Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, December 27, 2015

Sunday in the Christmas Octave. Memorial day of the Holy Apostle John.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today we celebrated the feast of the Holy Apostle John. During the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, the altar of sacrifice was not only bathed in golden light, but it shone in red. During the sacrifice I saw the chalice angel. He held His cup under the heart wound of the Savior and collected His blood. This heart wound bleeds for His New Priesthood and for His New Church. The altar of Mary was also bathed in golden light. I have seen many saints today, especially St. John and St. Stephen, who have their feast day right after the birth of the Child Jesus. The baby Jesus was immersed in a golden glow during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. He raised His hands to the Heavenly Father and asked the Heavenly Father: "Please forgive them all, for I became human because of them.

The Heavenly Father will speak on the feast day of St. John: I, the Heavenly Father, speak also today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My will and repeats only words that come from Me today.

Beloved little flock, beloved followers, beloved pilgrims from near and far, beloved believers and all who hold fast to My messages, you are especially called today to follow Me, the Heavenly Father. This is not easy, my beloved ones, because I demand very much from you in this final phase. You, My little one, have asked Me to be allowed to celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Masses in the domestic church in Göttingen on these feast days after all. I could not refuse you this wish. But that I should take away your illness completely from you, as it was your wish, this I could not fulfill for you, because the priestly mission is too precious for me. If you do not fully atone as I wish and thus take upon yourself your sicknesses, your ailments, your pains, then unfortunately I cannot save many priests from eternal ruin, for this is My desire and My will. You shall follow this.

In an ecstasy I had already told you, My little one, that My priestly sons are moving away from Me more and more. That is why I have once more given every specially chosen priestly son a chance, a single special chance to follow Me. I have touched them especially in their hearts that they have the possibility to know what My desire and will is for each and every chosen priestly son. I have shown them My wounds. I have washed them in My Precious Blood. All their sins I wanted to forgive them and forget them. And yet they have given me a clear no. I called them one by one and said, "You have crucified me again. Look at My nails, look at My wounds as they bleed through you, My sons of priests." How many graces have I given you in this pre-Christmas season, how many insights, how many enlightenments. And yet materialism and sexualism is worth more to you than to obey me, the heavenly Father. My Son Jesus Christ has asked Me again: "Dear Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. Forgive them and enlighten them so that they may realize how precious a Holy Mass of Sacrifice is. You have done this, dear Heavenly Father, and yet they have not recognized that they can also go this single path as My priestly son has preceded them in 11 years. A clear No was given to me, the Heavenly Father, by them. These were My blood tears, because how much I suffer for My Son, whom I had crucified for the whole Church, for all sinners, to redeem them all. And now they beat Him again on the cross through this gravest sin.

That is why you, My little one, have asked St. John today that through his virginity he may save many sons of priests from this grave sin. I ask you, for My consolation, to continue to atone and sacrifice also for this Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X, which will split and unfortunately some of them will not only be split off but will have to experience the eternal fire because the hatred has grown so much in them that My wrath has become oversized, although My Son Jesus Christ has asked Me not to throw them into the eternal fire after all.

It is so sad for me to have to tell you this today on this feast day. Why do I do this? So that you may atone even more. So that you, My little one, may continue to take your illness upon yourself, which you cannot understand. Otherwise, if you do not want to suffer this, I would have to burden you with another disease. Continue to accept them and do not ask when I will take them from you. I will not take it from you as soon as you expect it. No, it will take even longer.

You know that you are the successor of Maria Sieler. That is why the priesthood is so important for me. I still have no priest who wants to follow me in everything. This is the bitter sacrificial chalice which the angel of the cup holds under the heart wound of My Son and collects His blood.

But you, My beloved ones, are here to comfort Me on this day too. Once again I call upon all the sons of priests to live virginity and to look upon the Immaculate Heart of My dearest Mother and consecrate themselves to it. May you again take the breviary in your hands and give Me the promise of faithfulness to be there forever and love only Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, and give yourselves totally to My Son in the true Holy Mass of Sacrifice with sense and understanding, as My beloved Padre Pio, who is already in heaven, did in every Holy Mass of Sacrifice, because you are all sacrificial priests. Give yourselves completely to My Son as I desire. You are My chosen ones after all, and on you I put all My Divine power.

Look at My bitterness and at the Cross of My Son Jesus Christ, then you can persevere, then you will become sacrificial priests, and only then can I give you the gift of sanctifying grace. Especially in these days of Christmas, wait for the streams of grace that will shine through you and embrace you with Divine Love. Then you will be strengthened and can climb the last steps of the ladder to heaven according to my plan, desire and will. This will not be easy for all of you, but think of the grace that you receive from me in return. Only then can you continue on the path of your holiness.

I love you and bless you in threefold power with your Heavenly Mother, with all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Love for love, faithfulness for faithfulness until the last moment. Amen.


