Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, December 5, 2015

Heart of Mary atonement Saturday.

Our Lady speaks after the Cenacle and the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. We celebrated the Cenacle today. The altar of sacrifice, the altar of Mary, the entire house church in Göttingen and also the sickroom were bathed in a bright glistening light. The candles illuminated the whole room with their bright light. The tabernacle angels held burning candles in their hands. The altar of Mary was today especially decorated with angels, candles and flowers. There was a sacred atmosphere even in the sickroom that could not be surpassed. We all felt that this was the holy place of the Cenacle.

The Heavenly Mother will speak: I, your Heavenly Mother, will speak now and in this moment through My willing, humble and obedient instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will of the Heavenly Father and today repeats words that come from Me, your Heavenly Mother.

My beloved little flock, My beloved followers, My beloved pilgrims from near and far, especially of Heroldsbach and Wigratzbad, My beloved Mary's children and Father's children, all of you who believe in these messages and follow them are especially called to go into battle today.

Yes, My beloved children, you have heard in the Fraternita that you are in battle. But you do not fight alone, My beloved ones, your Heavenly Mother goes ahead of you and does not let you go, because She offers you Her blessing hand and holds you fast. My angels, beloved children, stand behind Me and stand behind you.

What does this enormous fight really mean? What weapons do you have, My children? Do you have them in your hands? Yes! I thank you for the many rosaries, for they are your weapons, which you hold firmly in your hands every day. Satan hates this rosary. Already, if you are ready to pray this one, he wants to come on the scene and keep you from it, because you are imperfect. You often indulge in your comfort. But then you are also ready again to pray several rosaries to give Me, your Heavenly Mother, great joy and to hurl the rosary towards Satan. You are full of love and he puts his hatred against you. But who will prevail in this fight against Satan, which you wage together with me, your heavenly mother? You, My children of Mary, you, My father's children! Do not let go of your weapon and chain the bad guy to it. In any case, He wants to dissuade you from continuing to pray the rosary beads. And yet he will not succeed, because I, your Heavenly Mother, am always zealous that you give me many rosaries to keep away the evil spirits. This is your greatest weapon. Keep in mind that the evil one will always try to dissuade you. Some are influenced by this and become more comfortable in praying. But you, my beloved children, you are eager to give me joy.

And for this I thank you today especially in this Cenacle, because you entered with Me into the Pentecost Hall. The Fraternita has made it clear to you how important the Rosary is that you pray it often and with joy. Lovingly you look at me and I look at you with gratitude. I look into your eyes that shine with love. This radiance comes from Me, your Heavenly Mother, because you continue to declare war on evil. Everything that comes from evil is full of hate. The evil one now wants to stop you from doing good in the final battle. Evil is easier to do for those who do not believe. But who will be happy? You, My beloved children of Mary. You are happy when you take the Rosary in your hands and bring so much joy to Me and to the Heavenly Father in the Trinity that you keep saying again and again: "We are entering into battle. We have the Blessed Mother."

You have Me, My beloved children, your beloved Heavenly Mother, the Immaculate. This power, which emanates from Me, radiates through every smallest corner of your heart so that it may become brighter and brighter in you, because you are in the time of Advent, in the time of reflection on Christmas, on the birth of Jesus Christ My Son. You may look forward to this feast, even if it looks at the moment as if everyone is leaving you, because what the Internet says is so horrible that your hearts would not be able to rejoice if I, your Heavenly Mother, did not give you this new power. Please do not let go of this source of power, but let it flow deeper into your heart, because the weapon against evil is and remains the rosary.

Yes, you can't imagine how far this weapon reaches. It is not only in your area where you are, but far beyond. You cannot imagine how far this source of power of the Rosary reaches. The light shall become brighter in your hearts. It should also enlighten the others, especially the priests who are still not ready to pray this rosary. Why? Because they think: "This is not for me. That's ancient history." No, My children. It is the best and greatest that I can offer to My beloved priestly sons. They are in dire need of this weapon today. And this weapon I offer them again and again. Take the rosary, My beloved sons of priests, then you are not only protected, but you fight. And in this fight you now stand, you who are ready to turn back.

Your Heavenly Mother is willing to take you by the hand and impart all graces to you, for I am the Mediator of All Graces. I will present your concerns to the Heavenly Father and you will be able to be ready to fulfill the will and plan of the Heavenly Father, namely to celebrate His Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the full truth and in the fullness of grace.

The intervention of the Heavenly Father is coming closer and closer. My beloved children, how often have I pointed out to you that the Heavenly Father will intervene. Yes, He will intervene, but in a very different way, as you can imagine and as the Heavenly Father has foreseen in His plan. But you believe and trust and ask the Heavenly Father to help you, even when you understand nothing and when the ways of the Heavenly Father are unfathomable to you. They remain unfathomable but true.

The truth, My beloved, the devil hates. He is the lie in person. Pay attention, My beloved children, and avoid contact with those who live in grave sin because they want to lead you away from the true way. There is only one path of truth, namely that which lies in the true Catholic faith. All other religious communities are not in the truth and are devilish. There is only one, True, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. And that's it! I would like to call upon everyone to want to win through My Immaculate Heart. To everyone I will reach out my hand who reaches out to Me, because I am the Queen of all priests, and I never leave alone a priest who is ready to confess his guilt, confess and start anew. I, the Heavenly Mother, will willingly reach out my hand to him and will embrace him for joy, because the prodigal son will then be safe with the Heavenly Father, where I will lead him.

All My priest sons are important to Me. I am fighting for each one of you, and I thank you already now for the many rosaries through which you have saved so many priests from eternal ruin. You will not know these priests. They will not thank you, but you can trust that your Heavenly Father will not let any prayer go nowhere. Every prayer, no matter how small, is fruitful for each individual priestly son. And for these sons of priests your Heavenly Mother fights with her beloved Mary's children. How thankful I am that you have chosen Me as your Heavenly Mother, who is full of graces from which you may live. Where there is grace, there is life. There the wicked man has no entrance. Your doors are then closed to him. No matter how cunningly he would try to unlock it, he would not succeed, because whoever has joined me, the heavenly mother, is on the best and surest path, and he will go into battle with me and win through my Immaculate, Motherly Heart.

Look at this fullness of grace and consider that I am guiding you and that trillions of angels are behind Me and also behind you at the same time. You are protected on all sides, especially by your beloved Holy Archangel Michael. What fullness of strength you draw from this Holy Mass of Sacrifice, which you were allowed to celebrate also today, the day of My Cenacle. And you, my little one, still have a great suffering of atonement and in spite of everything you are ready to bear this and also to suffer and to endure. Until the end you said, you will persevere and say your willing yes. For this I thank you and your small flock and the following that stands behind you with a large prayer group. Every prayer is powerful and helps you, My beloved little one.

Once again I want to thank you for all the love you have for me, your dearest mother, especially on this day. This day has become My feast day because you, My beloved children of Mary, stand behind Me, because you prove to Me that you really love Me, that you take upon yourselves and want to take everything that is difficult for you. Your dearest mother will not leave you alone. This is your security. And this security makes you precious, precious in your hearts. Your hearts are joined together when you pray the rosary. Then it is a chain of pearls, a chain of believers who do not let go, even if heavy things should hit them. They will be sure to win the victory because they dare to fight. The fight is not easy. It is very arduous. Everyone knows this from My children of Mary. Nevertheless, none of Mary's children will be lost; on the contrary, they will go into battle strengthened and will win with Me, the Immaculate Heart. The Immaculate Heart, My beloved children, has a tremendous power. And you will feel this power in your hearts. Thank the Heavenly Father that He has given Me to you as your mother, because He wanted to give you the dearest thing He has. He knows, My beloved children, that His dearest is the best for you.

So I want to thank you once again on this day which you, My beloved children, have made into a feast day. Thank you for all the love you give me every day. I love, bless, protect and thank you with all angels and saints, in the Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Remain faithful to heaven and stand on the right side, then you will be protected and loved in every situation. The evil one will not be able to harm you, for he will be bound with the rosary. This is a chain that never ends and which he will continue to hate. But love will win! Amen.


