Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Adoration Chapel

Hello, dearest Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Praise You, my Lord and my God. Thank You that we could be with You today, Jesus. I missed You last week. I was hoping to come to Adoration during the week. Thank You for holy Mass this morning, Jesus. Thank You for protecting us on our trip to (name withheld). Thank You for the many graces and blessings given to us while we were there. Lord, I offer my suffering for (names withheld). Jesus, please heal them. Be with (name withheld) as he has treatment. Be with (name withheld) as she begins chemotherapy treatments. Support and console her parents and siblings and her husband. Lord, I pray for the miracle of healing in all their lives. (all who suffer from cancer and other grave diseases)
Lord, thank You for the communities (names withheld). Bless and protect each family and all members of these communities. I pray also for my friend, (name withheld). If it is Your Will, heal him. He has suffered so much. Please give (name withheld) an increase of strength. Help his eating to improve, and heal him of the tumor, Jesus. Jesus, I trust in You! Jesus, I trust in You. Lord, please bless (name withheld) on her birthday. Thank You for her friendship! Jesus, have You anything to say to me today?
“Yes, My child. It is good that you are here. I was waiting for your visit.”
Thank You, Jesus.
“My child, thank you for your suffering the past few days. This has been applied to souls. Continue to offer your suffering for poor sinners.”
Yes, Jesus. Lord, I offered my suffering and climbing to (place withheld) for (name withheld) healing, for (names withheld). Was that suffering acceptable?
“Yes, My child. Thank you. I was with you when you made the climb. You were not aware until you reached (place withheld) and were praying by My Mother’s statue. I am always with you.”
Thank You, my Lord and my God. Praise You, Jesus.
“My little lamb, you are not well. You should be resting, but I am grateful for your presence and your sacrificial love. I am pleased that My son (name withheld) and you decided to come even though you are ill, but I would also understand if you did not come due to illness.”
Thank You, Jesus. I knew you would understand but wanted to come anyway. I miss talking with You, Lord. Do You have anything to say to me, Lord Jesus?
“Yes, My child. Focus on loving and being love to others. When you are present with another, be at peace. Be love, peace and mercy to those in need. Thank you, My son and My daughter for your loving service to (name withheld).”
Thank You for the opportunity to serve. I love You, Jesus!”
“I love you, My little one. There is much to say, but you are not well. Sit with Me for awhile, then go home and take your rest. I am with you, My child.”
Thank You, Jesus. I love being here with You.
“This is the age of My mercy, My little one. Trust in My mercy. Tell others of My mercy. My Mother Mary, is the Mother of Mercy. Ask Her for graces of mercy, for My Children of Light are to be mercy to others. Frequent the Sacraments often now, My children, for you are to remain in a state of grace. This is necessary for what is to come. Do not allow yourselves the time to focus on petty indifferences. Rise above this, for now is the time of sacrifices, prayer, fasting, the Sacraments and you must be an example of holiness to others. Refrain from putting others down and from thinking the worst of them. Be light. Be peace. Be love and mercy for others. Be joy. You must show My love and My light to others. Your examples of love will shine brightly in this time of darkness. Forgive those who hurt you. Pray for those who persecute you. There is no time to think of yourselves, but only the time of mercy in which you are to be mercy to others. Others will see Me when they experience My love through you. My children, be Christ bearers to those who so desperately need Me. Bring Me to others. Be like My most holy and pure Mother Mary, who bore Me in Her womb and brought Me into a world in darkness. Take Her hand and She will guide you. All will be well. Prepare yourselves through prayer and the holy Sacraments. Pray for My holy priest sons. Pray that they will have courage as they face the darkness. Be supportive of them, for they are under attack from the enemy, My Children of Light.”
“Above all, pray and work for peace, first in your hearts and then in the world. Peace is at stake, My children. The world stands on the brink of much chaos. I am the Prince of Peace. My adversary is the author of chaos. Therefore, bring My peace to every situation you encounter, no matter how hopeless it appears. My Holy Spirit is especially active in these days but many Children of Light forget to call on My Holy Spirit. You have access to many graces and to a great power My children. Do you know what this power is? It is My power, the power of God, the power of love. Yes, My children, love is very powerful, for I am love. Love is strong. Love is courageous. Love is God. God is love. When you show love to others, you show them the heart of God, your Savior. Therefore, be love. Be mercy. Bring joy to others with your love.”
“That is all, My child. I desire you get some rest. I accept your sacrifices and your suffering. Continue to offer this for poor souls. I assure you there are many who are in need of your suffering. There are countless souls who are on the precipice of eternal damnation. Your suffering is desired for awhile longer.”
Alright, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You for the opportunity to suffer. I am sorry for my complaining. Thank You for my beautiful husband, for his thoughtfulness and support. Thank You for his love. Thank You for Your love. Thank You for my family. Help me to love others more, Jesus and to put them first. I love You, Jesus. I will suffer more, but only help me to do so in union with Your adorable and holy Will. May all of my thoughts and actions be within Your holy, Divine Will. Praise be Jesus. Now and forever.
“Thank you, My little lamb. I bless you both in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in My peace. Be love and mercy.”
Source: ➥