Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, May 10, 2018

Thursday, Ascension Day.

The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 7pm.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I, the Heavenly Father speak today, on the day of Ascension through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne into the computer.

Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. Today I will also give you important information for your further life. Be vigilant, My beloved ones, for the wicked one has not yet lost his power.

It is the last time you are in My time has dawned, in which I will order many things that you cannot understand. I will uncover everything that is still in the dark. Everything will come to light. I will separate the just from the unjust.

First you will find a chaos. This cannot be avoided. My Catholic Church has suffered so much damage that I can't find a clue to find a new beginning in it. Everything is destroyed. Nothing that is sacred has been spared from the attacks of division. After the split a beautiful new church will be built, which will be much more beautiful than it was before.

Today My Son has ascended into heaven. He will be enthroned at my right hand. When the kingdom is restored is determined only by me, the Father. No one knows the hour and day of my coming. Everything will arise anew. In great power and glory my Son will appear in the firmament. No one will be able to fathom this appearance, for it comes from the supernatural.

My children, you are earthbound people. All that is on earth, you shall submit to it. But so far you have not listened to my words and instructions. You have taken the wrong path and have disregarded and mocked me.

Now I will take the scepter firmly in my hand and rule with an iron hand. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved. But he who does not believe will be condemned. My children have disregarded these words contained in My writing. Now I have to settle up. This will not be easy for many to understand, because they have moved too far away from me. Godlessness has taken the upper hand. People no longer acted humanely. They behaved more barbaric than the animals. I am very angry and bitter about it.

With how much love did I create man and the whole universe? This beautiful world has been destroyed and gods created. Men do not believe in my trinity, although I have worked so many proven miracles. Until today I am rejected and even mocked. The people who believe in my omnipotence are persecuted in the worst way. This persecution is still increasing. The grave sin has become a privilege of everyday life. The ten commandments are disregarded. It is not for nothing that I have made the seven sacraments available to men on the way of holiness. What a great value they have in every Catholic life. Only then does life become worth living.

I, the Heavenly Father, have considered everything in the creation of man. Everything was created out of love for people and ordered for his pleasure. I have put this love into every person. Where is this Divine Love still to be found today? The guilt of sin grows immeasurably. Therefore the punishments must come over mankind. I find it difficult to let the fallen people sink into the abyss. Man chooses hell for himself. I have created man for heaven. On earth he can earn heaven, because no one enters the kingdom of heaven who is not worthy.

My beloved ones, decide on the earth for the path of holiness. Go this way bravely and faithfully. When you obey my will, then this way is easy. If you go your own ways, where will you find it hard in your life. Heaven cannot be reached with your own will. Your ways are inscrutable. My ways on the other hand are ways of love. For each of you I have devised a personal plan. When you fulfill this plan you are in my care and you will not suffer eternal harm.

In My wise foresight I have placed the Sacrament of Penance at your disposal. There you will be freed from your sinfulness. You can always start over again when your burden of sin torments you. Come to my table and receive the heavenly bread, which will finally lead you into the eternal dwellings.

Celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass daily. It remains your constant source of strength in your earthly life. My Son Jesus Christ Himself instituted this holy sacrificial banquet for you so that you may be well and not go astray. He will dwell in your hearts and you shall become His image.

I invite you all to My wedding feast. There you may refresh yourself. Do not worry about your temporal life. Feel comfortable in my care. Then nothing can happen to you. I will pave your ways. Come to the Blessed Sacrament. There My Son is present with Godhead and mankind. Believe in this truth and do not let anyone dissuade you. This truth remains forever. "I am the vine and you are the branches. If you abide in My vine, you will bear abundant fruit. But if you detach yourselves from it, you will end up in ruin. Build yourselves no castles here on earth, for your kingdom will be in heaven. Your preparation for the kingdom of heaven is on earth.

Accept your personality as I have given it to you. Each person has his own personality and thus his plan is intended for eternity. No one is like another. Therefore no one can carry the cross of another. It is specially designed for everyone personally. Do not complain about the heaviness of the cross because it is for your salvation if you accept it as I have intended for you.

Today, one wants to change the personality of a person. The man wants to be a woman and the woman a man. Man seeks the personality of a true woman who embodies the noble. Today the woman no longer wants to serve the man. She wants to rule over the man. Today, this goes so far that the woman even wants to enter the holy altar of sacrifice. Awe is missing, My beloved ones. A true woman radiates a certain warmth. She is the heart of the family. Where this family no longer occupies the first place, everything gets into disorder.

Today there are hardly any families that keep the sacrament of marriage holy. At the first disagreements they leave the place of togetherness. They become lonely and look for the next partnership, which then also breaks up. In addition, they receive Holy Communion in the irreverence. They become people who are always looking for true happiness, but do not find it.

Why is drug addiction so widespread today? Man has become lonely. He feels alone and searches for a false satisfaction, which ends up in misfortune. Man goes from one sin to another and becomes more and more dissatisfied. True happiness can only be found in faith, and that is the Catholic faith.

My beloved believers, why do you not come to My table. It is covered for you. There you will find true happiness. Nowhere in the world will you find love and true happiness. I, your Heavenly Father, am waiting to make you happy. Why do you not believe Me?

The end time has begun. Pay attention to My signs. I have these signs ready for you full of love. The time of My second coming is meant for all. You live in preparation. I would like to save many more people from eternal damnation. I do not want to see so many fall into hell.

Full of love I wait for the repentance of my priest sons. For them I hold ready the daily sacrificial banquet of My Son. Why are they still full of hardness of heart? They do not believe in My resurrection and that I want to send them the Holy Spirit. My children, prepare yourselves with the Pentecost Novena for the Feast of Pentecost, the Feast of the Holy Spirit. I prepare miracles for all. These miracles will be inexplicable to people. Those who believe in the divine will experience My miraculous power very quickly. Through My messengers I will work the miracles. But these miracles will not be done by their power, but they are miracles of grace in the Holy Spirit. .

My beloved ones, these tongues of the Holy Spirit will flood the world anew. The world must undergo a purification. She has fallen into complete disorder. Divine power will overflow them. Remember, "He who believes and is baptized will be saved. I am waiting for your readiness, because I love you.

In this confidence I bless you with your dearest Mother and Queen from the victory of all angels and saints in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Feel safe in my love Nothing can happen to you if you believe.


