Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Message from Jesus

Jesus wants us to pray this prayer every day:
Jesus said; “The longing you feel to be united to Me and to give my love for others is a small taste of the kind of love you and all of my children who choose heaven will experience. The choice for Heaven is best made on a daily basis, My child, and I ask you to choose Heaven, My Kingdom, each day: Add this statement, Jesus, I choose Heaven and your Kingdom come on this day and every day of my life. May I live as if I lived in Heaven now, so to love and bring Your love to others.”
“Pray, pray, pray much in the coming weeks for protection of My priest sons. Also, pray for courage and trust in the hearts of My bishops and priests. I will give them the words to say if they but ask. Your prayers will help them. But – you must pray.”
Yes, Jesus. I understand this is critical. I will do so and I know xxxx will too without a doubt. Thank you, Lord for the invitation to pray and fast and know that we will do our best.
Jesus went on to say, “Strengthen your resolve for the benefit of my priest sons and the benefit of My Church. Much is depending on it. My priest sons bring My body, blood, soul and divinity to My children, they provide My forgiveness and healing and through them souls reach the safety of heaven. So you see, souls depend on them. It is very important for them (My children) to have their priests and the evil one is well aware of this. He targets them because he cannot hurt Me. He focuses on the ‘apple of My eye’, My holy priests.”
Source: ➥