Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, August 31, 2014

Twelfth Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. After the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, the Heavenly Father gives us some directives that are especially important for the Church and the priesthood.

Both the altar of sacrifice and the altar of Mary were again bathed in glistening light. Especially the Trinity symbol above the tabernacle and the statues of Mary and Jesus were brightly illuminated. The two hearts of love sent out many streams of grace. They could be seen in different colors. The holy archangel Michael struck again his sword in all four directions. The angels were gathered around the altar of sacrifice during the Holy Mass of Sacrifice and moved in and out from outside. I saw how the angels moved in and out of the apartment and the house church in Göttingen as well. They were connected with this Holy Mass of Sacrifice here in Mellatz.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is wholly in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me.

My beloved children, My beloved Father children and Mary's children, My beloved little flock and followers, My beloved pilgrims from near and far, I want to address you all today because it is an important prophecy that I will communicate to you in this revelation that My little one repeats.

My beloved children, you are called and you are chosen to walk this most difficult path. You have decided to do so in complete freedom. You have surrendered your will to me by wanting to show obedience to me in all that I make known to you in truth.

You are My beloved children who want to remain in the truth, bear witness to the truth and pass it on. You spare no effort. You take heavy burdens upon yourselves, as it corresponds to my plan. You accept diseases as I allow them. You do not complain and you do not grumble. No, you accept these sicknesses out of my hand because you want to save other souls, especially priest souls, which lie in untruth and erroneous faith, from eternal ruin. You feel this calling because you have gone a long and hard way of toil.

You have spared no effort to continue to go into this hollow to Heroldsbach and to manifest your faith there. These believers in the hollow are my dearest. I will especially shower them with streams of grace, which My Mother, the Heavenly Mother, sends you and will shower you with it. You take these streams of grace with you into your families and to all who want to accept them. You continue to sacrifice and to atone, and you never tire of going this hardest way.

You know that here in Wigratzbad the action will take place soon. Wigratzbad and Heroldsbach are closely connected. These two places of grace are especially attacked and persecuted. By this you can recognize the authenticity. My messenger is not called to be recognized by this false prophet in Rome. Many institutions that think they are Catholic want to be recognized by Rome, but you, My little one, do not. You will continue to spread the truth, because the truth is not announced by Rome, but the erroneous and unbelieving. The priests, the cardinals and the bishops are anchored in Freemasonry. They will continue to go their way in error and disbelief and in modernism. But they reject the path of truth. The messengers will pursue them, the messengers who announce my truth, which I give them. They are my chosen ones and will never grow up on their own initiative and of their own will to realize themselves. On the contrary, in the first place is humility. They cultivate humility and not pride, while the priests bring out pride. If they were to imitate my messengers, they would soon feel that they are my chosen sons of priests. But now they are heading for doom.

These modernist churches lie in complete destruction, in error and disbelief. The believers who continue to go in there are overwhelmed by error and unbelief. They no longer feel that they are not in the truth. They say: "I must believe these priests, because the Supreme Shepherd is Catholic after all, and if he proclaims this faith from Rome, I am obliged as a Catholic Christian to believe him, otherwise I am no longer Catholic. Just that, my beloved believers, is the error. If the Supreme Shepherd, chosen by the Masons, is a false prophet, you must never follow this false prophet; on the contrary, you must move away from him. You have to feel that this is misbelief, this is heresy, this is the Antichrist and I have to part with him, because I belong to this small group of people who believe, who separate themselves from modernism, who go into their own houses and celebrate the DVD with the Holy Mass of Sacrifice there. This is true faith.

Loneliness and abandonment are not excluded with you, but this is your path. You must separate yourselves from everything that hinders you from following this true path of faith and truth. Separate yourselves from all unbelievers who hinder you. This is important, My beloved believers from near and far.

Look at Heroldsbach and look at Wigratzbad. There my pious believers are condemned and persecuted. Is this not the way of Jesus Christ, My Son? Was not He also persecuted, and did He not walk the hardest way for all of you until the sacrifice of the cross? Did not His mother, who is also our mother, precede this path for us - the most difficult path, the path of persecution? Did our dearest mother think of herself or did she go the hard way for us to show us that Jesus Christ is our way, the truth and the life? He died for us on the Cross, and He delivered us from all sins. So we continue on this lonely and difficult path. Step by step, just as the Heavenly Father in His plan for us, for us who lie in the truth and bear witness to this truth, although it is difficult for them because they do not find followers and are not understood. They should turn away from those who hinder them. They should flock together in their small group, because the Blessed Mother will take your Marian children under her protective mantle.

Looking at the hollow in Heroldsbach? What does the Blessed Mother do? She gives you rich blessings of grace. She gives you the depth of faith, love, love of neighbor. It teaches you everything that the true Catholic faith contains. She will never teach you anything that will harm you. On the contrary, she sends you her angels as support and protection. The Holy Archangel Michael is here for you. The Holy Archangel Raphael, the Holy Archangel Gabriel and many cherubim and seraphim, even trillions of angels are sent to you in temptation.

Stay brave and continue on this path and do not stray, even if some things seem quite inexplicable to you. So believe in it, for it is providence that guides you. The Heavenly Father has much to ask of you in this time of crisis. But He remains with you. It will not go away if it becomes too heavy for you. Even if you think you are lonely and forsaken, the Heavenly Father is upon you with His loving hand. He sends you His dearest Mother for protection and she carries your heavy cross. She goes after, not dragging, but leading. She understands you in your tribulations. Go with everything to your dearest Mother and give yourself to Her, namely, to Her Immaculate Heart! She teaches you everything, especially love of neighbor and love of God. Is this love of neighbor and love of God taught today in modernism? No! It's missing. On the contrary, one hates the messengers, one hates the truth, one turns away from the truth to take the easy way and to swim with the broad stream. One does not pay attention to whether it is the truth or the erroneous belief. They want to be recognized, and the priests want to continue to rule powerfully in their parishes. They think that the believers stand behind them when they turn to the world. As soon as they turn to the world and not to the truth and the sacrifice that my Son Jesus Christ demands of them, they will stray and will not be able to walk this path of truth. Their path will go deeper and deeper downhill and they will not even feel it. If there were no atonement souls, then even more would sink down into the eternal abyss and be exposed to eternal ruin.

But, My beloved children, My beloved children of Father and Mary, it is you who want to save them, who pray, who atone and who sacrifice, who do not stop helping them to get on the right path. It is you, you, My beloved ones. I thank you that you have so far so bravely gone this way and have endured the hardest time, and also want to continue this way according to my plan and will.

I love you in every second Nothing is far from me what concerns you and what oppresses your hearts. I know about everything and therefore I want to help and stand by you. Believe that I want to lead you deeper into the faith so that you can bear everything that is coming, because this modernist church will continue to sink in misbelief. You will notice it and many people will turn to you and admire you for having walked this most difficult path. Then, when the time is fulfilled, they will not turn away from you, no, they will look at you as an example and they want to follow this example.

You will become strong through the failures and also through the illnesses and the hardships and the many problems that afflict and burden you. You will survive everything in faith. But those who turn away from My Son Jesus Christ and are not willing to celebrate this Holy Mass of Sacrifice as priests of truth will continue to turn away, and they will fall away and will have no discernment between good and evil. They will fall into the hands of Satan. You will feel this, My beloved children. Then it is you who can support them if they want. If they surrender their own will to the heavenly Father, namely to me, then they are saved, but also through your atonement, through your prayer and your sacrifice. That is why I lead you forward through my omnipotence and through my omnipotence, which will work in this New Church. The priests will feel My omnipotence. They still believe they are in power, but soon everything will look different.

I wish that all over the world My Holy Sacrificial Feast be celebrated in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V, since only this single Sacrificial Feast corresponds to the true Catholic faith. If they continue to cultivate this meal fellowship, as it will soon be here in Wigratzbad, this church in modernism will continue to face total destruction and chaos. They will no longer know on nor off, because they cannot help themselves, because they have said goodbye to faith, because they think they can effect everything themselves, and they can leave out faith, because Jesus Christ in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar is no longer there for them. Holy Communion, the most holy thing, continues to be distributed as hand communion, even by the laity. Mouth communion stays away from them. The folk altar is the most important thing for them. To serve the people, to serve the people and to turn your back on Jesus Christ, My Son, that is their way and their error and their unbelief.

And now, My beloved children, remain faithful to Me and be grateful that I have separated you from this modernism. I stand by you and make you courageous. Go bravely on this way, which I show you. With My dearest Mother and with all the angels I bless you now in the Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You are My beloved ones! You practice love of neighbor and put the love of God in the first place. Thank you!


