Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, November 5, 2017

22nd Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. through His willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


Today, the 22nd Sunday after Pentecost, we celebrated a Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V in all reverence. The altars of the Sacrifice and of the Virgin Mary were richly decorated with roses and orchids of different colors. The angels grouped themselves around the tabernacle and also around the altar of Mary and adored the Blessed Sacrament. Many saints were present because it is the All Souls' Month of November. We can still gain many indulgences for the poor souls this month because they really need them.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, your Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is wholly in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me today.

Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved believers and pilgrims from near and far. Today is a special day because I have given My little one a special order to spread My messages again. She herself does not feel able to do this because she has transferred her will to me. I can use it like a cue ball. She does not feel able to put these, My Messages on the Internet because her fears do not let her rest. I, the Heavenly Father, could take these fears away from her at this moment. But, my beloved little one, they are still needed because so many people miss the true path in these difficult times of today. They do not recognize what is truth and lie. They follow the lie and call it truth. There are today completely lost people who present themselves as truthful. They follow freemasonry. Freemasonry means being Antichrist. Is this what you want, My beloved ones? Do you really want to put My Son Jesus Christ in the Trinity on the side? Do you really want to stand before the Eternal Judge one day and then have to confess that you have long lived in grave sin and cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Will you obey the evil powers, the masonic powers? Or do you want to do good works?

What does true faith really mean? True faith also depends on good works. If you say, "I believe" and no good works follow, you are in confusion. Faith is closely related to good works. Faith without good works is empty. You are getting weaker and weaker in your deeds and you do not feel that you have already distanced yourselves from the Triune God for a long time.

The evil forces are circling around you and you will not feel that you are already on the way of the Antichrist.

My love, the love of the Triune God, will teach you the true faith. Give yourselves into this love. That means: Love one another as I have loved you. Love and faithfulness are closely connected.

I, the Heavenly Father, will soon have to start My intervention. I still want to save many who are already standing at the abyss. Many people do not even feel it. They live along with the stream of the worldly. They enjoy themselves and know nothing but themselves. They will also not have the realization that they have been living and acting in disbelief for a long time.

My beloved ones, do you not think that I long for you? I want to win you back. But unfortunately I find your heart doors closed. I want to open them, open for My love. I want to protect you from the evil forces that circle around you daily and pretend that the lie is truth. You do not feel it how many chosen souls I have appointed to save you. These chosen souls suffer and they atone for you and for your sins. You are lonely and alone. But I, the Heavenly Father, watch over them. I cannot ease their suffering because there are so many unbelievers in this present time.

The authority of the Catholic Church is completely confused. They do not change, despite your many sufferings, My beloved little one. But I, the triune God, have given them free will. No one will I force to believe. I make them attentive through many incidents, by which they can recognize what is truth or lie.

The division of the Catholic Faith, My beloved ones, has begun long ago. It is a small flock that has transferred its will to me, the heavenly Father, and lives completely the Catholic, true faith.

In this most difficult of times, few manage to take up the cross that is destined for them and stand in gratitude before the Triune God. I would like to transmit My love to them. I will strengthen them in their souls. For each one I have a special task in the divine. If they perform this task, they will soon realize what truth and lie are. But if they continue to obey the evil powers, they will not recognize what belongs to me, the heavenly Father. "Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's." This is what the gospel says today.

Do the believers who truly believe give Me the glory? Or do they give themselves over to the worldly?

I call all of you, My beloved ones, come to Me, for My longing is growing with every apostate Christian.

Who still longs for the day of the Lord on Sunday? It is almost nobody. Who still stands up for the other person today? Who else is really committed to making sure that the other person is doing well and bears witness to the Catholic faith?

Then, if you lie in the untruth and feel that the other is also telling the untruth, you must be able to enlighten him. You can do it only if you yourself have the true knowledge. But if you prefer the worldly, that is, love mammon more than me, you cannot follow the truth.

But I, the Triune God, am still fighting with My chosen ones for every single soul. These chosen ones obey me and stand on the right side. They sacrifice and atone for you until you follow the truth and do not run after the evil powers.

Since I love you, I will be merciful towards you, but you will also feel My righteousness. You have done many things and you think you are merciful to the other. But this also includes that you practice justice. Do not reproach the other person for his mistakes and think that you are the great makers. That is pride and pride is of evil.

You are My little tools and you shall practice humility. Humility means servitude. Then you can serve me and the other. Believe in my renewed messages, in which I want to enlighten you, so that you can once enter the Eternal Kingdom of Heaven. This means My truth, and is My Divine purpose.

I love you ineffable and bless you now in the Trinity with all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Love one another, for love will unite and bring you together. Amen.


