me for hours if I asked. There are other things I have for you to do today and others who need you. Thank you for being here with Me today. I am grateful for your visit and that of My son (name withheld). This is the season of waiting and watching. Be aware of My presence and of My graces. Be more quiet in the days leading up to My birth so that you are more aware of My presence in your soul. Listen for Me in your heart as it waits for My coming. You will hear Me, My child. Watch and wait.”
Yes, Jesus. Come, Emmanuel, come. I love You.
“And I love you. I am with you. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name, and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go now in My peace, to be love, mercy and joy to others. Spread My light in a world in darkness. Bring Me, the little child, the Messiah and Redeemer of the world to others. I await open hearts, My children.”
Thank You, My Jesus. We wait in joyful hope for the coming of Our Lord. Amen, little Jesus. Amen.
Source: ➥