Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, May 5, 2018

Saturday, Cenacle.

The Blessed Mother speaks after the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. through Her willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, May 5, 2018, at My Cenacle, I, the Mother of God, the Mother and Queen of Victory through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in the Will of the Heavenly Father, repeating only the words that come from Me.

Before we celebrated a worthy Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V.

You, My beloved children of Mary, are now called to hasten into My safe refuge, into the Cenacle.

Our Lady will speak today: .

Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved believers and pilgrims from near and far. You have hastened into my sanctuary the Pentecost Hall. There you are safe and protected. You were able to experience the meeting in the Fraternita.

Jesus Christ, My Son, the Son of God, is the only and real King of the whole universe. As this King He shall be celebrated in all mankind. He is to be worshiped and adored. .

My beloved children of Mary, when you hurry to this safe refuge and consecrate yourselves to My Immaculate Heart, you will have the sure protection and be safe in the love of the Triune God. I, as your Heavenly Mother, have always adored and glorified the Most High God in the Trinity in My Heart. .

He will come again in great power and glory.

The people and above all My priest sons of the whole authority do not believe in the return of My Son Jesus Christ .

They despise the messengers whom My Son Jesus Christ and the Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit chose for all mankind to prepare the purification of all mankind. Many people misinterpret this purification and do not pay attention to it.

The authorities have rebelled against My Holy Words and instructions. They can be read in My Holy Scripture. They do not know the Bible and think they are allowed to change it.

They do not believe in the return of My Son, nor in the Holy Eucharist. They do not believe that My Son Jesus Christ is really and truly present with Godhead and mankind in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.

They believe only in their own power and implement it by making the desires of the world their own. .

You have sinned badly. The Second Vatican Council has brought disaster upon all mankind. The priests have made the grave sin palatable to the people. They have built a people's altar.

They reject the Holy Sacrificial Feast in truth still today and celebrate the Mahlgemeinschaft zum Volk. They turn to the people and turn their backs on My Son Jesus Christ. They no longer believe in the Godhead in three persons. They also openly express this with their worldly clothing.

You have been celebrating this meal fellowship since the Second Vatican Council. They do not realize that this disaster has come upon mankind through this Council and that it must be atoned for. Even today they are not ready to celebrate the sacrifice of the cross at the altar of sacrifice. My Son instituted this sacrificial meal as a legacy for all priests on Holy Thursday. .

The priests still reject the divinity in the Trinity and one serious sin piles up on the other. They have put themselves at the mercy of misbelief. This means that they live and bear witness to error and unbelief. That is why mankind has turned away from the truth. She lives in delusion and does not even notice it. She lives in confusion and is not prepared to put an end to this idolatry. Today's priests are not willing to let this misbelief go. They feel comfortable and do not realize that they have turned away from the True Catholic Faith. They pass this untruth on to the believers.

Nor do they take the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church for help. They also reject or misinterpret the Ten Commandments and spread this untruth to the believers. They do not take the purification of My Son seriously. My Son must let this purification come upon mankind as atonement.

The priests are also not ready to announce the punishment of God to mankind. When the eternal judgment is made manifest to all mankind, neither the authorities, nor the priests and faithful will be willing to communicate it to the faithful. People have fallen into grave sins and purification will be necessary for all. The Heavenly Father has made this opportunity available to the faithful.

The authorities, the priests and also the faithful have not known the truth until today. They live the lie and this spreads very rapidly, because nobody will stop this sin.

People live in confusion and disbelief. They establish their own gods and place themselves at the disposal of the gods.

They do not believe in the Trinity, but testify to the mistaken faith of the whole world and live in it. They have adapted themselves to the world and cut themselves off from the supernatural. They continue to live in grave sin and testify to the erroneous faith, for they have already lost their mind. They do not orient themselves to reason, for they have lost normal thinking.

What great and grave sacrileges have befallen mankind. I myself as the Heavenly Mother am exceedingly sad about this godlessness of men and have shed bitter tears about the sinfulness of My sons of priests.

I appointed My apostle Peter as Supreme Shepherd. I have given him the power of the keys.

This present successor of Peter's office has been guilty of all mankind, for he has become a heretic. He has brought bitter suffering to the whole church.

I address you, My beloved authorities, to you again today. Turn back and proclaim the True Faith in the Only True Catholic and Apostolic Church, which My Son instituted for all who believe.

Turn away from the false gods and turn to the truth. Confess your guilt in the valid Sacrament of Penance that includes the key power. This is available to everyone. Believe in the legacy of My Son Jesus Christ. He is the Only True God in the Trinity.

Believes in the Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. This was canonized. What does canonized mean, My beloved ones? It is effective for all times and must not be changed. It was proclaimed in the infallibility of the Supreme Shepherd, Pope Pius V, and is thus a dogma that bears witness to the Catholic faith. It must not be changed with one iota.

But it has been changed and this is a serious offense, which the present Catholic Church has taken upon itself. It is not taken seriously. One acts as if it did not correspond to the truth. One has changed it according to his own discretion. One has not even recognized that one lives untruth and also testifies to it. .

The warning of the many messages of the Heavenly Father was not taken seriously. The authorities have not consecrated themselves to my immaculate heart. The urgency of My calls not accepted. This protection of the last phase before the coming of My Son has faded away.

It is necessary, My beloved sons of priests, that in this last time, the end times, you consecrate yourselves to My Immaculate Heart. Turn back, turn back, My beloved sons of priests, it is still time. Seize the last straw that the Heavenly Father gives you .

How many atonement souls has He already set aside for you. They atone for your guilt with great suffering. They do not rebel against their cross, which the heavenly Father imposes on them. They carry their cross willingly and bravely.

Why do you not believe in these messages of the Heavenly Father? He gave them to you. He is urgently waiting for your repentance, so that you do not fall into eternal damnation. How cruel is hell. It is eternal, which none of you humans can imagine. Therefore I fight daily for your salvation.

How often do I call your attention to the fact that you rush into My safe haven. There is still time. Nor will the heavenly Father have mercy on you. Nor has He given Me as a mother to help you. Believe in the messages. It is very urgent, my beloved. Accept this help in the last time, my beloved authorities.

Do not continue to spread this error and unbelief. Do not continue this idolatry. .

What does Assisi mean? Didn't the then Holy Father Benedict XVI invite the Antichrist? Is this not true? Did you not take this seriously either? Didn't Pope John Paul II kiss the Koran? Isn't that a serious offense?

This present Holy Father offered the other gods the true Catholic faith and thereby betrayed the Catholic faith. This must be atoned for throughout the world.

These popes, who have put themselves at the disposal of the misbelief, must atone heavily. They are held responsible because they do not serve the Catholic faith.

I would tell you nothing else about it, for my beloved ones, eternal damnation is not only eternal, but also cruel. Cruel is this hell. .

Jesus Christ, My Son wants to save every single priest from this. Every priest is of great importance and value to him. He is His jewel.

He has sent these chosen sons of priests to the front of the battle. They have not yet listened to His words.

Therefore, my beloved sons of priests, today I am sending this single priest to the front. I equip him with the fighting spirit, and this fighting spirit will inspire him to make himself available to the truth and to bear witness to this truth. He will convey the truth to all his brothers in office in Göttingen .

This priest will not have it easy, for he will be persecuted, humiliated, and his honor will be taken away. But he will be fully equipped with fighting spirit. I will secure for him the crown of eternal life.

Through him the Holy Spirit will speak, for it is not he who will choose the words, but the Spirit of God will speak through him. He will place himself entirely at the disposal of the Holy Spirit. His words will be true and will enter the world.

These words will inspire this priestly son never to let go one bit of the truth. Even in the last moment of his life he will still stand by the whole truth even if it costs his life. He will never be unfaithful to the true faith.

I, as Heavenly Mother, will support him. In the most difficult moments he will rush into my place of refuge, where he will be safe and secure.

And now I bless you, your Heavenly Mother and Queen of Victory with all the angels and saints in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.

Save protected, My beloved children. Be protected in my safe refuge and hurry there because the safety is to be safe for you in this last and most difficult phase of unbelief. Amen.


