Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Monday, April 28, 2014

Feast of the Holy Evangelist Mark.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Sacrificial Mass, the altar of sacrifice was brightly lit and St. Mark even appeared to me. He had a lion lying at his feet and was always brightly illuminated. The altar of the Virgin Mary shone in a bright glow. The dear Blessed Mother greeted us and rejoiced over her spring bouquet. The baby Jesus blessed. It looked so cute. Saint Joseph showed us the one, that is, the first of May, when he wants to be venerated, but not as the patron saint of workers. The risen Savior raised His victory flag again and again.

Thank you, dearest Jesus, for giving us such a rich gift on this day, the feast of Saint Mark, which is celebrated today.

Today again the Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you now, on the day of Saint Mark, because yesterday I wanted to spare my little one. She was very exhausted, for she had just overcome the suffering of atonement. And now she will receive many appeals this week. This objection is the continuation of yesterday's message.

I, the Heavenly Father, am speaking now in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me.

My beloved little flock, My beloved children and pilgrims from near and far, of Wigratzbad and of Heroldsbach, I greet and thank you for the many hours of atonement. You, My little flock, are My disciples and also My apostles, because you are to spread these messages throughout the world and try to continue to make the books known. The flyers of the books are to be distributed by all pilgrims who walk My way. Thus you take part in the great world broadcast.

Thank you, dear Monika, for distributing so many cards with the book publications and also thank you to those who also distribute these flyers so diligently. This brings much blessing and strength to all of you.

Now I would like to begin by thanking the pilgrims of Heroldsbach, who go in procession so bravely into the hollow at 10.00 a.m. every 13th of the month. This brings a special blessing for you. You will receive many graces there. I would also like to express my special thanks to all those who participated in making this walk to the hollow so intimate and deeply religious. The Easter blessing will rest upon you.

Become more numerous, beloved pilgrims, and unite yourselves in this procession, because it is so important that you pray for My little flock so that they may appear there again, not only by My will, but by My plan, which has been thwarted several times by this foundation council and especially by this leader. Do not be afraid, My beloved ones, your Heavenly Father will arrange everything. Be patient and celebrate this atonement night again and again in your house chapel in Mellatz in the House of Glory. Above all you, my beloved pilgrims, hold out and do not give up. The Holy Spirit will inspire you and the ideas for this procession into the hollow will flow out of you. The insights allow you to constantly consider new plans and good thoughts in your hearts to flow into this group. All pilgrims are deeply moved who follow this path.

All pilgrims who go with us into the hollow on this coming May 13th will be especially blessed by the Easter feast and the hour of mercy. They will receive many special graces. Hang in there and keep going back to this place Heroldsbach, because it needs a lot of atonement because of the many outrages that were and still are committed there.

You are My beloved ones, for I, as Heavenly Father, am comforted by you. My Heavenly Son and My Heavenly Mother will always facilitate this procession for you. My dearest Mother would like to ask you: Go this way in fervent prayer and in love, so that My and your Mother may also be comforted. She suffered a lot there and still suffers today from these outrages that are committed there. It would be very difficult for My dearest Mother to do without your little flock. But everything will be different than you think, my beloved children. Your Heavenly Father will devise a new plan to bring you to where you are most needed. You too, persevere and trust your dearest Heavenly Father. He will order everything and He will leave nothing out to open up this new way for you.

You are My disciples and My beloved ones. Do you not believe that your Heavenly Father supports you again and again and uses His omnipotence? I am with you, My beloved ones, every day and every hour. I work in you and through you, although you often do not even notice it. If you go to another city or place, you will spread blessings, especially this great Easter and mercy blessing. To many people I would like to show my mercy, which is much greater than you can imagine. Love drives me to again and again redeem men from their evil deeds and to cause them to repent. Only when they work against my will, so I have to leave them to their own will and eliminate my will. This is very difficult for Me because, as you know, I want to save all, all priests and all believers. And that should be your wish as well.

Continue to be eager to distribute these books and flyers. I beg you, do not develop any fears, because I am present at every distribution. The words will flow out of your mouth as I wish, for I will not leave you alone.

My Heavenly Mother blesses you at this moment with Her Mother's blessing. And so I greet you and wish you all the best for your future, which goes heavenward. Never stop or walk backwards. Go forward, for I have raised My victory flag through My Son during the Holy Mass of Sacrifice.

My pilgrimage site Wigratzbad will change. But that is still a long way off. Initially many will suffer there because it is not my wish and plan what happens there. One takes action against the Godhead, against faith and against my plan. Everything is thwarted there and the evil one still has the power to work there. But one day I, the Heavenly Father, will intervene there and destroy what does not correspond to my will.

My beloved children, My dearest children, I love you so much that I want to embrace you because you fulfill My desires and console all heaven in this time of crisis of My Church.

I bless you with My Heavenly Mother, with all the angels and saints, especially also today with the Holy Evangelist Mark, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Live love! Be vigilant and strong and ward off the wicked through the Holy Archangel Michael. Amen.


