Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Adoration Chapel

Hello, dearest Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament. I believe in You, adore You, praise You and thank You, my God and my King. Thank You for Your presence here, Jesus! It is good to be with You. Lord, I bring to You all those in my family who are ill especially (names withheld). I pray for those of my friends who are ill also (names withheld) and for all those who are in need.
Lord, I also pray for peace in my heart, in the hearts of my family members and for peace in the world. For our Bishops and priests, religious and missionaries and for protection in this turbulent time. Jesus, please grant us Your peace; grant us graces for conversion and for the outpouring of Your Holy Spirit.
I pray for the work needed at (location withheld) to bring about approval so we can begin to build and move there. Please, Jesus bring this work to completion if it is Your holy Will and Your timing. You know what we need, Jesus and what is best for us. Thank You for Your kindness and Your mercy!
“My child, I am pleased that you decided for Me today and for being with me in My Eucharistic presence.”
Jesus, I am most concerned for our country and the state of souls here and in the world. Help us, Jesus. Help us to open our hearts to You, to repent and convert.
“My child, souls are converting through the graces poured out from My Most Holy Mother Mary’s hands. More prayers are needed from Our children. The world is in peril due to evil in the hearts of many who follow My adversary. You are right to be concerned. Pray and fast. Frequent the Sacraments. I encourage My children to take advantage of the year granted by My son. This Year of Mercy is a great grace given the world by God the Father. Do not waste this time of grace but frequent the Sacraments and enter through the designated Holy Doors during this Year of Mercy. It will soon come to an end, My children. Take advantage of the time remaining in this Year of Mercy. I call My Children of Light to spread this great grace which My Father is giving to the world through My Most Holy Mother Mary and through Pope Frances, My son. I call all to conversion and to peace. Choose life, My children. Choose the life of Heaven for your souls. The time to choose is now while you are dwelling in this land, for later, when the time of your earthly pilgrimage has ended, it will be too late. Pray more, My children. I will guide and direct you through your prayers. Listen to Me. Love Me. I will not abandon you but you must not abandon Me, My little children. Be alert. Be aware. Remain on guard for indeed, these are perilous times, and yet through prayer, you will know joy and peace.”
“My children, it does not seem possible to experience joy in your souls when you live in times of darkness, but it is possible in the life of faith. The life of faith and prayer brings joy in spite of the worldly condition and I implore you to come to know Me in a more intimate way through prayer so that I may fill you with My peace, My love and My joy. In this way, you will stand in stark contrast to the worldly souls who will want to know you and in doing so will learn about Me. Spread My love, little children to every dark corner of the world. Start by loving your families. Start by having peace and joy no matter the circumstances. From your families you will spread love, peace, joy and mercy to others and so on and so forth until there are rays of light, spiritual light illuminating the darkness. My children, you must be joyful Christians or you do not portray the Gospel in truth and love. How can you bring My love to the world, when you are sad and consumed with worry. How can you be a witness to My mercy when you judge others and criticize them? No, My children, this is not what I, your Jesus want from My children. This does not attract souls, but instead turns them away from the light. Instead, be a sign of contradiction. Be a sign of hope. Encourage the down hearted. Be a light. Spread My joy, My peace, My mercy to those around you so that they will come to know the love of God. If you do not feel joyful, it is because you are focusing on the wrong things. Focus on Me, My children and all that I have done for you. You have troubles, it is true. It is impossible to escape problems in this fallen world, but surrender everything to Me, My little ones for I will take care of everything. When you want to solve all of your problems, I do not interfere. Remember, God’s gift to mankind is free will, so that you may love God freely. Therefore, exercise your free will by trusting in Me for all things and I will resolve your problems in due time. If, however, you hold onto each problem, refusing My help, or ordering My Will in the way you want, I am operating under man’s constraints. This will not do My children. Many of you carry great burdens which you stubbornly carry and refuse to give to Me. Praying about them, is good, but more is required. You must pray, but then you must also trust in Me to resolve each problem as I see fit, for I know what is best. I want what is best for each and every soul. I also want you to learn to trust your Jesus. Until you begin to trust Me, and surrender your problems to Me, I am unable to help you, due to the operation of your free will. The more trust you have within your soul, the more I am able to work in your lives and in the lives of those you love. I am ready and waiting, dear children. Give your burdens to Me and trust Me to resolve the problems and concerns of your hearts. I am your Savior. I died so that you would be free. The sins you have committed have consequences both in this life and after you die, so learn now to live the life of grace with frequent confession and reception of Me in Holy Communion.”
“Take advantage of this Year of Mercy and of each opportunity for mercy (Divine Mercy Sunday, confession, etc.) and show My mercy to others. You must forgive one another and stop judging and criticizing. Spread forgiveness and joy. Overlook the shortcomings of others. Live the Gospel, My children. It is long overdue. The world is in great danger and souls are at stake. You must live lives of holiness and love so that others will come to know Me through you. I am doing more in this age than in all other ages, save My life, death and resurrection. All of Heaven is doing their part through prayers of intercession. My Holy Mother Mary brings God’s words to you, personally through the spring of grace flowing from Medjugorje. Now, it is time that Our children take seriously the call from Heaven and work for your brother’s and sister’s souls that are in grave danger. I implore you to put aside all that is of this age and of this world and live for Heaven now, while you are living on earth. I will raise saints in this age like never before, if you do as I request.”
“My children, it is as if you are on a team and in double overtime with the score tied. You have only minutes remaining, and you are all tired. The victory goes to the ones who are focused and who desire to win without considering how tired they are. The victory goes to the team who plays to win, but does not try to get glory for themselves. The victory goes to the team who plays unselfishly for they are focused on winning as a team and not for recognition as individuals. The team who loses, begins to focus on their tired and aching muscles and on what they will do after the game. They think about the sacrifices they have made to get this far and wonder if it was worth it. They become distracted and begin to lose their ‘edge’. The team that is focused and motivated gains the advantage in this moment and surges toward victory. You see, My children, you are weary, but you must not focus on your weariness. You must only focus on Me. I will carry you, but you are becoming distracted by materialism, by sports, by entertainment, as these things take your minds off of your problems for a time. Recognize this, My children. When you focus on the things of this world, the enemy who competes for your souls, gains momentum and takes advantage of you. You are unprotected, apart from Me. You must come away from the things of this world that distract you. These times are like no other and I do mean they are like NO other time in the history of mankind. I am counting on you, My Children of Light to be aware of the seriousness of the battle. There is no time to relax and take a vacation from your duties and your prayer. To do so is like laying down your weapons, just as the enemy is attacking. Do not do this, My children. Take up your arms and do not put them down. Be people of prayer, people of the rosary. Be people of God. Just as Moses had to keep his hands held high for victory over the Amelikites, so must My people continue to pray the rosary daily, to frequent Mass and the Sacraments; to read holy scripture and live the Gospel. These, My children are your spiritual weapons to defeat evil. Do not grow weary in the heat of battle and lay down your weapons. This is a call to re-engage and to stay engaged. If you only knew the spiritual battle raging around you and around all on the earth you would do nothing but your daily duties, spending time in prayer, helping your neighbor and going to holy Mass. My children, you do not understand the perilous time in which you are living, but take My word for it and believe. Souls are at stake, My children and once they are lost they are lost forever. Cooperate with Me. Cooperate with My Mother. Your brothers’ and sisters’, daughters’ and sons’, mothers’ and fathers’ souls are at stake. Your prayers, your holy lives, make a difference.”
Thank You, Jesus. Help us to do as You say, Jesus so that Your plan will be realized soon and Your Will be done on earth as in Heaven. Give us the graces we need to do Your holy Will.
Lord, please protect the little children who are unprotected by their parents. Lord, how can we help them, when we don’t know who they are or where they are? Jesus, my heart aches for little ones who are abused, deserted, taken advantage of, and who are afraid each and every day of their little lives. Jesus, how are we to help them? What are we to do?
“Pray for them, My daughter. Pray for them. Love them. Fast for them. I will reveal what you and My son, (name withheld) are to do. I will show you the way. They, the children I have designated be helped by you, will find you. You will find them, but first you must focus in praying for them. Then I will work through the circumstances of your lives and theirs and will bring you together. You will take them into your hearts and into your homes. All will come to fruition, My child. Trust in Me and prepare yourselves by going deeper into prayer and the sacramental life, for your souls need to be prepared for this important work, in order to fully love and to be ready to make the sacrifices that will come from loving and following Me. It is not yet time, My children, but soon the time will come. Prepare yourselves, but also live in joy. You must learn to live in joy for love and joy is the balm for wounded souls who are living lives of fear, amidst hatred and abuse. Love, joy, peace and mercy must reign in your hearts and you must learn to live this now while it is easier to do so. In this way, the joy and love of God will take root in your souls and will grow and bloom in the appointed time. Do you understand, My (name withheld) and My (name withheld)? Live joy, peace and love now. Live mercy now. The time to begin is now.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus. Praise You, Jesus. Help us to embrace Your word and to open our hearts to the graces to love heroically. Give us Your grace, Jesus to do all that You ask so that we are Your instruments of love. I love You, Jesus. Help me to love You more.
“Thank you, My child. All will be done, according to My Will. Thank you for your ‘yes’ to the plan of My Father. Hold fast to My Most Holy Mother Mary, for She will guide you in the way to go. She will keep you in lockstep with My plan. Trust in Her, also My children. She is Mary Most Pure. She is your Mother, too and I want all of My children to embrace My Holy Mother Mary. She will teach you and you will learn quickly in the school of love with My Mother as your teacher. Be at peace, My children. Live apart from this world so that the stains of this disobedient culture do not tarnish your hearts and your souls. Be separated from evil and all forms of vice. Remain steadfast in your faith and with your life of prayer, nourish the love you have been given until it overflows your little hearts and pours out into the world, touching lives and hearts in need of My love. Follow Me, My children. Follow Me.”
Thank You, Lord Jesus. Praise You. Help us, Jesus to do and to be what You want. Blessed Mother, take our hearts stained with sin, selfishness and pride and give us Your pure, Immaculate Heart that is full of love for all. Give us Your heart. Transform our hearts into Your heart. Give us Your motherly wisdom and mercy. Help us to have joy just as Jesus was Your cause of joy. Help us to be like little children, full of love, trust, peace and joy. Lead us to full communion with Your Son, holy Mary. Thank You, Mother for loving us and for never tiring in Your love of us. Thank You for interceding before the throne of God for each and every person in this world, for all are Your children. Thank You that no matter what we have done, You love and forgive us just as Jesus loves and forgives for You are His Mother, the first and most perfect disciple who gave up Your life to bring the Savior of the world to fallen man. Thank You for Your ‘yes’, Holy Mary Mother of God, Mother of our Redeemer, Mother of Mercy, Queen of Peace. I love You, dearest Mother Mary. Help me to love You more so that I will love Your Son more, as well, teach me Your ways. Blessed Mother. School me in the love and wisdom of Your Son. Be with me, dear Mother as I go through each day leading, guiding, correcting and teaching me. Give me every grace needed to be a good follower and daughter of our Lord.
Jesus, thank You for Your words and for Your guidance. I love You, my Lord and my God, my All.
“I love you also, My child. Go now in peace. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Be love. Be joy. Be mercy. Be peace. Bring My love to all you meet. I am with you.”
Thank You, Lord God. Amen! Alleluia!
Source: ➥