Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, May 3, 2015

Fourth Sunday after Easter.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.

The Heavenly Father will say: I, the Heavenly Father, will speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My will and repeats only words that come from Me.

Today you have celebrated the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on the day of the discovery of the Cross of Jesus Christ. The altar of sacrifice was bathed in glistening golden and silver light, and you, My little one, were able to celebrate this Holy Mass of Sacrifice from your sickbed. You cannot understand, My little one, that you are full of pain and in this pain I demand of you in addition that you repeat My words, this today's message, which is important, not for you, My little one, but for the whole world, yes, for the whole universal Church in Catholic faith.

My beloved seers, My beloved messengers, I must take these messages from you. Why? You are very surprised that only the messages of My little Anne are allowed to go on. You have not obeyed Me in everything. Why did you believe that these modernist popular fairs could still be important for you? No, My messengers. Many times I have repeated through My little messenger that only My Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V can be the sole truth and the sole Holy Sacrificial Mass. But you have not followed me. You meant that your messages and the Holy Mass of Sacrifice could be separate: Once a folk fair and once messages. Could this be? Could all this happen in the full truth and in my will? No! You have not considered what this Holy Sacrificial Feast means in the Tridentine rite according to Pius V. Does the Heavenly Father in His Son Jesus Christ want this Holy Sacrificial Mass for all messengers and messengers or can they attend the popular mass on the side? What does Volksmesse mean? These sons of priests have served the people and not me. They have turned their backs to My Son Jesus Christ at the tabernacle, that is, they have rejected and denied Him. They had Holy Communion, the most holy thing, distributed by the laity. And still this goes on.

I have demanded of my messengers that they learn the truth and live the truth. But they did not do it. I am very disappointed about this, because this applies to the whole world. Only My little messenger here in Mellatz, in a very small secluded place, lived all alone My truth and let My only truth flow into the world. Even now she and her small flock are still willing to give their lives for this truth. She sacrificed everything. The greatest pain, the greatest distress, she was transferred from one hospital to another for a whole year. She has survived the most serious diseases. The most difficult heart operation has overcome them in My strength. And it firmly believes that it is I who leads, guides and directs it. She's not giving up!

Today, on this day, My beloved little one, it must happen that even in your greatest pain you will receive My message and send it into the world. Let the whole world know that I, the Heavenly Father, work here and not you. It is not you who will decide on your suffering, on your cross, but I alone, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. I can take away your pain and I can give it to you because you have transferred your will to me. You will endure everything, even the greatest suffering for the world and for the world church and for the world mission, which you have received from me alone. You will survive everything, but you will also be able to accomplish everything in my power. Your pain makes you feel close to powerlessness and yet you bravely repeat my words.

Let the whole world know It is I, I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, who will make His Church rise anew in His Son Jesus Christ, a New Church in Glory, a new Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Trentine Rite according to Pius V, as it will be celebrated all over the world, as I desire. And you, my little one, will persevere with your little flock in this little town of Mellatz. In My House of Glory you will experience everything and endure everything. Even if the world does not believe, I will bring about everything that you cannot understand and cannot fathom.

The evil one still has his power. He still thinks he has already won everything. He even reached as far as the Vatican and placed this Francis on the Holy See, who is guided and directed by the Freemasons, who are dependent on their desires and not on My desires. He has turned his back on me, yes, he even denies me. Heresy upon heresy he proclaims. He despises me and he does not even feel it although you atone and pray because everything has to be atoned for.

How much I suffer for this Francis, how much I suffer for My Benedict, whom I had chosen, for Germany, to bring Germany back to the first place. What has he done? He has resigned and is still in the Vatican, although I told him: "Flee, My beloved Benedict! There is still time. Grasp this straw." And who does he obey? This Francis, who is completely lost and confused. "Flee, flee, still is the time! I still hold my protecting hand over you when you fulfill my will because I love you. Satan goes about and wants to devour everything that is possible for him and him who exposes himself to this devil by opposing my wishes.

My beloved sons of priests, where do you stand? Do you obey Me? Do you not want to repent or do you want to sink into eternal damnation although I want to save you through My Holy Sacrifice of the Cross? This small flock wears My Cross. She lifts it so that it becomes easier for me. They comfort Me in every situation. They love Me and prove it to Me. And you, My beloved sons of priests, what do you wish? You could say, "Work miracles, and we will believe." But what does faith mean? Faith means: To see nothing and yet believe. If you expect miracles from me, you are on the wrong path. Through my little one I effect everything, but please do not demand miracles, but the truth. She lives the truth and she is obedient in every situation.

This small flock with its followers will not stray. No! She is going the hardest way and she will not deviate from this hardest way, on the contrary, her way, which is getting harder and harder, they will continue bravely and courageously to the top of the mountain Golgotha. You, my chosen ones, will once be allowed to experience the joys of heaven. You will see eternal glory in heaven.

You celebrate My Holy Sacrificial Feast daily in great devotion and reverence and console Me for all priests who do not celebrate it, who do not believe, who do not adore Me, who do not want to love Me and continue to turn their backs on Me. How bitter this is for me. I am still waiting for their repentance. Your consolation and your atonement, My beloved followers and small flock I value a thousand times as you will not expect. All you give to Me, your beloved Jesus in the Trinity. You lie at My feet and you kiss My wounds because you know that through My Holy Blood I have redeemed the whole world, otherwise I could not have mercy on them.

I love you boundlessly, without end, My beloved sons of priests, although you cause Me the greatest pain. I will not stop loving you because My love is the greatest and most precious for you all.

And so I bless you today on this special day, with My dearest Heavenly Mother, the Coredemptrix, the All Grace Mediator, the Immaculate Conception and with all the saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Be brave and continue to fight for the truth, for the truth must be sent into the world! I want to resurrect My Church in all glory. Remain faithful to me on this path. Amen.


