Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, November 27, 2016

1st Sunday in Advent.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. through His willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. The Holy Sacrificial Mass was celebrated in awe in the Tridentine rite according to Pius V. The Advent wreath was decorated with violet bows and a candle was ceremonially lit after the consecration of the wreath. The flame of the lighted candle was about 20 cm high and I saw the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove, above it the Heavenly Father, next to it the Son of God, that is, the Trinity. From outside, the angels moved in and out during the Holy Mass of Sacrifice. They bowed before the tabernacle and fell on her face during the holy transformation. In addition I heard the choir of angels in different pitches, there were probably nine choirs of angels singing the Gloria, Kyrie and Sanctus.

The altar of Mary was richly decorated with various magnificent flowers. Little diamonds sparkled in the flowers. The white mantle of the Mother of God was also set with small diamonds.

The Heavenly Father will speak today, on the 1st Sunday of Advent: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me.

Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. I, the Heavenly Father, will give you today some important and directional information regarding My near intervention.

My beloved little flock, you have persevered, you have been there for Me, your Heavenly Father in the Trinity, you are My consolation, you do not give up but will continue to fight.

In this great struggle you are now standing, but not alone. The Blessed Mother, your dearest mother, has taken you under her mantle. She does not want to fight alone. She calls upon her children of Mary to take up the fight against the evil one with her. The throat of evil is wide open. He will still devour many priests who do not obey Me.

In this Catholic Church darkness has penetrated, above all the darkness of the mind. Unfortunately the authorities have lost their minds. This Pope, who has placed himself on the chair of Peter and is controlled by the Freemasons, is the Antichrist. You cannot yet believe it, My beloved ones. This one proceeds in a heretical way. He has many followers who are in the modernist faith and live it. They are addicted to evil.

You, My beloved ones, keep your distance from all those of whom you do not know exactly whether they are influenced by evil. Be vigilant, for the wicked one is going about, trying to influence you. He wants to confuse you and lead you away from good. But I give you exact information and instructions.

Yes, My Son Jesus Christ will appear with His Mother, the Heavenly Mother, throughout the entire firmament. But first the cross will be seen in a bright supernatural light. It will appear in all parts of the world. Men will be frightened by this bright light and freeze in fear.

Violent earthquakes will happen and a great famine will occur. The stars will fall from the sky and the sun and moon will no longer shine. Many people are afflicted by great tribulations, epidemics and serious diseases. All will not be able to believe that I, the Heavenly Father, have taken over the regency and hold the world in My hands.

Everything that only one person can destroy lies on the ground. Nothing is still in order today, nothing.

The youth lies ruined on the ground. The unborn children are brutally murdered in the womb, the children of school age are sexualized, and even in kindergarten the shame of the youngest children is exceeded.

All may receive the Body of My Son Jesus Christ, even those who lie in grave sin and receive the Body of My Son in an unworthy manner.

This Pope Francis took the right to change everything that is true in the Catholic faith, because there is only one true faith and that is the Catholic one, which he changed in all forms. The dogmas are no longer ready for him to speak. He himself sat on the throne of Peter to exercise his power, which he succeeded in doing, for he has many followers. He proclaims the erroneous faith in the whole world and people believe him. Many run after him. Why is this happening today? People find themselves in grave sin because they are ascribing to the lusts of the world. Sexuality has come to the forefront for many, including today's priests. Homosexuality is even practiced in Rome.

My beloved children, do you now believe that I, the Heavenly Father, must intervene in a powerful way? It is difficult for me to put this intervention into practice. I have still held back My arm of wrath because My dearest Mother, and also your Mother, has begged Me to wait a short while longer, since She still wants to save some priests from eternal corruption.

The time is fulfilled, for darkness has come, the darkness of mind. How shall I, the Heavenly Father, write the truth in the hearts of priests so that they may wake up?

The light of faith should be the first light of Advent today. These priests set it on fire. Unfortunately you do not know the reason. The importance for the pre-Christmas season, the preparation for the birth of My Son Jesus Christ, has been lost to them. They no longer enjoy this contemplative beautiful time and do not let this light of Advent shine in their hearts. They have closed their hearts and allowed evil to enter. This one exercises his power. This heretic continues to sit on the throne of Peter. In a very short time I will sweep him away, because he is not worthy to hold this office.

And now I have a special wish for My priestly son, whom I have chosen to hold the office of Peter, because an emergency situation has arisen.

Not he has chosen, but I have appointed him. I wish of this, My beloved priestly son, that he consecrate the Russian land to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, My dearest Mother. This is to take place on the Day of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, December 8. If this does not happen, World War III will be on the doorstep and it will be inevitable. The two great powers, the USA and Russia, will fight against each other. This fight will be cruel. All powers are equipped with the sharpest nuclear weapons. Unfortunately they do not take the most effective weapon of the rosary to hand. You, My beloved Germany, are in the middle of this war and you will not survive it. Nothing you can prevent once it bubbles.

I wish that now many realize that prayer must take precedence and that they want to take the rosary and atone and sacrifice. It would be an advantage if at last atonement nights were called. My wish is that this should start from Rome.

But unfortunately, this heretic Francis did not call for a night of atonement, since he himself has committed himself to the devil. You have atoned and prayed so much for him, but in vain. So far it has not been reversed.

But now this church is splitting in a very short time. A division, my beloved ones, hurts because it brings restlessness and uncertainty. You shall be one, of one sense. Division means that a part of the Catholic Christians split off and sink into confusion and misbelief because they do not believe in my words, which I have sent into the world through my beloved little Anne. To this one I have transmitted the world broadcast. She suffers and she fulfills My wishes completely. I have made them useful and purified them for my will, as I will continue to purify my priestly son.

And now, My beloved ones, I want to bless you on this 1st Sunday of Advent. He is to bring light and clarity into your heart. Believe and trust.

I bless you now in the Trinity with your Heavenly Mother and all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Believe and trust more deeply and be vigilant, for the wicked man is walking. It can become effective in all people. Therefore watch and pray, because the hour of truth is near.


