Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, February 11, 2018

Sunday Quinquagesima.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. through His willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, February 11, 2018, we celebrated a worthy Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. It was a wonderful, holy and divine atmosphere in which I found myself.

I was able to thank the Heavenly Father for the love He has given us all by wanting to be the Heavenly Father in every situation we find ourselves in.

In this faithlessness and extraordinary greatest crisis of faith we are in, which has never been and cannot even grasp in our Catholic Church. We live in a time in which nowhere an enlightenment for our lifestyle is evident.

The altars of Sacrifice and of Mary were decorated with abundant roses, the altar of Sacrifice with red roses and the altar of Mary with white roses. The angels and also the archangels fell on her face in awe of the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle.

The Heavenly Father will speak today, this 11th February 2018: .

I, the Heavenly Father, speak today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

Beloved little flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims from near and far. I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you today, on the day of the apparition in Lourdes, My beloved children.

I, the Heavenly Father, am very, very sad about the present crisis of faith!!! .

First of all, I, the Heavenly Father, want to thank you, My little one, for accepting this eye disease of the right eye. You are practically blind in your right eye for four weeks. This is the diagnosis you have now received this week from your eye doctor.

You have gratefully accepted this admission of Me as atonement and your cross You have not rebelled and have not complained, since you have now added a new suffering. .

I have made you understand this suffering. You practically carry the world suffering for the darkness of this world. In the faithlessness of mankind you want to give me this suffering as a consolation. I thank you for the love you show me. You prove to Me with your loyalty that you really love Me.

In this time of crisis of faithlessness you can prove to me whether you want to sacrifice everything to me. Do not complain about your suffering, but accept it willingly and gratefully.

And now I want to give you an information from heaven about My beloved Benedetto. I am exceedingly sad that this Supreme Shepherd whom I have appointed has caused me so much suffering that he publicly confesses this mockery even before the world. It is not acceptable for me how he has led the True Catholic Church into faithlessness, since he resigned his office already five years ago on his own initiative.

The Supreme Shepherd can at no time resign his office, for I, the True and Great God, have put into his hands the scepter for the entire world church as Peter's successor. He was not appointed, but I have chosen him as Peter's successor. He is My shepherd, who has to steer the nave of the church and also bears the responsibility for the whole world .

I gave him many talents which he should use especially for Germany. Unfortunately he did not put it into practice, although I gave him exactly these abilities. When the difficulties became too great for him, he gave up and did not turn to Me. No one can fulfill this most difficult office of the world church by his own efforts. Every Supreme Shepherd can only persevere with the Divine Power. This supreme shepherd has not yet taken off the white papal strobe after his resignation. He has also been celebrated as pope, although he has resigned from his office.

Now he feels the weakness of his age. Unfortunately, even now he did not confess his grave sins, but emphasized the weaknesses of his body. With this he drew attention to himself and nobody noticed that he had not been the rightful Supreme Shepherd for a long time. He resigned at this time and nobody felt that this time had already come five years ago.

A deception has occurred. He was acclaimed. In reality, his weakness of soul has occurred, which he did not want to reveal to the public under any circumstances. Unfortunately he did not bring this weakness together with the supernatural. To the scorn of the entire Catholic Church, he explained his human weakness by explaining his resignation from office five years ago.

My beloved children, now you must ask yourselves: "Isn't this already schizophrenic? I gave him many talents and he used them for his own benefit instead of using them for the whole universal church.

This is a mockery of the Catholic Church. My divine love I have bestowed on him. Now I must again leave him to his own will, which I do very unwillingly. The public will experience this mockery and I, the Heavenly Father, must watch with sadness as this soul is snatched from me.

Will you, my little one, still be faithful to me? Or will you also move away from me when many men mock you for the sake of truth?

"No, Heavenly Father, I am all yours, you are my purpose in life and my goal. I will never leave You" .

This truth will spread very quickly. You, My little one, I have chosen to reveal this only truth to the public. You will be My only comfort in this darkness of the world. I need your eyesight so that you, My beloved ones, not only see the worldly with your eyes, but direct your attention to the heavenly. I will prepare you for your eternal salvation. You, my little one, are the pioneer.

The second shepherd was manipulated by the guilt of the emeritus Pope Benedict XVI. He has destroyed this Catholic Church beyond recognition. He has done everything that can only harm the Catholic Church. The church has become a figure of fun. The faith is blasphemed and ridiculed so ridiculously that nothing remains of a Catholic faith.

What does this mean for this Supreme Shepherd? Even now he should have confessed before me and the world that this great guilt rests on his shoulders. He should have publicly admitted this guilt before the world.

I give him one last time, so that he may confess before me that he has not only sinned gravely, but has even committed sacrileges.  I wish that he, out of love for me, confesses the burden of sin publicly .

By no means do I want him to flee and put himself in the foreground in order to arouse the pity of the public.

The Catholic Church is in its last contractions. Never before in the history of the Catholic Church has there been such a great lack of faith as there is today.

My beloved little one, therefore I thank you especially for giving and sacrificing this lost sight to Me. You carry the darkness of the whole world with it.

Do you still say a ready "yes father" to your present suffering even then if I do not give it back to you? "I want to fulfill Your will completely, dear Heavenly Father, even if it contains infinite Suffering for me"

You have been an infinite comfort to me today in this time of high spirits. What this emeritus pope, as he calls himself, has done to me is indescribably difficult and incomprehensible to me.

Pray, My beloved children, that every day that this Pope receives as a gift from Me will inspire him to reflect and repent. He should consider that his time on earth is limited. But there is still a possibility for him to confess this guilt before me, the supreme judge, to repent and finally to execute it in a worthy holy confession.

I still give him this time because you, My little one, want to put his guilt on your shoulders too. You recognize My great burden, My sadness and see My tears. You dry them with your suffering, which you willingly accept and want to wear.

I thank you all for wanting to give Me, the Heavenly Father, so much joy in the future with your small flock and followers, that you give Me this comfort every day and thereby give Me your love.

Still I would like to say that love should be decisive for you, because in love you can prove everything to me. The love which you recognize with your spiritual eye is not the worldly, but the supernatural, which you are to put first. .

So now I bless you with Divine Power in the Trinity with all the angels and saints, and also with your dearest Heavenly Mother and Queen of Victory in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Be ready for your last hour, for the time of faithlessness is far advanced. I thank you for every day that you prove to Me that you really love Me. Amen.


