Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Message from Jesus

Jesus said we are to rest more at night to prepare for the next day. “Your disposition will be better suited to respond to any and all conflict with love when you get enough sleep. You must also be physically prepared for the times of great trials. By that, I mean getting more sleep at night. If you have difficulty sleeping, you are to spend this time praying the Rosary for the intentions I have given you, as well as whatever is on your mind causing worry and anxiety. Give all anxieties, problems, and concerns to Me, your Jesus. You will return to sleep and the time you spent awake worrying will be used for souls in need. Your Mother is correct; Nothing on earth is wasted when united to Me. When anything troubles you or you feel irritable and lacking in peace, you must bring it to Me. Practice doing so immediately, then when the time of great trials are upon you, your spiritual practices will be so natural that you will incorporate everything in your life and the circumstances around you into My will. This is living the Divine Will. I call you to this, and by practicing this; bringing every concern, problem, challenge, difficulty, sadness, loss to Me right away, the life of the Divine Will can become a reality for you. This is true for all of My children.
“My daughter, the time has come to share the prayers I have given you with M”. Jesus went on to say,
“The prayers will assist My children during difficulties and serve to bring them many graces to live a life of love and service at a time that is most difficult; a time void of much faith and love. I desire those who are close to Me to spread My love and light in this dark world. My light is brightest where the darkness is heavy. This is a time of grace and a time that I desire many, many conversions. Be love, be joy, be hope to My hurting children.”
Lord, I am sorry for not being as loving, for not being joyful and for not being a bearer of hope. Increase Your love in My heart, Jesus. Increase the joy from You and be hope within me, Lord so that I can do as You ask.
“My child, you do not see this accurately about yourself, but you are living, joyful and hopeful to others. This does not mean that you ‘feel’ this way inside. Remember I am speaking about an attitude. Once could say a ‘Be-attitude’ versus your experience through feelings. Being love is loving others versus feeling loved by others. Being joy, is being joyful because of My love and the love you have for others. When I say, ’be love’, it is beyond a feeling, one might say it is in spite of feelings. One does not always feel loving. When you serve out of love and joy, it is a decision. You may recognize you do not feel loving. Say, ‘Jesus, I am tired and I do not feel appreciated. You were unappreciated and tired when you lived on earth, and yet you served and loved perfectly. Give me the graces I need to be like you, Jesus. Enable me to show love to others though I do not feel loved. Give me Your love. Give me the graces I need to serve others with joy, though I do not feel joy. Lord I give you all of my feelings as they are and ask that you replace my feelings with a heart of love, joy, peace, and service. Use my inadequacies as well as any talents you have given me for Your greater glory for the conversion of all who have not yet experienced the love of God.’ This is a very beneficial prayer, My little lamb. I will honor this prayer immediately. You will understand the efficacy of this prayer only upon entering My heavenly kingdom. Share this prayer with others along with the other prayers I have given you.”
Source: ➥