Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Birthday of Monika.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During this Holy Mass of Sacrifice, the altar of Mary was again bathed in a glistening light, as was the altar of sacrifice. All the figures, the tabernacle and the symbol of the Trinity shone in a bright glow, especially the Merciful Jesus and the Risen Lord and Savior.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak into your heart today on 09.09. at 09.09, My beloved daughter Anne, whom I love very much, indeed love above all, who fulfills My Will completely and repeats My words, for nothing is out of her.

My beloved little flock, above all My beloved daughter Anne, you pass on everything in its entirety. I thank you for that. I also thank you for your sacrificial care for My little Monika. She celebrates her birthday today on 09.09. in the month of angels.

You are preferred, My beloved Monika. For your birthday you will receive special graces. You are admitted with all consequences in the house of glory. Your little flock, your new family, has taken you in because your true family has rejected you. Yeah, your mother disowned you. She is not worthy to care for you. You were cut off from all your relatives. Why? Because husband, mother, children, sister and relatives are all addicted to alcohol. And I have taken you out of this alcoholic family. I have given you gifts in abundance. I have even put a car at your disposal. Not that it is yours, no, it remains mine, but you can use it at any time.

Here in the family you will be fully fed and financially supported. This comes from your Heavenly Father. Be grateful in all situations and never forget what the Heavenly Father has done for you. You would never have been happy in your family. You have been used. They have even taken away your inheritance, which was due to you. They did not pity you, on the contrary, they saw their own advantages, even your own mother, your husband and also your children. No one stood by you, but My little flock. She has done everything for you, she has sacrificed everything for you, to take you in, to care for you, to nurture you in your illness and in your suffering of atonement. Always thank them for it and never forget what they have done.

Of course everything comes from Me, the Heavenly Father. Today on 09.09. on your birthday, I want to overflow you once again, also from your Heavenly Mother and the Rosa Mystica, with a rich blessing of grace. This stream of graces goes far out. Others who want to receive this blessing can catch it, including your mother. She stands at the abyss. It won't be long before her last hour has come. I determine this hour. She still has the opportunity to regret everything. You, My little one, were allowed to call her to make it clear to her that she is a mother, but that she has by no means stood up for her own daughter as a mother. Because she was sick, she rejected her. She did not provide for her livelihood as you did, My beloved ones. You've got them covered. In everything you have stood by her, in her retirement, etc. Not one minute did you leave her alone.

For this I thank you that you have used all your strength, the human powers and the Divine powers, for My daughter Monika. What about my daughter Josefine? Great graces have I conveyed to her. Not one grace has accepted it. She insists: "My daughter is mine and she shall serve me.

And what about the later life of my Monika? She would have died quite soon - so far it was - if you had not taken her in and nurtured her in all love and self-abandonment. All three of you were there for her, day and night. And for this I would like to give My greatest thanks especially to this small flock today and pour out My greatest streams of grace on you, especially on you, My little one. Sacrificially you have provided for others. You will continue to do so.

These birthday greetings, dear Monika, come from Me, the Heavenly Father. You will find that you are showered with My gifts every day. You would never have come out of this undertow that surrounded you if I had not pulled you out. You were at the end of your rope, because you couldn't go on. Your suffering and your pain have overwhelmed you. You couldn't go on. You have been exploited in every way and that is how you would continue to be exploited today.

Accept this gift from your Heavenly Father and your Heavenly Mother. The Rosa Mystika will accompany, protect and guard you in all situations, as well as My beloved Herr Mehring and your beloved wife Schöttler. They too are included in this thanks I give you today. Thank you, thank you! I love you and I especially love My beloved little flock.

This objection should be published on the Internet. People and believers should feel: You must leave father and mother, brother and sister, when it comes to taking away the true faith from you. Separate yourselves then from all.

That, My beloved Monika, you have done until today. I thank you for that. You will continue to receive these graces of being able and willing to persevere. Amen. It now blesses you in all reverence, love, gratitude and joy, the Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Heavenly Mother will be with you and protect you. Have courage and patience! Now patience is especially needed for you. Amen.


