Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, July 7, 2019

Fourth Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 11:30 and 16:30.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and today through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

Beloved little flock, yesterday you received the words of advice from your dearest Heavenly Mother, who has been chosen to be the Mother of the whole Catholic Church.

This church has now been destroyed beyond recognition and no one tries to learn from the mistakes they made. No, the Catholic Church is being dragged further and further into ruin. There is no stopping it. The cardinals, bishops and priests are not willing to accept their responsibility. They do not join together to put an end to the wild behavior. The laws of the Church are enacted, although it is well known that they are not in the true Catholic faith. An irresponsibility has occurred that can no longer be surpassed .

How often have you, my beloved ones, believed that I, the heavenly Father, will now finally intervene? My beloved children, I will intervene and have already done so. But men do not notice it because they do not use their intellect. I have already given so many signs to mankind that they had to realize that I have not reacted inactively in various places. But people ignore my signs, which are quite obviously to be recognized. I have also listed to you the many diseases, the natural disasters, earthquakes, storms, floods and other tribulations. But you do not believe me that I the Almighty can intervene in every situation and have already done so. .

Why don't you face the struggle I demand of you as true Catholic Christians? Is it too hard for you to stand up to Satan? Can Satan do what he wants? Can you not face him in fighting spirit? Is not the Blessed Mother on your side, who has given you the promise never to leave you alone? Have I not promised you to put many angels by your side whom Our Lady has asked for your protection? Why do you also not believe in this superiority of the angels and let Satan run free? You have to decide which side you want to be on.

My beloved, there is only a short time of suffering left for you. Then Satan has lost his power. Look into today's reading. Trust in the words and let them enter your heart.

It has not yet happened that Our Lady has crushed the head of the serpent with you, My beloved ones You are the beloved children of Mary who will stand by her side. Trust in the time in which Satan has lost his power  .

You must persevere and not give up. The time of perseverance is now required. You cannot despair when sicknesses try to take hold of you and pressurize other tribulations.

Now the fight just begins. You can prove which side you want to be on. Do not reach out your hand to Satan, for he will quickly seize it and lead you astray.

What is the gospel today? Isn't there talk of rich fishing? Didn't Peter also initially despair, since he spent the whole night fishing and caught nothing? But because his lord and master has said, go out once more to cast the nets on this new day. Peter followed the orders of the Lord, although it was almost impossible for him to catch fish again at daybreak.

And how did it end? It was such a rich catch that the nets were almost torn apart and a second boat had to come to the rescue to recover all the fish. The loving God, Lord and Master, made the impossible possible because Peter followed his instructions. He believed, although at first very weakly. The miracle has happened in any case.

Why shouldn't it be like this today? Can't the impossible also be made possible today? There is so much in the world that needs changing. Why do people no longer ask that they trust the Most High to work miracles? Trust is lacking today. People look for all other possibilities, but do not think of the omnipotence and omniscience of the Father in heaven.

When the impossible suddenly occurs, many people want to see it first as a natural phenomenon, as with climate change. Can't the loving God influence the climate without being able to explain it? The Lord over life and death can bring about every change and also make miracles of faith happen overnight. I decide about the events in the whole world. I am above everything and no one is greater than I the loving and kind God.

If only all people would understand this, it would look different and easier in every life. There would be more peace in the hearts and men would become more sensitive to my signs, which I give you again and again but unfortunately are ignored by most men.

You must become more sensitive to the supernature. So much happens during the day and also in the different countries that cannot be explained with the mind. There are many miracles that are already happening and that are being covered up to harm the true Catholic Church. Many things are so obvious that one can see them with closed eyes. Unfortunately, people today are not open enough for the supernatural. They hide behind the true faith and give themselves more easily to other religions.  Since only the true and catholic Christianity is persecuted, it is easier to join the other religions. One is then not in the center of the persecution and thus does not want to endanger his life .

What did My Son Jesus Christ do when He was persecuted for His faith? He stood by the truth and willingly gave the answers that did not hide the truth. "Yes, I am a king, but My kingdom is not of this world." This was His confession and He was mocked and ridiculed. But He endured everything for men, although He was without sin.

What is your answer when you have to confess your faith? You are in the following of Christ and cannot expect to be spared when mankind hates you. You are hated by everyone because of your faith and you cannot expect to be recognized as true Christians. You will go the same way that the Son of God went for you.

Remain in the love of God and be of one mind. Stand together and support each other. That is important, isn't it, to support the other in the true faith.

Unfortunately, it is not an easy thing to represent the faith today, because one does not know whether the other person is well versed in the true faith or is not already in the mistaken belief. Thus he will represent his faith and, moreover, think that he is right although he represents the erroneous faith.

My beloved father children, let yourselves be led by me. I will lead you on the right paths, for "I am the way, the truth and the life. He who is in Me and in whom I abide has eternal life and will rise again. Thus says My Son Jesus Christ. You want to live My children and reach once eternity in heaven. .

You too will be made fishers of men in the succession of the apostles. If you let yourselves be led, you will feel that the Holy Spirit is within you and will not leave you alone when it comes to representing the true faith.

Today's miracle of the rich fish catch should make you aware that there really are still true wonders. But faith can also be lived without miracles. Who sees nothing and yet believes, that is true faith.

But in this day and age people want to convince themselves that miracles still exist. They pass on these wonders. It is also not easy to convince people that faith can also contain miracles. A true miracle cannot be fathomed. It cannot be explained, because the supernature was working.

But why do people today not believe so quickly in the supernatural? People live in the mundane and believe that supernature can be separated from the world. This is not true. There are worldly people who seek their happiness only in the world, and there are people who like to take the rosary to hand and who are not deterred by the fact that it is outdated. In any case, he gives people the strength to master their lives with faith.

You, My father's children, have found that you will not be happy without faith. Prayer accompanies you the whole day. You just don't let it fall out, because it is part of your daily life. This is your guideline and your goal to pray for your relatives and friends. Even the poor souls need your prayer.

There are so many ways to include the other person in daily prayer, because how many of our relatives do not even find prayer and rest.

Isn't it important to give the others something you own. It can skip to the other one.

How often has it already happened that the fervent prayer for a close acquaintance or even relative has borne fruit. Then you are overjoyed when the other has been helped. .

You do not pray only for yourselves, but always think of the other person. Otherwise, only your own life would be important and not that of your friends.

So you do not live for yourselves alone, but are always connected with the other. You are like a necklace of precious pearls strung together.

Now I have given you, My beloved father children, much information to make your life of faith more substantial. Take it on your shoulders like this, and do not throw it off when the opinions of others differ in it.

It blesses you now with all angels and saints, especially with your dearest Heavenly Mother and Queen and the Mother of Victory also the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach shall not be forgotten in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You are my faithful and I am with you all days also in this last hardest time. I will guard you like the apple of my eye.


