Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, April 30, 2017

2nd Sunday after Easter.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V. through His willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


Today, April 30, 2017, the second Sunday after Easter, we celebrated a dignified Tridentine Mass of Sacrifice according to Pius V. The altar of sacrifice and also the altar of Mary were again immersed in a richly decorated sea of flowers. The angels moved in and out during the Holy Sacrificial Mass and adored the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. All of you have answered My call today. I have called you to follow me because my sheep know me. They follow Me and listen to My voice. I have many sheep in My sheepfold. But some are not from me. They go other ways. They do not realize that I sent My Son Jesus Christ to the earth to redeem them. They have become hirelings and do not listen to my voice.

You, My beloved ones, who obey My words, you are My favorites. I want to draw you to Me and delight you. You prove to me through your sacrifices, prayer and atonement that you want to follow me and love me. Through you, My beloved ones, I receive great consolation.

But what about the non-believers whom I also love? Do they follow me? Do they listen to My words? No, they go other ways, although I love them and although I have redeemed them.

I wanted to found the New Church through My Son Jesus Christ.

Those who follow Me, who hear My words and who follow My words, lie in the truth. I have shared much information with My beloved ones in the messages. They still reject my words. With this they reject me, the great God, the Lord of heaven and earth. I love everyone and want to pull everyone to my heart. How sad I am when my words are refuted, when my beloved ones who follow me are despised and mocked, although they take on much and it does not become too much for them. They prove that they love Me and they are an example for others.

Why don't you recognize this, My beloved ones? In what are they hurting you? How do you recognize untruth in them? Again you say, "We have the Bible and that is enough for us. - Then, my beloved ones, prove to me that in my messages there is untruth. Proves Me wrong? If you think you are familiar with the Bible, you are not, because you do not even read the Bible.

You do not read messages either. You reject my words, which I give you, although I again and again prove my love and also again give you chances. How sad I am about a single sinner who does not listen to my words, who rejects them.

How sad is My beloved Mother, who asks for every single sinner and brings these worries to Me. She cares for every single priest who is not willing to follow my words. How wrong are some who again and again refute my words. With them the truth has become a lie. They twist my words and then say, "This is the truth, you must follow it. They pass the lie on. And in doing so, they pull many people with them into the wrong direction.

Those who are already at the precipice are unfortunately very many. I, the Heavenly Father, want to save them all. If they do not turn back, they fall forever into the abyss. Just one more little push and it is done. This is bitter for your beloved father. Look how often your dearest mother begs at My throne. How many times does My Son beg for your love, My beloved sons of priests? How often does He give you a word, a love, which you do not recognize, which you even reject, yes, which you even present as a lie? My son went to the cross for everyone, even for the criminals. He could not prove a greater love to you. He was innocent and was despised and crucified. For all of you He wanted to make this great sacrifice to save you from the eternal underground. And yet many have fallen prey to the lie. In the lie is the evil one. He wants to turn you away from the truth. When you recognize the truth, you, my sons of priests, turn back. Have the courage to finally turn back.

I, the Heavenly Father, always announce the truth to you. This truth lies in the true Holy Sacrificial Feast. Why do many sons of priests not realize that only this Holy Sacrificial Feast can exist in the Tridentine rite according to Pius V?

The priests who celebrate this sacrificial meal turn to My Son Jesus Christ. This sacrificial meal is a repetition of the sacrifice of the cross. Every priest should be aware of this. Only then can you, my beloved faithful, receive Holy Communion in a dignified manner, kneeling and receiving oral communion.

Why don't you realize that the grinding table means sacrilege. You, My sons of priests, turn your backs on My Son Jesus Christ, that is, that you reject Him, because you do not serve My Son, but the people. Is it therefore wrong if I want to found a New Church?

You must ask yourselves, you tenants, do you still live the Catholic faith and do you still bear witness to the one Holy Sacrificial Supper, where Jesus Christ can be transformed in the hands of His priestly sons? Or did you choose Protestantism?

A single priest who celebrates the true sacrificial banquet and turns to Me, Jesus Christ, at the sacrificial banquet, unites himself with Me and thus becomes practically one with Me, the Son of God. This is the greatest secret that can only be found in the true Catholic Church. Only from the consecrated hands of the sons of priests can anyone, as a devout Catholic Christian, receive Holy Communion in a worthy manner, for in the consecration the bread is changed into My Body and the wine into My Blood. If every priest would remember this, we would have holy priests and a holy people. I ask you, you faithful who receive communion at the grinding table, do you still feel worthy to receive this Holy Sacrament?

My beloved sons of priests, you have been unfaithful to your priesthood. Did you take your ordination at the grinding table or at a table of sacrifice, as it was intended from eternity? You have promised to exercise the priesthood in a dignified manner.

Turn to the truth, My beloved sons of priests, nor is it time, nor can you grasp the last straw. I eagerly await your repentance. Daily I pray for you. How much does My Son beg and how much does your Heavenly Mother beg for your intense conversion? How many tears has your dearest mother already shed for you?

How sad she is about every single priest who stands at the grinding table. This is a sacrilege and never corresponds to the truth. I tell you, I will smash these grinding tables one day, because they are an abomination to me. You have made My temple a den of thieves. Everything that happens in modernism is certainly not true. On the contrary: lie upon lie, and malice upon malice. The obstinacy of My beloved sons of priests does not stop. They do not recognize my love, which I want to prove to them because they are my beloved chosen ones, whom I once called. I find their closed hearts, into which I would like to stop to prove my love to them. My love is boundless. Never will I turn away a sinner who returns to me repentant.

Come to the Holy Sacrament of Penance, which shall wash you clean with My Holy Blood. Only one drop of the Precious Blood needs their sinful soul and they are already in the sanctifying grace. I Am the Eternally Forgiving One and I do not hold anything against anyone. My love makes everything new again and nothing stands in the way of a new beginning. I attract all to My loving heart.

I bless you now with triple power, with all the angels and saints in the Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You are loved from eternity. Comfort your Heavenly Father, for He wants to prove His love. Prove to her, too, that you really love Him.


