Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Feast of the Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today we celebrated the Feast of the Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. It was reverently celebrated in the Tridentine rite according to Pius V here in Mellatz in the house chapel. The altar of sacrifice was bathed in dark red light, which was interspersed with golden shine. I saw Jesus Christ again, who was completely united with the priest at the altar. He became one with His priestly son and wanted to make it known to all priests that it is important for the priest to give himself completely into the sacrificial cup of the Holy Blood of Jesus Christ and to see in it his complete fulfillment of the priesthood. The Precious Blood of Jesus Christ is so precious to us all. He shed His precious blood on the wood of the cross for our sins so that we may be redeemed. That is why the statue of the Sacred Heart was bathed in dark red light. During the holy change I saw the cup as Jesus Christ offered it to His Father. He was turned toward the tabernacle, not, as in modernism, toward the people. How much it offends Jesus Christ that His chosen sons of priests, whom He sent, turn their backs on Him before this exceedingly great mystery. He left us this testament on the wood of the cross. He has given His priests the authority to transform the Host into His Holy Body and the wine into His Precious Blood. We celebrated this great secret today.

The altar of Mary was also bathed in dark red light from the sacrificial altar. The Blessed Mother's heart, burning with love, was brightly illuminated. During the transformation many angels moved into the house chapel. They floated above the altar and also above the sacrificial chalice. I had to fall down because such great awe was suddenly in me. I was literally lifted off the earth in ecstasy. I could not believe all this. This event of old age is so valuable for us because we are defective human beings and can only be purified by the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, especially through the Holy Sacrament of Penance.

Today again the Heavenly Father speaks: I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you, My beloved children, today on the Feast of My Son Jesus Christ, the Feast of His Precious Blood, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My will and repeats only words that come from Me.

My beloved little flock, My beloved followers and My beloved believers and pilgrims from near and far, how I love you today in this celebration of the Precious Blood of My Son Jesus Christ. I immerse you all in this blood so that you may be purified. Only through His Precious Blood will you be purified, not through yourselves. You remain imperfect men, but since My Son Jesus Christ went to the cross for you, He has redeemed you. That is why you always have the certainty that you will rise anew in His blood and that your soul will be washed clean. That is why the Confiteor during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. You remain sinful people and will never become perfect, but the love of My Son Jesus Christ will never end. He loves all His priest sons, His messengers. He wants to bring them back from this confusion and aberration.

This false prophet, who has taken his seat on Peter's chair, lies in total darkness. He no longer recognizes anything because he has separated from the Trinity. He proclaims the misbelief. Therefore be vigilant, my beloved believers. I would like to draw your attention to My instructions. Everything corresponds to the Holy Scripture, what My little one gets told. Nothing is out of her, I keep saying, because she remains the little tool and a little nothing. She gives herself completely to me, the heavenly Father, and corresponds to my wishes and my will. That is why I love them the more. This does not mean that I do not impose no atonement on her, but she gets the greatest suffering because she has taken over the world mission. World broadcast means: To announce the most important things for the whole world. This is My desire, My will and My plan. Everything corresponds to the truth. The truth is not proclaimed today and is not lived. That is why you, my little ones, are responsible for shouting this truth out into the world.

The Sacred Heart of My Son Jesus Christ is full of love, but also full of pain. My heavenly Mother carries this pain with her, because she cannot bear that these many sons of priests are standing at the abyss. They will inevitably fall into this abyss if they do not deeply repent of what they have done, of the wickedness they have committed at the altar and have accumulated sin upon sin. The Holy Altar of Sacrifice is important, My beloved priestly sons, not you. You remain my tools, even at the altar. Through you I work the greatest miracle, the Holy Eucharist. Are you no longer aware of what you are doing at the altar? Can you still stand today at the popular altar with a clear conscience or are you so far from Me that you have thrown away everything, your priesthood with your priestly garments? You meant to say: "I no longer believe in this great mystery, because the Triune God no longer exists for me. That is what they are saying.

Can you imagine, My beloved little flock, how painful this is for My heart. I have sacrificed My Son Jesus Christ for My priestly sons so that they may be saved, so that there may be a Holy Catholic Church that can withstand all storms, and now it will be destroyed beyond recognition. Sin after sin accumulates and I, the Heavenly Father, have long since taken the scepter into my hand. I now decide about the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church and not the evil one. To this Satan I will take away his power. He still triumphs, but this triumph belongs to my dearest mother. She has endured under the Cross of My Son Jesus Christ, and all Her children of Mary draw you to Her and take them protectively under Her wide mantle. She saves them so that nothing happens to them. She loves her Marian children, but she knows that they bear the greatest suffering. My children have chosen to stand on the right side, to live and proclaim the truth. This is the most difficult thing in today's world. No one speaks of faith anymore and no one lives faith. A very small crowd, My beloved ones, remains, who want to belong completely to Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, who take refuge on the right side, who no longer want to be in this modernist church. You have chosen the Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V and order this DVD. Daily they celebrate thus a valid holy sacrificial meal. And this cannot be taken away from them even if this church, which is lived today, sinks into chaos.

I Am the Ruler of the whole universe, and the gates of hell will not overwhelm the church. Gloriously she will arise, My beloved little ones who persevere, who take everything upon yourselves, because these sufferings are precious. Decide again and again anew for your cross, for your suffering.

This sacrifice, My beloved priest son, you made yesterday. This suffering, this sickness, I had to inflict on you because you were immersed in the Precious Blood of My Son. You are faulty and imperfect. But the precious blood has redeemed you. You stand under the cross and willingly say yes to your cross, to your illness. All is atonement.

Can you imagine, My beloved little ones, how much expiation it takes to save Wigratzbad? Wigratzbad is destroyed more and more. You recognize it, but you persevere in sacrifice, in prayer and in atonement. Believe in the mission, because nothing happens that your Heavenly Father has not provided. I also decide about Wigratzbad. My Son will appear with His dearest Mother, the Immaculate Received Mother and Queen of Victory. She will triumph with her dearest Marian children, and nothing is more dear to her than to give them her motherly love. She embraces you in motherly love.

Yes, My beloved ones, so much pain, but also so much love surrounds you. This festival today is a precious celebration. That is why I wanted to speak to you once again on this day. A message will also come tomorrow. Why? Because this feast belongs to my beloved mother, the feast of her visitation. You will renew your consecration promises on this day, and the lawn cross will not be left out either. Tomorrow you will hold a devotional service to the Lawn Cross.

Yes, My beloved ones, persevere, persevere and continue to make yourselves available by giving yourselves to this Precious Blood so that you may be purified again and again in His love.

And so I bless you today with all the angels and saints for this most holy feast, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. You are protected and loved from eternity. Amen.


