Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, August 3, 2014

Eighth Sunday after Whitsun. Feast of the Heavenly Father.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The altar of sacrifice, the symbol of the Trinity and especially the Heavenly Father were brightly lit and bathed in glistening light. The Marienaltar shone in radiant splendor and especially the beautiful bouquets of flowers in front of the Marienaltar and the Christ statue. The Heavenly Father accepted the two bouquets, which were donated by deeply believing and loving pilgrims, full of gratitude and deep joy.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: Today you have celebrated the feast of the Heavenly Father. It is a special feast that is not celebrated in the whole world, and it is still not customary to celebrate it today. Only in the True, Unique, Catholic, Holy Sacrificial Masses according to Pius V in the Tridentine Rite it is celebrated.

I, the Heavenly Father, speak today, on My Feast, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me.

My beloved children of the Father, My beloved followers, My beloved little band, you believe completely that the Heavenly Father in the Trinity regulates and determines everything. Did not My Son Jesus Christ come to Me, the Heavenly Father, again and again in obedience? He begged Me and asked, "Father, is this your will, is this your plan? Completely aligned with My plan was My Son of God Jesus Christ.

The Heavenly Father sent His Son into the world to redeem all mankind and to free them from their sins. He went to the cross, and I, the Heavenly Father, had to experience with a heavy heart all His suffering on the cross. But I have done it for the world, so that all may be redeemed.

The Holy Spirit, the love between Me and My Son, also has His own feast day, namely Pentecost. My son has the feast day of the birth of Jesus Christ: Christmas. Do I also have a feast day as the highest authority, as Heavenly Father? Has it been granted to Me by the only, holy, Catholic Church? No! I sent a chosen one to proclaim this, My day, namely the first Sunday in August. And that is today.

You, My beloved children and father's children, celebrate this day especially in honor of Me. I thank you for this great tribute, and that you obey Me, the Heavenly Father. You know that I speak through My little daughter Anne for the whole world and the Catholic Church. I, the Heavenly Father, have set My Plan. I express my desire and will in the instructions I give to my little daughter. These instructions are meant for the whole world. Are they obeyed by My beloved sons of priests? No! My Son, who went to the cross for them, and especially instituted the priesthood, is very depressed about this answer that the sons of priests give Him. They are the chosen ones, because My Son Jesus Christ transforms in their hands. Can He do this today even in these modernist churches and through these priests who are not ready for conversion? No! He cannot, for the priests celebrate to the people. They are people-bound and turned towards the world. They do not live the Holy, Catholic and Apostolic faith. More and more the faithful turn away. They are no longer attuned to this One, True, Holy, Catholic Church. They do not know what truth means and what sin is. Everything is no longer communicated to them. The priests are no longer convincing.

The difference between the Extraordinary Mass of Sacrifice and the Ordinary, the modernist Mass, is that it never corresponds to order, although it is called Ordinary. If a priest is turned towards the people, he cannot celebrate a Holy Mass of Sacrifice. Only when a priest turns to the Tabernacle, My Son, and celebrates the Holy Mass of Sacrifice in its entirety is it valid, but he must also turn to My Messages and follow My instructions that I give to My little daughter.

My daughter is ready to take upon herself the suffering of the world, My beloved sons of priests. Doesn't it make you think what you are doing, that you are going against it and that you don't want to recognize them, my messenger, because you are deprived of power, because in these modernist churches the faithful are turning away more and more and apostasy is progressing? You believe that My little one wants to draw out the faithful from these modernist churches. No! She asks Me, the Heavenly Father, to save them. But if they are wrongly enlightened, namely in misbelief and disbelief, they often cannot turn back because they do not have this courage. It takes courage, patience and perseverance to take this most difficult path all by yourself.

That is why I have chosen My little band, the elite of the Catholic faith. As I chose My apostles from the disciples at that time, so I also chose this small flock. Only she alone walks this path in its entirety and lives the true faith completely with all the consequences that arise from it. Must a chosen messenger suffer like this one, my little one? No! The suffering of the world is above all suffering. The other messengers are intended for other tasks. But never will they be able to meet these requirements, which my little one has to endure. Therefore this my little flock.

It is not the millions that count who click on the Internet, but the small flock that is led deep into faith by My little one, who convincingly passes on the messages. The other messengers will also have to endure severe suffering, but never a world suffering. Much of their work is still to be found in modernism. Often they do not recognize the Holy Mass for the Sacrifice and often they still take part in many lectures that are against the Catholic faith. Yes, it is. A little they want to be recognized themselves and are glad, if quite many humans follow them. But they should ask themselves: "Do I want to be recognized a little bit myself or have I completely surrendered myself to the will of the Heavenly Father? That is the greatest thing, my beloved messengers. If you do not take all this so carefully, you cannot be led into the full truth. The full truth means: To give up oneself completely and never be recognized, not in the smallest thing.

My little daughter Anne bumps into everything. She will never become great, because I have put her through many humiliations. These death sufferings, which she experiences and should experience, are so serious and heavy that no other messenger could bear them. She is chosen by me. This small flock remains My elite. From here the true Catholic faith starts in complete conversion. I have planned everything and will continue to arrange it in a way you cannot believe. No one can fathom the Trinity, not even my dearest mother.

Often those of other faiths say that we also have a God. Yes, they have a God they worship, but never a Triune God - never! Only in the Catholic faith does the Trinitarian God exist. Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one. This means to be true, to witness and live the Catholic faith. If you do not live it, you cannot fully experience, recognize, or bear witness to the truth. But that is what I want from everyone.

Again and again you feel that what the others proclaim is not completely true. This does not go one with these My objections, which I give to My little daughter Anne. No one would want to change with her, with this great suffering and with this cross that she takes upon herself for the whole world, yes, for the whole world. Can you imagine that? Then look at this following. Their following is growing. How can this happen? Because there are people who are attracted by these messages she has to proclaim. I, the Heavenly Father, toast these My faithful. And these great graces they receive they accept. But they all go through heavy cross and suffering. And they do not want to throw it off, because they realize, only this hardest way I want to go. They do not fall off. On the contrary, they are strengthened by the greatest suffering and diseases, including the persecutions they all suffer.

Never is the persecution of the other messengers as severe as that of My little beloved daughter Anne and her entourage. It is so massive because here the True and Only, Catholic and Apostolic faith is lived in its entirety. This is the utmost that I demand of all, namely to hand over everything to me, the heavenly Father, and to be faithful to me. If you are rejected by all, thank Me, the Heavenly Father, because then you are in the full truth and you can bear all this. Surrender everything to me: your worries and your fears that you are going through. They are often difficult to bear, but then I take them over and support you and give you my dearest mother who follows you and carries your cross, as Mother of the Church, as your dearest Heavenly Mother.

So I thank you again for celebrating this, My day, so festively. I also thank you for the huge flower decoration. Once again you have surrendered yourselves to me, the heavenly Father. Also for this my deepest thanks. I love you unspeakably! Every day you are protected by the Triune God.

The Heavenly Father now blesses you with the Heavenly Mother and all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. The Heavenly Father is with you. Be faithful to Him until the end of your days! Amen.

Blessed and praised be the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar from now and forever. Amen.


