Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, July 7, 2018

Saturday, Cenacle.

The Blessed Mother speaks through Her willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 11:00 am.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I, your Heavenly Mother, speak now and in this moment through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in the Will of the Heavenly Father, repeating only the words that come from Me today.

Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. I, your dearest Mother and Queen, may today share with you the information that contains the "New Church".

My beloved ones, the "New Church" the Church of My Son Jesus Christ, is unfortunately misunderstood by everyone.

I say to you: "Must not My Son, the Son of God, be born again in your hearts? My beloved Christians, what is left of the True and Only Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church today? Haven't they been disgraced in the foundations of the commandments and sacraments and destroyed beyond recognition? Every Catholic Christian can no longer feel comfortable in this church. His Christian values have already been destroyed in everything.

Not a single priest is willing to live the whole truth and convincingly convey it to men My beloved ones, I mean to say that almost all of them reject all the messages that the Heavenly Father transmits only to His only Messenger as a world mission. These contain the full and entire truth, which is still rejected in its entirety today. .

One is ashamed to bear witness to the truth. Today's Catholic Christians are persecuted, slandered and mocked when they want to publicly spread the truth. They are prevented from confessing this truth. .

Now the Heavenly Father speaks: .

If you, My beloved Catholic Christians, think to live the true faith quietly and secretly, I, the Heavenly Father, am not satisfied with you.

My beloved ones, how shall the true Catholic faith spread today if you do not want to be My witnesses? I have chosen you as My witnesses.

You shall bear witness to the truth for the sake of my name. Only then can My Son be born again in your hearts. Jesus Christ wants to rise again in His Church?

This is the full truth of the Catholic Church, which will rise again in splendor and glory. Did you get that?

My beloved Christians, I have chosen you to practice humility in small things to found this New Church of My Son. Now can you understand this? .

I think you do not understand Me. I, the Heavenly Father, speak in the present and not in the past. .

My beloved little ones, how thank you so much I thank you that you have persevered until the last.

>em>>>u>Now my time has come, the time of division, of schism. The true church has now publicly split off from the modernist one.>/em>>/strong>.

The Protestants have been allowed to disfigure and deface the Holy Sacrificial Feast. How is it possible for Protestants to receive Holy Communion? This is allowed only to Catholics, since this Holy Sacrament is the highest sacrament of the Holy Eucharist It is reserved only to Catholic Christians. Never may this Protestantism penetrate the Catholic Church. It is Satan who has destroyed the Church in its foundations .

Beloved Catholic Christians, now confess with one voice the True Catholic Church. Then you stand on the right side of the split church.

Jesus Christ also declared His kingship. He Himself has given and confessed testimony of His kingship: "Yes, I am a king, but My kingdom is not of this world"

We too are appointed witnesses and will bear witness to the True Catholic Church, even if it costs our lives. We are ready to take up this fight, It is a faith struggle that we are experiencing with our dear Blessed Mother. With her we will achieve victory.

Do you understand now, My beloved Catholic Christians, why I have chosen the smallest? The smallest is My Mellatz. Why do I say "My Mellow?" These little ones have professed their faith in My Church. They have been persecuted and humiliated to the highest degree. But they have held out. They have never become fickle. They were persecuted from all sides of the present church. But they have given glory to Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity.

I thank you, My beloved ones, because you have gained the victory with your Heavenly Mother.

The New Church on the New Shore is founded because My Church stands on a rock and the rock is Peter and His followers and "the gates of hell shall not prevail against them. Why have I now appointed My priestly son in Göttingen in the meantime? I had to appoint him, because this present successor of Francis fell into the delusion.

My beloved children, how much I love you and how much I love My True Church? This Church is the highest wealth of your heart. I am watching over this Church. Even if you wanted to destroy it, I, the Most High God in the Trinity, have the scepter firmly in my hand.

If you believe and trust, nothing can happen to you. The eternal remains eternal. For this you live on earth. If you want to earn heaven on this earth, you will once participate in the Eternal Wedding Feast. That is your goal, which you shall pursue.

Then you are in My succession. You have never ceased to really show Me that you love Me in toto and you have proved it to Me. For this the reward of heaven is due to you.

I have not only appointed you as My witnesses but you have given testimony of Me. I thank you with all my heart. "How lovely are your dwellings of the heart?" .

I bless you with all the angels and saints in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Be ready for the last fight. You are my beloved witnesses of truth. Never will I leave you alone. Hang on, I am with you all days. Receive My reward.


