Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Atonement night from the Heroldsbach.

The Blessed Mother speaks through Her willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 11.05 am.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I, your Queen of Roses of Heroldsbach, speak now and in this moment through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in the will of the Heavenly Father and today repeats only the words that come from Me .

I your dearest Heavenly Mother and Queen of Roses of Heroldsbach speak to you today on this day, My beloved Mary's Children, I want to give you on this day some instructions for your future life, because these can be important for your future life in this difficult time of the Church crisis.

My beloved children of Mary, believe it Me, I support you every day, because otherwise the many events would overwhelm you. But I, as your Heavenly Mother, do not want to leave you alone. I want to be with you and support you.

Everyone knows that it is a difficult situation in the present time and yet they do not take the right anchor, the rosary, to get help in this distress. The vast majority of the faithful cannot believe that praying the Rosary can be of great importance, even in the family. It can even reunite families. One can find better together again and is of one mind.

One even finds a topic of conversation that does not end. There is always a way of agreement. I your dearest Heavenly Mother would like to strengthen you in this difficult time. You cannot believe what an effect a prayer chain, namely the rosary has on the community of the family.

Without you realizing it, I, the Blessed Mother, am holding the family together again. That is also my instruction. I would like to lead you to the Heavenly Father and tell him your worries that do not want to end. He in turn cannot resist my requests for you. It looks into My worried face and wants to see again My smile, My smile for you, My beloved children.

My beloved ones, today you celebrate the Day of Atonement of Heroldsbach, yesterday was the day of apparition in Lourdes and tomorrow is also the Pink Mysticism Day. There are three holidays in a row. You who honor Me, you know about these holidays and their meaning. These days bring comfort to your everyday life. Since you are Catholic, these days are very important to you. You also want to draw strength and enjoy these days. All house altars are festively decorated for this day. It gives Me your dearest Heavenly Mother much joy to look at this sea of flowers and to enjoy it. I gladly accept your worship, because it delights me very much, how much you cannot really imagine that on earth.

That is why I ask you again and again, even if you are therefore ridiculed by the Protestants, to call on me in your need. You do not worship Me as is said, but you have a special relationship with Me, which you want to express. It gives me much joy, My little ones, how you adore Me and thank you for it with all your heart.

My beloved little group, how often have you longed to visit my beloved pilgrimage place Heroldsbach. But unfortunately you still have the house ban that prevents you from visiting this my beloved place. But as in every month, every 12th to the 13th of the month, you hold the atonement hours in the house chapel in your home town. Here too you can make atonement and will not be distracted.

Unfortunately, even the followers cannot spend the hours of atonement in Heroldsbach at the moment, because the hollow is not yet accessible. But you too are ready to keep the hours of atonement in your home shrines. You are always in thought with me at my place of pilgrimage and also you will not be distracted so quickly. The hours of atonement become more intense and I, your Rose Queen of Heroldsbach (Rose Queen of Heroldsbach), thank you all for your patience. It still takes a little while. Do not give up, because this place still needs much prayer and atonement.

Time is so fast moving that you don't even feel that you haven't been able to go to this sacred place for so long. I, your dearest Mother and Queen of Roses of Heroldsbach thank you from the bottom of my heart for your perseverance so far.

My beloved children of Mary, as you know, the Heavenly Father often has other plans. They may also be contrary to your wishes, for the Heavenly Father is far-sighted and His omniscience and omnipotence of divinity is simply surpassing and impossible to see through.

You are His beloved and faithful, whom He will protect in every situation. You have always been faithful to him, even if it was unfathomable and inscrutable for all of you.

Also your daily hours of prayer before the Exposed Blessed Sacrament with the many Psalms are also important and have already borne fruit. In many places the believers have awakened from a deep sleep. They were personally committed to the truth.

Then I would like to express My deepest gratitude to you for your monthly rosary prayer on every third Wednesday of the month, because this too has already borne fruit. There has been a lot of education about unborn life and the abortion clinics have decreased. Some were even willing to give a personal testimony. Thanks for your perseverance. For years you yourself went to the abortion clinic and prayed. This too has already borne fruit.

You also pray many prayers and rosaries for your fatherland Germany. Sometimes you wanted to give up because you saw no fruit. But the many prayers have been worthwhile and you continue to pray daily.

And what about the upcoming 3rd world war? Is he still in the foreground as before? No, your Heavenly Father has other ways and possibilities. They are not transparent for you. It would exceed your capacity to think. You are small fallible people who also perform daily deeds that are not always right and that the Heavenly Father must put right.

You often do not feel it at all if you were in a wrong position and His ways were different. He is the omnipotent and omniscient Trinitarian God, who cannot be seen through.

But his ways are also so effective that in recent times many conversion miracles of the Muslim faith have taken place. They have personally testified to this and have put the fear of God first. This is not easy, because they know that their own life is in danger in their own family. And yet they testify that the loving Jesus takes first place for them. These are touching testimonies that they then give that one is moved by the many courage.

My beloved children of Mary, do not give up immediately and do not lose courage and confidence. Even if hatred and wickedness strikes you. So do not give up immediately and continue to bear witness to the truth. You know my beloved ones that the truth has many enemies. Your testimony will strengthen your self-esteem when you confess the truth.

Never take away the honor of the other, because it comes back to you. Supports anyone who feels left alone. Even a little encouragement can often work wonders and achieve psychological healings. If I only see the malicious in others, I cannot discover the good sides.

Remember My beloved children of Mary, the good comes from the divine and is found in the supernatural. The bad moves down and it certainly does not make you happy and content. It makes you unhappy and the other person has to justify himself. This is the uneven path you should not take. I want to save you from this. It is a stony path that is difficult to walk on.

Yes, My beloved faithful children of Mary. I am always near you and want to protect you from all misfortune. You have grown in My Marian School and I am happy that so many prayers, especially Rosary prayers, have joined us. In the long run this will bring abundant fruit. You all need a little more patience.

A day on earth is not a day in heaven. The time measurements are different. You cannot measure it with normal dimensions. Otherwise you would want to change some things. Many a difficulty comes your way. But remember, the Heavenly Father wants to save many more people from eternal damnation. Hell is eternal and unimaginably cruel. We Christians do not want to let anyone sink down there. There is then no escape.

But the sky is also eternal. To always want to enter into the eternal joys should be the wish of every human being.

My beloved and faithful children of Mary, I love you unimaginably and at the end I want to embrace you all in My arms and to shelter you under My cloak. That is the reason of my love, which does not want to end. Do not worry about the future life, because I as Heavenly Mother and Rose Queen of Heroldsbach love you boundlessly and without limits.


