Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Adoration Chapel

Hello, Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar. I believe in You, adore and praise You my King and my God. Lord, thank You for holy Mass today. It was wonderful to receive You in Holy Communion. It was heartwarming to see the kids who are in the Confirmation program (Rite of Election) today. There are so many. Praise You, Lord!
Jesus, thank You for being with me this week during such difficult times. It wasn’t so bad, though knowing You were with me. I felt Your presence, Lord. (personal conversation omitted)
Lord, (name withheld) is still not well, and is having severe back pain. Please help him. If it is Your Will, heal him. If You want him to be healed through physicians, please direct him to the right one(s). Lord, this is a very heavy cross for him. Please lift this so the weight isn’t so difficult. Jesus, You said we could pray to have crosses lifted or removed all together. It is not my place to ask You to remove this cross from (name withheld). You love him, and want only what is best for him. I am sure there are many souls being saved through this very heavy cross, but I beg You to lift it, at least so that it is bearable. Please, Jesus. You have told me that if I give You my burdens, You will do all of the heavy lifting. I am asking You to take this heavy burden, this excruciating pain from (name withheld) or at least to reduce the intensity. Please, Jesus. Lord, (name withheld) back is hurting him, also. Please help him, too Jesus. We need Your assistance. You have the remedy to all life’s problems, Lord. You are our great Physician, Healer and Savior. Your Will is perfect and I trust in You, Lord. Jesus, have You anything to say to me today?
“Yes, My daughter. I have much to say. My child, I am preparing you and My son (name withheld). I am granting you time to carry out the final tasks that need to be completed for your family’s move. Some of these tasks are physical in nature, such as packing. Some are of a spiritual nature. I desire that you make good use of this time I am providing you. You will now have more time to pray and reflect on all I have told you. You can spend more time with your loved ones before the exodus. Think of it as an exodus, My little one. This sounds somewhat extreme to you, My child. Does it not?”
Yes, Lord. You know everything, Jesus. You know each thought I have. I am surprised You used this word, exodus. I can’t begin to compare My little life with something so grand. I am sure You mean something more in line with the definition of this word, versus the event in Your Word, that occurred when Moses led Your people out of Egypt.
“My child, I mean what I say. Your family’s move is being directed by Me. It is not what you would have chosen, nor is the location of your choosing. Your family, and all families who are being directed, guided, invited to My Mother’s communities and refuges are in fact leaving a way of life that has become like slavery, so filled with corruption this evil culture has become, and going to a new way that My Mother has laid out for Her children . This truly is an exodus. It may not appear so now, but later, a vast number of people will relocate to various geographic regions. They will be directed to do so for their safety. You are beginning to understand now?”
Yes, Jesus. I am. Thank You!
“My little lamb, reread the story of the Exodus and reflect on it. You will begin to see parallels you never knew existed, with the current age and the direction My Mother is asking you to go. You will also see characteristics in the people of today that are similar to those described in the Jewish people. Reflect on this, My child. You will understand much more deeply, the people I send you.”
Alright, Jesus. Thank You, Lord!
“My daughter, I know this has been a difficult week for you. My Mother and I are with you. All will be well. I will assist those who remain and who feel lost without your presence. I will be with those you love, for I love them, also”
Of course, Jesus. I know You love them and much more than I can ever love since Your love is perfect. Still, they are my friends and I do love them. Many of them, I will never see again. Bless them, Jesus. Keep them close to Your Sacred Heart.
“My little lamb, you walk with Me, and the time has come for your path to change directions. It is My Will for you to begin final preparations. Focus on getting your house ready, and also upon completing what is needed to begin building on your new property. This will begin soon, for all will begin to fall into place, and has already started. Trust in Me. All will be well. Do you recall that I told you when the final approval is granted, everything will move quickly?”
Yes, Jesus. I remember.
“That time is now, My child. It is time to concentrate on beginning the tasks needed in the (name withheld) relative to your building and move. Begin working on the clearing and all needed permits for building. (Name withheld), My son I know you have felt left out of the initiatives, but you are not. You are doing My Will, and going at the pace I set for you. That is how it should be, My son. Your preparation and formation has been a quiet one that has been, behind the scenes, so to speak. All is according to My plan. I give different gifts to My children, and the gifts I have given you remain hidden, My son. They will not be so for long. Concentrate on completing all that is needed to begin the building process. In the meantime, you will also focus on a final packing. I understand you are carrying the cross of suffering, My son and this, too serves to purify and prepare you. Seek treatment, so that you will be physically prepared for the difficult tasks ahead of you, yet remain at peace. Your (name withheld) has been made available now and can be of more assistance in the preparations. You carry these burdens, these tasks, the work given to you, together. You now must focus on your goal and achieving that which has been set before you by My Father. It is time, now My children to complete the final preparations and begin the large project of building and then moving. Remember, I am with you. Bring each task, challenge, and obstacle to Me in prayer. I will provide the answer and direction to you, My son. My Holy Spirit will inspire you, and holy St. Joseph will provide guidance. Bring everything before Me in prayer and supplication. I will provide. Do you see how important this is! I am assuring you of answers to prayers regarding the mission. Have confidence in Me, your Jesus for I am with you. We work together.”
Thank You, Jesus. Praise You, Lord! Jesus, thank You for my husband. He is a good man, and I am grateful for his love and protection. Thank You, Lord.
“You are welcome, My daughter.”
“My little lamb, you heard from My son, (name withheld) what My Spirit directed he tell you. This suggestion was from Me. I will provide for you and for all of your family. You have only to ask and be open to the promptings of My Holy Spirit. Do as he suggested. In the meantime, help teach (name withheld) so he will not fall behind with the move. There will soon come a time that he will be excited and also sad for this transition. It will be difficult for him to focus and learn. Make good use of this time of preparation now. All will be well. I am with you. Our time together is brief today, My daughter and My son. I am with you. Now that your schedule permits return this week for further direction. Go now in My peace. Be encouraged, for My Father’s plans for you are for your good and for the good of others. Go in My peace, I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name, and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Be peace, be love, be joy, be mercy. Carry the good news to all you meet. I love you, My Children of the Renewal. We face the road ahead together.”
Thank You, Jesus. I love You.
Be at peace, My child.”
Thank You, Lord.
Source: ➥