Final Preparations

Important Appeal from God The Father to All!

Before I unleash My Arm with ALL Its Force, AGAINST Planet Earth, I want to INVITE EVERY PERSON to follow My Indications and My Instructions that I will give in this Message because I want EVERY PERSON, to be SAVED and to come to Return to My House from where he/she came, from where he/she left and from where he/she is. (Continue...)

Red Alert

The END of our Freedom, of our Existence

The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world, its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic; these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast, to millions of human beings. (Continue)


Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, February 3, 2018

Saturday, St. Blasius and Cenacle.

The Blessed Mother speaks after the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. through Her willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, February 3, 2018, on the feast of St. Blasius we celebrated a worthy Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. Besides, the Cenacle of the Blessed Mother was on that day. Today you have entered the safe haven, the Hall of Pentecost.

After the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, you who are associated with us and believe in these messages have received the blessing of Blasius.

The altar of Mary was brightly lit during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. The Blessed Mother and also the Child Jesus blessed us during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. Many angels were present and adored the Blessed Sacrament and also the Child Jesus.

Our Lady will speak today: .

I, your dearest Mother and Queen of Victory and also the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach, speak today through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in the will of the Heavenly Father and repeats only the words that come from Me.

My beloved little flock, My beloved followers, beloved pilgrims and faithful from near and far, My beloved children of Mary and Father.

I have invited you to enter into My safe refuge and that you may receive My instructions in your heart. You are in this dark world. The power that emanates from your Heavenly Mother will give you the help to let your light shine in the darkness of the world and to persevere.  Salt of the earth and light of the world you shall be. .

You will illuminate this dark world through your joy, gratitude and also through your commitment. Mankind needs consolation. Nowhere does she find a way to communicate her suffering to the other person. They fall on deaf ears again and again. One does not want to be confronted with the suffering of the other. No one feels with the other. It has become an inhuman world where no one wants to be there for the other.

Humanity has lost its way and has become faithless. One perceives the interreligiousness. It is said: " Every faith has its justification and we all have one and the same faith and the same God, to whom we pray together. The Catholic faith is one of many. He is no longer recognizable as the one and true faith. It has been abolished. One does not talk about faith either. He has become a stranger to us. One does not live by it either. Everything has been made equal by liberalism.

You, My beloved ones, have hurried to My sanctuary to get strength for yourselves so that you do not succumb to evil. You have taken the safe ladder, the rosary. Nothing more can happen to you because you are connected to the supernatural.

I, your dearest mother, lead you to the Father. You are My beloved children of Mary who want to suffer everything. You do not complain about your suffering. You love My Son Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I, your mother, have become the Coredemptrix of the Savior. One does not want to acknowledge this.

My children, how much have I suffered for My Son Jesus Christ? He became man for you and went to the cross for your redemption. He has become man in me. I have born him for the world and have sacrificed this My Son, the Son of God, for humanity as well. I have suffered everything that only a Heavenly Mother can suffer. I would have collapsed only as a human being. Also for Me, as Heavenly Mother, My beloved children, this suffering was unspeakably difficult.I have given the most innocent of the whole world for the world. I was conceived without sin and yet I had to bear the sins of the people. Can you ever imagine that? I have suffered this for you, so that you may receive comfort from me.

I am with you and console you in the greatest sufferings because I love you as only a mother can ever love you; through Me the Divine stream of love has flowed I have born the Son of God. In Me He became man. You certainly cannot grasp this mystery. No one will ever be able to fathom it, nor explain it. It remains a mystery. The love of God is unfathomable and it remains a mystery for everyone. The love of God is so boundless that you may know that you are still loved even when you go astray and reject the loving God. You cannot understand and comprehend this, for boundless is inexplicable. If you have offended the Heavenly Father through sin, He loves you nevertheless and follows you. If He allows suffering, He loves you especially, to give you the opportunity to repent.

Ask that you may receive the Holy Sacrament of Penance and repent of your sins from your heart. You will always receive forgiveness. Even if your sins were red as blood, they will become white as snow. Ask and you will receive. Then you will experience His love, for this is His legacy before His death on the cross. He instituted the Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist for all of us to be with us always. There you will find peace and security, for all will be forgiven if you make a penitent confession. You want to reach heaven one day and see eternal glory. .

How many people today long for this love and cannot find it. This love can only be found in the true Catholic faith. In the other religions you will never find this love. You will search in vain and your longing will not be satisfied. That is why My Son instituted this Holy Sacrament. He always wants to be among his own. Come to him. He is waiting for your return love. Comfort him in His sacraments. He himself comes to you and has mercy on your sinful soul. No one is without sin, for you remain a sinful humanity. This calls for forgiveness. Come, all you who are toilsome and burdened, My Son will refresh and refresh you by the brook of life. Your human love is limited, but the divine is not. It is unreachably large and incomprehensible to you. It will never end. That, My beloved ones, you will never be able to understand. Through Me, the Mother of God, this stream of love and life has flowed, in which the Son of God in Me became man. I had to suffer and endure the greatest suffering. Yet the love of God was perfected in me. It was unattainably beautiful and incomprehensible. This love has held me. I am the Immaculate Received, the purest among men. I have preceded you. Follow Me in the virtues. I was conceived without sin and yet I have had to experience the greatest suffering. This remains incomprehensible to all of you.

Because the dear God loves you, He often permits great suffering, which can be incomprehensible to you. Then feel loved and do not complain. Even if everything seems incomprehensible to you, believe and trust. .

The loving God makes no mistakes. Only we humans are fallible. We often end up in a dead end and cannot find our way out on our own. The loving God helps us and sees our needs. Let us turn to him. Then the true help will come to us. People remain fallible and can only help us to a limited extent. But the true help can only be found with our loving God.

I was chosen as the Mother of God and also to be able to be your mother. I know your needs and suffer with you. In suffering you are never alone.

The mother is the heart of the family. So I am also the heart of your family and the heart of the true church.

A mother, My beloved, is irreplaceable. My beloved Divine Son knew this very well because He gave Me to you as the Mother under the Cross. I, your dearest mother, want to teach you the love of God. You should not feel left alone. I know as Heavenly Mother what your human life is like. I am the Heavenly Mother, who understands you completely in every suffering. Come to me, to my refuge, there you will be comforted and will not succumb to evil. I open My mother's heart so that you may feel safe and secure there.

My beloved ones, My love for you will never end. Come to My loving motherly heart. Then, when your difficulties take over, I will be your mother and comfortingly embrace you. I bring you to the Father Heart. Remain in love and be obedient to the Heavenly Father. Take up your cross and give thanks for it daily, for it has been given to you out of love.

Pray and sacrifice everything in this last and most difficult epoch of time.

I bless you now with all the angels and saints in the Trinity, in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You are the beloved of the Heavenly Father. Help yourself to this love, because it never ends. Amen.


