Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, March 26, 2017

Laetare Sunday, 4th Sunday of Lent.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V. through His willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


Today, March 26, 2017, we celebrated Laetare Sunday. A reverent, Holy Tridentine Mass of Sacrifice preceded. The altar of sacrifice and also the altar of Mary were decorated with festive floral decorations. The angels, including the archangels, went in and out during the Holy Sacrificial Mass and worshipped the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle and also grouped themselves around it.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in the will of the Heavenly Father and today repeats My words in their entirety.

My beloved little flock, My beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. You have all received this abundant blessing on this Laetare Sunday. But grace also means task for you. This assignment consists in that you fulfill my will. When I impose the heaviness on you, I ask you to bear it in love, not with grumbling and rebellion, but in my desire and will. They are to become love sacrifices that are to be fulfilled. This grace will be given to you today, on this special Sunday. Look at the gospel of today.

What does it really look like on this Sunday? Have I prophesied and shown you the wonders as I have said? Could the mighty God not reveal Himself without miracles? Yes, I really could have done that as king of the whole world and of redeemed humanity. This is how I could have really appeared. But I also wanted to have a ready "Yes, Father" from you, without working miracles.

I can work miracles so that you may recognize the faith of seeing, but not the miracles of true faith. If you only believe, if you only see what you believe, it is too weak a faith. You can fall over at any time and go to the wrong extreme. I do not agree with this faith with you. To believe and yet not see is too sparse - without miracles you must be able to believe.

During this time you will suffer the most severe sufferings and you will have to make the most severe sacrifices. You are to accept your suffering from my hand that is meant for you, as it corresponds to my wishes.

Look upon the love of your dearest Mother, your Heavenly Mother. Has she not endured everything out of love until under my suffering on the cross? Did she not say a free yes to the redeemer suffering of all mankind, even though she knew that she had to endure the most severe sufferings for the future?

She said at the angel's greeting: "Yes, Father, thy will be done, as thou wilt, so shall it be done. With this she has said her full yes to the suffering of redemption. And I wish the same from you. You are not to say, "Father, take these sufferings from me; if it becomes too hard, take it from me," but, "Yes, Father, in Your will I bear this suffering as You wish and not as I imagine it. I want to put myself into your will, because I love you and out of this love I make the greatest sacrifices when you demand them from me. These are the love-sufferings and these mean the last steps of the Calvary. Willingly I will climb up step by step, as you wish me to do.

And so I bless you today, on this wonderful Sunday of joy in the Trinity with all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

The Trinitarian God loves you and continues to desire from you a willing: "Yes, Father, your will be done. Amen.


