Final Preparations

Important Appeal from God The Father to All!

Before I unleash My Arm with ALL Its Force, AGAINST Planet Earth, I want to INVITE EVERY PERSON to follow My Indications and My Instructions that I will give in this Message because I want EVERY PERSON, to be SAVED and to come to Return to My House from where he/she came, from where he/she left and from where he/she is. (Continue...)

Red Alert

The END of our Freedom, of our Existence

The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world, its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic; these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast, to millions of human beings. (Continue)


Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Monday, April 2, 2018

Second Easter day, Easter Monday.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. through His willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, April 2, the second day of Easter, we celebrated a worthy and holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. Even today there was an intimate, deep and holy atmosphere in our house church in Göttingen. The altar of sacrifice was covered with different colored flowers like a carpet of blossoms. The angels, including the archangels, went in and out and worshipped the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle and also the Risen Savior during the Holy Sacrificial Mass.

Also today the Heavenly Father will speak to you: .

I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you today, on the second day of Easter, My beloved children of Father and Mary, through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. Today you have celebrated the second day of Easter and have confirmed that Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior has truly risen from the dead.

We can only say again and again: "thank you, thank you, thank you for having this insight. Jesus Christ died for us and He rose again on the third day. We firmly believe in it and do not let anyone take this truth of faith away from us! This firm faith does not make us fickle either.

What was the situation of the faithful at that time? The women went ahead to the tomb because they wanted to embalm the body of Jesus Christ because they wanted to serve him. They saw that the stone that lay in front of the tomb had already been rolled away. They were very astonished, and they went into the grave. An angel sat on the stone and announced to them that Jesus Christ is no longer lying in the grave but has risen.

The women believed the angel They announced it to the apostles, who also wanted to go to the grave. But they were fickle and did not believe. They wanted to see the miracle. They did not believe in it He must show Himself to us, otherwise we do not believe that He has risen.  They did not understand what Jesus had prophesied to them before His passion. He had to go through the ordeal, be crucified and resurrect on the third day. They were no longer aware of all this, because the prophecy of Jesus had fallen into oblivion, but now they remembered again. .

Jesus Christ appeared to them, He was in the midst of them, but they did not recognize Him. Their eyes were veiled. He first had to prove to them that He was really among them. Only at the breaking of bread did they recognize Him. Only then were their eyes opened to them, that He really dwelt among them.

Must not today really the eyes of the priests be opened that they can believe? Jesus Christ is truly and truly on the altar before them and they renew the sacrifice of the cross at the altar of sacrifice.

Can today's priests really still perform the sacrifice of the cross or has it become a symbol for them? Are we not already Protestant through ecumenism?

Who are the priests looking at during the transformation today? They look at the people and turn their backs on Jesus Christ and they don't even feel it what they are doing! Can one still understand this? He is truly among us with flesh and blood, with Godhead and humanity. That's the truth.

But these truths no longer live and testify today's priests. Must they still have founded this great mystery of the Holy Eucharist? Where is faith? Have they really forgotten everything that they promised and confessed in the priestly ordination as the greatest truth? Has Jesus Christ changed in the meantime or who has changed? Has faith now been transformed so that it is modern?

What does "ordinary and extraordinary Holy Mass" mean? Can any of you understand this? Or do you, My beloved believers, swim with the general current in modernism? Doesn't everyone ask himself where the truth lies?

Why does the people keep silent, for fear of having to confess the faith, out of comfort or ignorance?  Or is one silent so as not to be ridiculed?

Have we really forgotten this great mystery that takes place in every Holy Mass of Sacrifice at all the sacrificial altars of the whole world? Is it still the truth today or has the truth already been made a lie?

What is the truth about each of us? Are we really still Catholic Christians or has faith, the Only True Catholic and Apostolic Faith, become one among many? Is this Catholic faith really still recognizable?

This Holy Sacrificial Feast is forbidden in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. This was canonized already in 1570, which means that it must not be changed. Only from this holy sacrificial banquet can we receive the full streams of grace to master our daily lives.

Or are we already in the greatest persecution of Christians?

Jesus Christ asks every priest's son today: "Do you still believe My beloved priest's son that I may transform myself in Your consecrated hands? Or will you no longer want to grant Me this wish? Must I continue to prove to you everything that you believe only in a miracle, when this invisible mystery takes place in your consecrated hands? Or has your faith dwindled so far that you no longer feel whether you are Catholic or Protestant? Does the truth still exist for you, My Catholic priest, or has it become only a symbol for you? Can you still believe in a miracle today without proof?  Does the supernatural still exist for you today, or have you completely excluded it in your life, or can you include it? .

Is Jesus Christ, the Son of God also risen for you or is this also a symbol? You should really ask yourself on this most holy of Easter days whether the promise you made at your ordination is still a reality for you? You will become fickle in this day and age and ask the others, "What do you believe? Today you will align yourself with this: "

What do you believe, My beloved sons of priests? Do you also believe that Jesus Christ is risen? Will you also defend your faith? You will often be left alone and you will also be persecuted. I will ask you then My beloved priest son, do you still believe even now, when others continue to mock you and take away your honor? Will you still stand by your Jesus Christ, who redeemed you, and testify to him?

There will hardly be any priest today who wants to celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast in public in the true Tridentine rite. But only this is the true sacrificial banquet that Jesus Christ instituted for all priests on Holy Thursday.

Can the Holy Sacrificial Feast instituted by Jesus Christ have been out of order? Then this sacrificial meal would no longer be Catholic. Then one would also have to claim that it does not correspond to the order. Ask yourselves, My beloved sons of priests, which sacrificial banquet has always been Catholic and which one was not in the order of ? from the beginning.

Now you see, My beloved sons of priests, that the second Vaticanum destroyed everything that was Catholic and led us all astray and confusion. Only no one noticed it, because everyone thought it was right. That is the broad stream that one must not follow. Then one inevitably goes astray.

Jesus Christ gave us this legacy before his death, that we should not go astray. He himself wants to live among us and be with us. He wants to give us the Holy Manna, the Holy Communion, out of a great love that we will never understand. He wants to be with us and in us, and we should give this testimony. Without our testimony, true faith cannot endure. It is our power of action that makes our soul live and without this food not only the soul but also our body withers away .

If I want to have faith founded and doubt, then there is something wrong with me, for faith stands on a firm foundation, which is Jesus Christ himself. Only when I see nothing and yet believe, then my faith is firm.

Is it possible to fathom Jesus Christ? No, certainly not. He is the Unique Great and Powerful Ruler of the whole world and the universe. I can judge myself by him. Then I remain in His love, for He Himself is love. This love will never end. .

What love has He to give away? It is the greatest love, because He gave His life for us to redeem us. Everything He has done out of love for us. The seven sacraments, which He Himself instituted, also came forth from His love.

The ordained priestly hands are a great gift to us. In these hands Jesus, the Son of God, descends to be transformed in them. In the moment of transformation, the priest becomes one with Jesus Christ. This is a mystery of God and will never be fathomed. It must remain a mystery. It is and remains the greatest gift that we can ever receive in our earthly life.

This gift will be taken from us, My beloved sons of priests. Be silent no more. Unite yourselves and fight for the truth. Never will a layman ever have these ordained priestly hands. The calling of a priest is unique and not a job or a profession. The priest is a chosen one of Jesus Christ. Therefore, My beloved ones, be in awe of a priest and receive oral communion kneeling only from His hands (if it is possible for health reasons). In Holy Communion, Jesus Christ comes to us personally. This is the mystery in which we believe as Catholic Christians. And this is what they want to take away from us. Is it still permissible to remain silent?

If I believe that in the Holy Host Jesus Christ is present with body and soul, I receive him already out of reverence only kneeling. He wants to be with me and I want to be united with him. After the reception, please be very still and commune with Him, because you believe that He is in you.

The opposite is when I receive the Host only as a symbol of Jesus Christ. Then I can feel nothing, then I go away empty. An emptiness then arises in me, because my longing for the true bread of life is not satisfied. If I doubt this wonderful secret, I am no longer Catholic.

If I question even one dogma, I am no longer a catholic Christian. It is important for us that the eternal truths be witnessed as truths. .

What is truth today, when faith is twisted? Where the lie rules, there no faith can exist. Every man knows when he reacts sinfully. He does not want to believe it, because then he would have to change. Yes, he may even have to change his whole life.

That is faith. One cannot live in a lie and expect a happy life. One is subject to addictions and this can be dangerous for every person. Addiction arises through longing. Man longs for the truth. Because the longing in humans is not satisfied, humans look for a way out and therefore often end up in addictions.

If you have sinned, My beloved Christians, take the Sacrament of Penance. It shall set you free. Come to me as repentant sinners, for I will refresh you. I want to forgive you, for I am waiting for you to come to Me. I wait with longing for your repentant hearts. Again and again I want to forgive you, because I know that you remain sinful and imperfect men. I Jesus Christ wants to forgive you so that you can receive Me with a pure heart in communion. .

I know that you have also celebrated this second Easter day with all dignity and solemnity. So far you have not become tired of wanting to bring the truths to light and also of working for them. For this I thank you with all my heart. You fight for the truth. You will never allow that if someone spreads a lie, keep silent. So far you have always fought.

But many of My authorities are silent in these days where sin is glorified. One simply says that this corresponds to the truth, although one gives priority to the lie. One cannot reason it, and if one cannot reason it, it does not correspond to the truth.

It's that easy to do in these unbelievable times. Everything must be checked, because miracles are not allowed to happen. Even the miracles of the life of Jesus are now examined to see if it is not a legend or fantasy. Only then can one believe.

My children, this has nothing more to do with the True Catholic Faith. When faith is so flattened that it must be examined to see if it is true, then true faith is no longer there and a split has already occurred.

A faith that has no firmness in the sacraments is not faith. It does not correspond to the Bible at all. It is always so easy to say: "we do not need private revelations, we have the Bible. To these believers one can only say, compare these private revelations with the Bible, for they are after all the additions to the Bible for the present time. But since you cannot believe in these private revelations, you take offence at them and compare them with the Bible, which you do not even know.

I am with you all days and would support you also in your persecutions. I am the just and true God. I will reveal all that corresponds to injustice I will reveal all that corresponds to injustice I will reveal all that corresponds to injustice .

You are still being followed. You will still have to experience much sadness and also malice. But one day you will be the ones who stand on the right side. You will then be admired because you have persevered. To this you belong, My beloved ones. Continue to persevere and testify to your faith and do not keep silent when sin is glorified. Intervene and show that you love the Risen Lord with all your heart. Kiss His wounds, also today on this second day of Easter and also all days after, because Jesus Christ wants to experience your love. He thanks you for your love, which you show Him. Prove to him through your counterlove his exceedingly great love for you. He loves you always and forever with all his heart. Always and everywhere He is with you and never will He leave you alone.

This is faith and this is truth and this is the mystery that no one can fathom.

I bless you now with all angels and saints, especially also with your Heavenly Mother and Queen of Victory, who has overcome all her pains and sufferings, in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You my beloved ones are still the persecuted. But soon you will be admired because you testify that Jesus Christ the Son of God has truly risen, Alleluia.  Amen.


