Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, October 28, 2018

Feast of Christ the King.

The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 12.50pm.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

My beloved ones, today you celebrate the feast of Christ the King. This means that you give glory to My Son, the Son of God, and honor Him as the King of all kings. He is and remains the ruler and king of all people and things.

Is He really still that today? In the Catholic faith, is He still revered and worshiped as this King today? No, certainly not. One no longer believes in divinity. He has been carelessly set aside and has been made equal to other gods. How simple this has become in human life today. One lives without God. One is also no longer confronted with death. After death everything is over. They say, "After death, I will be burned." Is that right? Does our True Catholic Faith teach this?

My beloved children, wake up at last and confess Me in the Trinity before men. Otherwise I do not know you because who does not confess me before men, I also do not confess him before the father. He is condemned.

Most of the faithful have accepted the erroneous belief and also denounce it. They are ashamed of their true faith.

Where is My Elite? Where are the faithful in the Catholic Church? Everything has become important to them. Only faith has fallen into oblivion. One simply does not talk about it anymore. Everything seems to be important in life, only faith has become unimportant.

This faith must be revived. My Son Jesus Christ is the True Son of God. He confessed this before Pilate with the words: "Yes, I am a king, but My kingdom is not of this world.

My beloved ones, you too must confess your True Faith. He is the most important thing in your life. Everything is transitory, only eternal life remains forever and ever.

All of you must earn heaven on earth by accepting your cross and suffering from my hand. In the cross and suffering you are to follow My Son. Only then do you confess the True Catholic Faith.

It will not be easy to confess the faith, because the faith has become alien to everyone.

Not even the priests confess before My Son as the chosen ones. They have already taken off their priestly clothes because they are ashamed to testify and live this faith.

One bid after the other is placed. You no longer notice when everyone does it. It has become an everyday occurrence because the commandments of God are not taken seriously.

What about marriage? One changes the partnership, because it is no longer a sin today. One even receives Holy Communion, even though one lives in grave sin. You can't recognize the commandments of God because they are legalized.

It is sad, My beloved, that the Catholic good is swept under the table. The conscience is killed. The true faith is also no longer exemplified by the parents to the young people. How should the faith then be passed on?

Godlessness is increasing more and more. One does not notice it any more, because all of them are living the misbelief.

My beloved children, am I not allowed to be sad, as Heavenly Father, when My only Son, the Son of God, no longer occupies the first place in the life of a man?

Everything He has done for you. He gave His life for you and redeemed you. But not everyone wants to accept this grace. Grace over grace I have given you and want to save you from eternal damnation. But you do not accept these gifts.

Where is a victim's life still lived? Prayer, sacrifice and atonement are the most important things in your life. You can lose everything. Only eternal life is imperishable. You must strive for this.

My son has given you the sacraments. Do you really use them today? What about the Holy Sacrament of Penance? Is auricular confession still modern? Or has it been equated with the penitential prayer? Isn't that a mockery?

Why My beloved ones, is Islamization spreading so much? Because you no longer testify to the True Catholic Faith.

Wake up, My beloved ones and pray the rosary. It must become the most important jewel for you. Pray it daily and with devotion. It will become a ladder to heaven for you.

Christ shall become king and center of your hearts and your lives. Rejoice every day, because you have chosen the most beautiful and precious part of your life, namely the Catholic faith. He is the only True Religion. If you align yourselves accordingly, then you have the guideline of your life and your goal.

Jesus Christ is the King of the universe, the ruler of the whole world. Everything is in His hand. If we align ourselves with the divine, we will not go wrong. He guides us and we can be sure that we will one day inherit the Eternal Kingdom of Heaven.

His love will guide us. We cannot imagine with how much love He has freed us from the power of darkness.

He is the head of the body, namely the church. He alone will ensure that the New Church regains its status.

We will pray that people will feel again that the most important thing in their lives is the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass. There is the source of power. From this source of strength we can cope with everyday life.

There are so many difficulties in the present time. One can cope with them only if one remains in the truth and also bears witness to this truth. Our environment can mislead us.

Let us listen to our inner voice and take the angels as our intercessors, especially the guardian angels. They are waiting for our calls and will accompany us safely and lead us on the right path.

We must become sensitive and not pay so much attention to the voices of our surroundings. People are dependent on their moods. Only the voice of our heart wants to put us on the right path. Let's not let anyone dissuade us.

Since today the authorities of our Catholic Church no longer teach us the truth, let us pray and atone all the more so that unity in faith may be restored. Common prayer can teach us the truth. "Be united in faith and do not slacken in your daily duties."

I love you very much and I don't want to lose any of my children. All people are children of God and we have an obligation to pray for them and want to forgive them, because Christ has also forgiven all. Up to the last moment of his life every human being can reflect and is not yet lost.

We must not give up hope. Faith, hope and love are the three virtues.

I love and bless you with all the angels and saints especially with your dearest Holy Mother and Queen of Victory in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Believe in Divine Love, for it guides you through all your life.


