Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Adoration Chapel

Hello, Jesus, ever-present in the Blessed Sacrament. I love, adore, and praise you, My Jesus. Thank you that I am able to be with You today, My Lord and My God, who is all good and deserving of all my love. Lord, my husband is unable to be here with You today, as You know. Please send extra graces to him for his sacrifice, Lord.
“My daughter, I love you very tenderly. You are My child, My little one. You know My heart and the love one finds there. Therefore, do not doubt My words or My love for you. It is just this love, My love, that solves all of life’s problems and lifts one to the pinnacle of joy and holiness. It is this love you seek, and it is this love, My love, you have, My dear.” Thank you kind and generous Jesus. How I love You. “And, oh how I love you. Your Jesus is grateful for your presence here today and I bless your husband, My son, as you have requested. I am giving him graces, specifically those he needs most.” Thank you, Lord!
“You are concerned for your daughter having to work today, My child. She has discussed this with Me also. This is a great trial for her. I will help her carry this trial and also to see how important it is for Me, for others, and for her own beautiful soul to stand strong for her Jesus. This is an important lesson for her to learn.” Jesus, I understand that it will be even more difficult for us to stand up to persecution if we haven’t learned to do so now in smaller ways. It is not small, what is going on for her, but I mean that our lives are not at stake right now, though her livelihood is. This is most disconcerting, Lord, especially in light of the fact that she had this agreement, not working on Sundays, when she was offered the job. To make matters worse, Lord, her employer is Catholic and should know or at least respect her commitment to honor the Lord’s day. It is very troubling, Lord, but I am sure nothing new. Quite a dilemma, though. Please give her the graces she needs to stand strong for You, Jesus.
“My child, it will be so. It is necessary for her to get a sense of how it feels when one has been persecuted and manipulated or coerced into giving in to temptation to break one of My
Commandments. It is much difficult, but so much more rewarding and even satisfying, to stand for one’s values and convictions, especially those that have been laid as a foundation for My people. Those who do not and choose not to follow My Commandments, and those who never repent, will find that there is no one to stand between them and My Father on the day of their individual judgment.” Jesus, please forgive them and change their hearts. Please prick their consciences so they realize they are offending You. If nothing else, help them to see that they are breaking their agreement with my daughter, though that is minor compared with what they are doing to offend You. Give them the courage and graces needed to close their business on Sunday, Lord, so that all can be a witness to You, of Your glory, and that Your Commandments are to be taken seriously. So many would see the great witness this is, and their lives and the lives of others would be blessed.
“My daughter, if all of My children observed all of My Commandments, the world would not be in the state of evil that it is in. My children have made compromise after compromise to follow the world when it was Our plan, that of My Father’s and Mine, to have the world following My children. My children are to lift high My light so that all can see. My children are not to cover My light under a basket. Yes, a basket is unable to hide all of the light, but it grows very dim when covered by a basket. My children are to hold their lights high for all to see to illuminate the darkness of the world and show the beauty of God’s will for His world. Instead My children, especially My children of this age, have compromised and followed worldly standards of complacency, greed, lack of discipline, and neglect of the things of Heaven to such a degree that satan has been allowed, and even emboldened, in this age. My children are the cause for this age of disobedience. You find this difficult to write, My daughter, for this sounds very stern to your tender heart; a heart that loves God very much. Do not be sad, My little one, for you are aware of the power of prayer and the power of a loving witness, for you have seen this to a degree. Think of some of the times you have seen how love can penetrate a darkened heart and realize the full potential in My children of My kingdom. If all of My children lived holy lives filled with joyful service, every darkened area in your world would be filled with light. I will each one of My children to choose Me over the worldly pursuits of power, money, and entertainment. A simple life lived for Me and for others, a life of sacrificial love, is what I desire and will for all of My children. Some would say to this, ‘But Lord, I would have to make radical changes in my life to live as You will.’ To which I say, Yes, you would because you, My children, are so far off the path I have chosen for you. If you have strayed from My Father’s will to a very small degree, a slight correction would be all that was needed. However, having strayed so far, does require radical change to come back to the path I have forged for you. Yes, I forged each person’s path. I cleared the brush and bramble of sin directly from each person’s path and provided the light of scripture and the sacraments to eliminate every individual child’s path. I have provided grace for each person’s journey, specifically for what each individual soul needs, and yet My own children who know and love Me have decided to take this detour and that detour, one small compromise after another saying, ‘I know where you are, Jesus, and I will come back after a little while. I can go to confession when I am lazy and sleep in. I can go to confession when I
have broken the law of the Sabbath and worked or made others do so. I will make more money,
Lord, and I will then give more to others so that all will be alright in the end.’ To this I shout, ENOUGH, My lost little sheep. You compromise one value after another until you do not know where your soul is any longer. You also lose sight of Me, your Jesus, who holds a very bright light to illuminate your way. You look directly at My light, and your eyes are covered with such a filthy film that you can no longer see the beauty of My warm life-giving light. You no longer desire to see it. You begin to see yourself as a false light that you want others to see and find beauty in so you go back to My church as a social endeavor, and you forget that you told your sweet beautiful soul that you would go to confession. You forget that you have told Me, Your Jesus, that you would repent and come back. You come back in your physical body and leave your beautiful heart in the filth of the greedy, socially accepting world. Come back, My lost little sheep before it is too late. Your shepherd, Your Savior, is calling you. I am pleading with you to come back to Me. I am the only safe haven for you in life’s storms which I assure you are strong and growing even stronger with each passing hour. Yes, My little one, with every hour. You have heard correctly. I said with each day previously, and now I say with each hour. Pray, My little daughter, pray hard for your brothers and sisters who are unaware of just how far they have drifted from the safety of My Sacred Heart. Oh, how My Mother cries for Her children. How She pleads with My Father to save them from themselves, with such grief and remorse for She is filled with the complete knowledge of just what I went through on Calvary for My children and Her children’s salvation and yet they trample on the great gift of My death on the Cross for them. I hear your little heart crying for them, dearest little one, and I also hear your pleading with Me for they know not what they do. To which I answer, My children, those who know Me and love Me, have only to pray and read My word to know how far they have strayed. Yes, My child, of course I will forgive them immediately. The problem, My child, is that many want to continue living the compromises they have made for they presume they will always have the time to repent. This is a great deception and lie of the evil one. He wants My children to procrastinate and to think this so they will die never having made the decision and taken the important action of repenting to heart. In this way, My poor deceived worldly children will choose the evil one over Me. Yes, My child, when one knows better but lives with one foot in the worldly evil and one toe in the living water, one begins to desire evil more and more. One begins to live in blindness and cannot see or imagine the state of their souls. At the point their lives are over, they feel too ashamed and too unworthy to call upon Me for forgiveness. This is the final lie of the evil one who is My adversary and yours. The final lie that My children believe for they have listened and accepted far too many. Do not be like this, My foolish little children. Do not make compromises that put your soul at risk. For when you do, you give away your inheritance, selling it as one of My sons did for a bowl of soup. Do you see how little value there is in a bowl of soup compared with everything awaiting you in My Father’s kingdom? There is nothing on this earth or anywhere in the entire universe worth the value of your inheritance. Nothing. Do not trade, barter, sell, or enter into any kind of deceptive agreement that will cost you your inheritance. My kingdom is a pearl of great price and its value is priceless, truly. Come and follow Me, My dearest children so that you may one day live in My and My Father’s kingdom. If you do not know whether you have strayed from the path that leads you to paradise, pray and ask Me. I will send you My Holy Spirit to illuminate your conscience and shed light on the state of your soul. If you only ask Me, I will give you this gift before it is planned for the world giving you time to get to confession where all is erased and forgotten. Do this now, for you may not have time later. Please, My children, do this for yourself, for your families. Do this for Your Jesus who loves you like no other. I am waiting for you with open arms. The door to My heart is open and I patiently await your return. You will be met with joy, mercy, and forgiveness. Come now and We will rejoice together. I will put My Father’s ring on your finger and will bless your beautiful forehead and all will know that you belong to Me and I to you. Beauty, love, mercy, joy, compassion, acceptance, and complete understanding are yours, only return to Me now before it is too late. Your Jesus is begging you for I love you deeply, so completely that I cannot the bear the thought of being without you eternally. I cannot bear this thought, My beautiful children, and this is what gave Me the courage to do My Father’s will and accept the heavy cross of torture and death. I did this knowing you were worth it, such is My love for you. Do not despair and do not think you are too sinful, for I can forgive all sins. I can forgive and do forgive the hardest of hearts, even those who are on death row for heinous crimes, for I am God. I am capable of forgiving all, only you must return to Me and ask for this great gift I am longing to give you, for even you know it is impossible to give a gift to someone who refuses to take it. Do you see My little hardened children how great is My love for you? If you do not see this now, that is alright. Only ask Me for My forgiveness and hope in it. I will show you My love and you and I will rejoice together. My Father’s kingdom was created for Our children. Hell was created for satan and his minions. Hell was never intended for Our children. Do not choose hell over the perfect beauty, peace, and joy of My Father’s kingdom where everyone loves and accepts you. Do not make a wrong choice and sell this kingdom for a bowl of soup that is here one moment and gone the next leaving you feeling hungry, empty, and foolish. Choose Me, My children. Choose Me, for I am offering you eternal life. Satan offers eternal death. Choose life. Choose Me.“ Jesus, this is most difficult. I am very sorry for this neglect that causes souls to choose evil by their many compromises. Lord, forgive us all for our cheap and lazy choices that lead us far from Your path which is narrow but beautiful and leads to Your heavenly kingdom. How many times I have done this, my Lord, and yet You do forgive. You lift a sorrowful soul to new heights. Not only do you forgive and put Your arm around us, Jesus, but You lift us higher to a new vantage point where the view is clearer and even more beautiful. Your forgiveness is generous and Your acceptance so gracious. You bestow many gifts on us when we repent and continue to choose You over the false glitter of the world. Your beauty cannot be compared to anything I have ever beheld with my mortal eyes, Lord. Your beauty is radiant. It sparkles like thousands of precious jewels. It sheds the brightest of lights that neither blinds nor is too hot. It is warmth, love, beauty, compassion, and truth. Yes, Lord, that is it. Your light illuminates the darkness and shines with the pureness of truth like a new refreshing crystal clear spring day. I love You, Lord. I love truth which is You, My Jesus. May all of us find our way back when we stray, Lord. Blessed Mother, take our hand and lead us to Jesus. We do not know the way, but You do, dearest Mother.
(The Blessed Mother speaks) “My daughter, I your Mother will lead you and all of My children directly to My Son’s arms. If one of My children is ashamed to take My hand then hold fast to the hem of My mantle, My garment, and I will lead you like a mother hen to My Son, Jesus. All will be well. All that is needed is the desire for Jesus and He will provide the means necessary for each soul. All in Heaven prays for each and every soul on earth. All of Heaven rejoices when one soul returns to My Son. Great rejoicing and great joy can be heard when one soul, yes just one soul, returns to Our Family. It would break your heart from love and joy if you knew how much one little soul is loved by God; so great and magnificent is His love. My dear children, follow My Son who is worthy, majestic, and yet so very sweet and tender. Follow Him and do not take your eyes off Him. Follow Him and do not count the cost nor look back on your old ways with longing. For to follow Him, will bring the greatest of blessings and the most tremendous of joys. One cannot begin to explain something to someone when they have never experienced what it is I am trying to tell you. You must believe Me that what I say about your blessings and your joy is true. One day you will say, ‘Dearest Mother Mary, I had no idea how perfectly beautiful and joyful it is to dwell in God’s kingdom when I read these words. Now, I do. I am overcome with gratitude and joy for all that My Lord did to get me here. Thank You sweet Jesus for giving Your life on the cross for me. Thank You dear Mother for taking my hand and leading me to Your Son.’ This is what you will say, I assure you. You will have joy such as you have never experienced for it is impossible for a soul to experience this type of joy on earth. It is only possible for souls in Heaven to experience this joy for Our Father in Heaven has reserved this only for souls who come to Heaven. You see, My children, My son Jesus is truth and all that He says is truth, which is why you must listen to Him. Your lives are at stake and only by following Him will you save your life for He is salvation and life. Trust Him for He is worthy of your trust.” Thank You Blessed Mother for your teaching us like the holy and perfect Mother that You are. Thank You that You never give up on us, Your poor children so lacking in understanding and wisdom. Thank You for Your relentless pursuit of us, Your lost children, and for such dedication to us that You come to the earth and appear to seers to teach us and show us the way back to the path that Jesus has laid out for us. I am most grateful for Your love and for Your perseverance.
(Blessed Mother speaks again) “You are most welcome My child. You must pray more for your brothers and sisters who are at risk of losing their precious souls. Pray for them, My daughter. I ask that you and your husband and all of My children who are open to Jesus and follow Him begin another Divine Mercy Novena. This novena is most powerful and was given to dear Faustina especially for these days, but Our children have forgotten the love and mercy of My
Son. Pray dear children, pray.” Yes, dearest Mother we will pray for the souls of our brothers and sisters so dangerously positioned away from Jesus. Pray with us, dear Mother, for so holy and pure is Your heart that God is unable to refuse Your requests, with such love they are made.
(Blessed Mother speaks again) “I pray with every one of My children when they recite their rosary and pray the Chaplet of My Son’s Mercy, and I will pray along with those who pray now as I have requested. Many souls will be saved from the pit during this novena. Pray dear children for your prayers will rise up to Heaven to My Father and your Father and He will listen.” Thank you Blessed Mother for Your love and concern. “You are welcome, My child. I will give your greetings and the love in your heart to your Mother in Heaven.” Thank You, dearest Mother.
Jesus, thank You for Your words and for Your Mother’s perfect guidance and teaching. Praise you Lord for Your goodness and for sharing everything with us including Your holy Mother. You hold nothing back from us, Jesus. Thank You, Lord. Have You anything else You wish to say to me, Jesus? “Yes, My daughter. Tell My children I love them and I long for them. There is a space in My heart for each one of My children. When one of My children refuses My love this space remains vacant for all eternity, never to be filled by anyone or anything for this space is just for them. Every person created has a place in My heart. So you see, those that have already passed their earthly life and died refusing My love have left empty spaces. My heart can contain the love of each and every child but can scarcely contain My love, and so I spill out My love on the world through graces and gifts. Gifts to help each one of My children find their way back to Me. My heart is so vast, so wide, and so deep and there is enough space for all. Do not be concerned that there is a maximum capacity in Heaven and that God cannot provide for all for that is the lie of the enemy of life. God’s kingdom is very large and vast and when you come here dearest children of My heart, you will see that there is no maximum capacity for Our children. There is and always has been plenty of room for all. One could walk or fly for days and days and never see another soul in Heaven if one is craving solitude. I say this lightly, for there are no cravings in Heaven. But one may choose to be alone with Me on a journey, and this is possible in Heaven. It is also possible to be in the company of hundreds and thousands of souls if one desires or even just in the company of one soul or one’s entire family at any time one desires. All is possible in My Father’s kingdom. Make these words known, My daughter for so little is known of My Father’s kingdom for My children have forgotten to pray. Through prayer and contemplation My Father’s kingdom and His way of love are revealed to His children. My children pursue this world’s forms of entertainment such that they become gluttons of earthly pleasure and they have no appetite for the beauty of prayer. My Father’s kingdom cannot be compared to the cheap entertainment offered by the world. My Father’s kingdom surpasses all beauty, all hope, all pleasure, and all that is deemed good (falsely) by this world, so magnificent and beautiful is My Father’s kingdom. Make these words known My child for I desire all My children to long for Heaven. I desire all My children to dwell in My Father’s Heavenly kingdom when their lives are finished on earth. The earth is good, My child, but has been tarnished by evil. The earth was created with a certain beauty to mirror, though dimly, the Heavenly kingdom so that Our children would long for Heaven. Souls of ages past long, long ago would be inspired by the earth’s beauty to contemplate Heaven. They would say, ‘Just think, if the world is this beautiful, how very breathtaking and amazing Heaven must be. I can hardly wait to see what Heaven looks like where God lives, if He created earth where we live to be so beautiful.’ This is another reason satan likes to destroy the earth and render it ugly so that My children are less able to see the love and care My Father has for them in the beauty of what He created. Even My children assist and cooperate with satan in destroying nature. What they do not destroy, they garnish and sanction people, and forbid My children access to, so they can deny Our children the joy of what God the Father created. Through their greed and selfishness they deceive My children with the lie of protecting My land. How preposterous they are to deny My children access to the beautiful land I created for them under the guise of protecting nature from My children, as if what I created for My children needed to be protected. Yes, My children, you must be good stewards of all of God’s blessings including nature that God the Father created. He created this for your use, however, for your life, and for that of your children. It does not need to be gated, secured, and sequestered from My own children. Do not allow yourselves to be so easily deceived and deprived of the gifts bestowed upon you. Do you think My poor children who have chosen evil will care more for My Father’s world than His own children? You can see how foolish this concept is and yet My children give away the gifts from God that He willed for them. Do you not see that the nature He created sustains life? He provides food, warmth, security, and peace for you with His gift of land and you allow evil people who have allegiance to My adversary complete control over this land that gives life? Not just any land, but the choicest of land? Do not be deceived, My little ones. Satan wants to destroy your earth and all life on the earth. He wants you and your children in hell, dear children. Do not give away your inheritance or that of your children. Stand up now while there is still some light left in the day. Yes, the chastisements are coming and these cannot be diminished but this is so to call My children back to Me. Precious are the souls of My children and they are worth standing your ground for and if you won’t do so you will certainly learn how very much they are worth when you see what My Father has in store for those who choose evil and lead My little innocent children astray. Do you think that God who created the universe and each and every soul with such love and perfection will stand for the evil ways of this world much longer? No, My poor children, He will not. Do not be deceived that He will allow evil to destroy the earth and all of His children. He will not allow it. You see, My children, if We do nothing that is what will happen. Work with us dear children to build a beautiful world as My Father and I intended. You must begin now for it will not be easier later. My communities and refuges are the prototype for what is planned for the future, not so distant, in the Era of Peace. Build My Father’s and My communities now dear children. We will help you. My Mother will guide you in this new way of life. Begin now so that you are prepared to help the others I send to you. You will know the way and can more easily assist them. I give you every grace needed My children and some that are not needed but are My pleasure to give you. We give you every assistance needed during this most urgent and dark time in history. Be light for your brothers and sisters. Be hope dear children. Be love, for love is very scarce in the hearts of mankind. I am with you and I will never, not for one moment, abandon you. I am sending you out now, dearest children of My heart as I sent the Apostles of My early church. You are to build My kingdom. Begin to do so through prayer, fasting, love, and frequenting the sacraments. Through prayer I will direct your every step if you so desire. I will guide your decisions. Bring all worries, burdens, decisions, and joys to Me. We will examine them in My light and you will begin to see with great clarity what I am calling you to do. Trust in Me like never before and you will be directed for your good and for the good of your families. Have no fear for I am with you and I protect My faithful remnant. The only thing My children should fear is choosing comfort, convenience, and ease over Me. The world even deceives you in this, My children, for the comforts and conveniences of today will not be available tomorrow. These are not going to bring you life. I bring life. Follow Me and do not worry about your future. It is completely safe with Me. I do not will death and destruction. I will lead you safely away from what the adversary is planning. Trust in Me, dearest children of My heart. Trust in Me. I love you and I desire all to live in My will and in the refuge of My Sacred Heart and My Mother’s Immaculate Heart. We love you.” Thank you dear Jesus, I love you. “Thank you, My little lamb, your love consoles Me. The love of your family and the growth in holiness you are all pursuing delights Me and all of Heaven. Take heart My little one, your Jesus is not angry, only pleading, for the love of My children. You experienced this sense of urgency I have and I allowed more of the veil to be drawn for you to see. You are ready for this My child though you do not feel you are. I assure you, I would not allow you to experience such depth of longing for My heart were you not prepared specifically by Me, your Jesus, for to do so would cause harm were you unprepared. Do not be sad nor discouraged for through the prayers of My children more souls are being saved. You do not see this but I see as does all of Heaven. This is why My Mother and I talked about the rejoicings in Heaven for you see, My little one, souls are returning My child. Not enough are, though, and many more prayers are required. Pray now while there is still some time, though not much. Pray, pray, pray. That is all, My daughter. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name, and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace to love and serve Me, your Jesus, who loves you and is most grateful for your love and your friendship. I will be with you in a very special way this week. A week filled with activity for you and your family. Lift your mind and heart to Me often each day this week and I will send graces of encouragement and peace to you and your family. Be even more committed to your family prayer. Tell My son that I love him and am counting on him to lead your family in prayer. Do not underestimate the great value of your family prayer time. This is a holy time and I direct and guide My domestic church to the leadership of each husband in every home following Me. This is critical now so please continue this important life giving time in prayer as a family. I need My sons to resume their leadership role leading their families in following Me. I give extraordinary graces and blessings to husbands during this urgent time in history. God has deemed the men to be the spiritual leaders in their homes and this role must be reclaimed in a holy, gentle, but decisive way. I desire your family and the families of My communities to be rooted in prayer. All else will be provided. Come, My son and daughter follow this request and teach others to do the same. This long held sacred tradition in Catholic families has been forgotten and it is My will that it be reinvigorated. Many, many inroads will be made through the reinstitution of family prayer. You must continue to live this example. All will be well, My children. All will be well. I grant you My love, My peace, and My courage. I love you.” And I love You, My Jesus. Thank you.
Source: ➥