Final Preparations
Important Appeal from God The Father to All!
Before I unleash My Arm with ALL Its Force, AGAINST Planet Earth, I want to INVITE EVERY PERSON to follow My Indications and My Instructions that I will give in this Message because I want EVERY PERSON, to be SAVED and to come to Return to My House from where he/she came, from where he/she left and from where he/she is. (Continue...)
Red Alert
The END of our Freedom, of our Existence
The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world,
its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of
vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic;
these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that
will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast,
to millions of human beings.
Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Sunday Septuagesima.
The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The entire house chapel, especially the altar of sacrifice, the altar of Mary and also the Mother of God with the bouquet of roses, the Child Jesus and the symbol of the Trinity were bathed in a glittering golden light.
The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you today, on the day of Septuagesima, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me, from Me, the Heavenly Father.
Today you have started the pre-Lenten period with the Sunday Septuagesima. Then comes the Sunday Sexagesima and the Sunday Quinquagesima.
My beloved ones, these are My ways. This is My altar of sacrifice and you, My sons of priests, shall all follow Me in the future.
My beloved little flock, My beloved followers, you are now back on this track. Once before I have drawn your attention to this racetrack because you are in the greatest fight, the fight of Satan. He wants to get you all off. But you, My beloved children, have My divine protection and the protection of the whole heavenly court.
The Heavenly Mother will guide you. Look at you! She has borne the greatest cross and you bear it after her and imitate her because you are my beloved children of Father and Mary.
My beloved son-priest, you are My chosen son-priest, so do not be sad when I call your attention through My little one, through My instruments, what you are not yet doing in perfect obedience to Me. Remember that you have lived so long in modernism. There are still traces of it in you. I, the Heavenly Father, would like to remove these traces. In future, go only in the full priest's clothing - in a cassock with sash. This is what I desire, the Heavenly Father and not My little one. You are confusing this.
She is My tool and remains My tool. You are to listen to them because I speak through them, through them alone. You have not received these graces, but they have. That is why I desire a complete obedience to their words because they are My words, because they are My desires and it is My plan that you are to fulfill in its entirety.
You, my little one, have to fulfill the world plan. Suffering the world is not easy for you. But you are the chosen one for the whole world. Therefore the messages of the other visionaries have a different task.
You are a small band of the chosen ones. You have received a special order. Already from childhood on, I have prepared you for this selection and assignment. Was not your life, My little one, a preparation: all your suffering and all the contempt already during your childhood?
Have I not prepared you, My beloved Catherine, in your life? Was I not allowed to? You had to bear a lot of suffering, and it was the right thing to do, otherwise you could not have fulfilled this task.
My beloved priest son, look at your life. What did it look like? Was everything okay in modernism? Had you said the Holy Masses for My sake? No! You walked the broad way, and I took you away from this broad way, because you were to become My chosen priest's son. And now listen very carefully to my directions, because they are directions from heaven.
And My beloved Monika, have I not prepared you? Was I not allowed to take everything from you? Was I not allowed to prepare you in your childhood for this task, which you will fulfill completely very soon, otherwise you would not have fitted into this community, because I, the Heavenly Father, expect the greatest from this small flock. A world task, a world mission, contains the most difficult.
Maria Divine Mercy has an end-time task. She does not resemble your task, My little one. You have already entered the New Church. Was I not allowed to lead you into this New Church, although the others do not understand? Have I not called everyone to My vineyard? But they do not belong to me because they have strayed. I want to win back their chosen souls through you. Am I not allowed to do that? May I not put the heaviest things on your shoulders?
My beloved followers, you too are called to walk this narrow path. In Heroldsbach you are also a small flock that follows my will and my desire. You go into the hollow. You receive there great streams of grace that flow. In this house chapel in the House of Glory, atonement is made for this.
Again I tell you, settle the matter with the public prosecutor's office. I am with you and I will give you the words you need.
My Heavenly Mother is crying there in Heroldsbach because she is so despised by this leader. Do I not want to get back the soul of the leader also through you? Pray for him, otherwise he will fall into eternal damnation. What is the situation with the Board of Trustees? Can he be saved? Yes, My beloved ones. You must atone for these crimes and also for the crimes of the police.
I want to have all of them back at My altar of sacrifice. In my love I am boundless. Your love is not like my love. Boundlessly I love you, you cannot imagine what this means, - a love without end. When you give up and the burden becomes too heavy for you, then I stand above it and carry your suffering with me. I, the omnipotent and omniscient God, am well versed in all that you do not know and should not discuss. You shall believe and trust. Didn't you have a fruitful conversation at your coffee table this morning? This is how it should be. Was My Little One not guided? Did she not direct the conversation through Me, the Heavenly Father? Is it not up to Me, the Heavenly Father, to draw your attention to the fact that you do not say in general terms: "God has helped", but: "the Heavenly Father has helped? I am your Father, your immeasurably loving kind Father in the Trinity. I want to press you all to My Father's heart. But I cannot do that if you generalize me and say, "God has helped" and not "the heavenly Father.
On the votive tablets in Wigratzbad it says: Mary has helped. No, it must mean: the Blessed Mother has helped. That is your right, my beloved ones. Maria is the name of modernism. How many messengers have taken this from modernism. She is the Mother of God. She is something very big. She is your dearest mother, never Maria.
I want to lead you ever deeper into this mystery of My incarnation, the incarnation of Jesus Christ. It is a great mystery to which the Blessed Mother has said her yes. She became the Blessed Mother through this yes, "Yes, I will fulfill your wish. I am your maid," she said. Are you also maids? Are you also servants? Do you want to serve or do you want to be the first and become great through yourselves?
Beloved followers, beloved little flock, pay attention to your words. Pay attention to what you do, because you are all small tools, and I wish that through you, through your example, the whole world will be saved. Can you believe it? Can you believe it? But that is what I want from you. To be an example in everything and to believe, to believe and trust more deeply, that is your path. Not reading off from others what they have done in their lives and what they still need to correct today. No! Remember that you are the chosen, the called, who are under my spell, who are very close to me through my words. Can you understand this when I, your Heavenly Father, speak through My instrument? You are at this moment in another sphere where I, the Heavenly Father, My Mother or Jesus, My Son, speak to you. Also My saints may speak to you. My Father Kentenich may also give you instructions.
Two more days, then renew your Marian Garden consecration for Schoenstatt, so that Schoenstatt may be led to the true goal and recognize the truth, because it is still in full modernism.
Has Father not sufficiently atoned and sacrificed in his life? Didn't he consecrate himself as a priest to the Mother of God? Didn't he accomplish the greatest thing in his life, to be there for the others again and again? He has forgotten himself. And he embodied the heavenly father, namely me. He wanted to lead you all to the Heavenly Father, to Me. Lovingly he led his small flock, and he directed them to the right side. He could lead and guide them because he gave himself completely to my will. Until the end he celebrated My Holy Sacrificial Feast. Then he was forced to eat the modernist meal. Thereupon I have taken him to myself. He would have been forced to continue celebrating the milling community at the grinding table, as is done today. This hurts me, the heavenly Father, because they are not sacrificial masses. They are only mealtimes, and I cannot dwell among them in my Son Jesus Christ. Why? Because they do not worship Me, in Jesus Christ My Son. They do not speak to Me. They continue to distribute hand communion. Is it not something terrible how they insult me, although they have received the whole truth from my messenger through the messages? They are available in the Pater Kentenich House. You can read them and you can follow them.
I have sent my priest son to Schoenstatt to bring My messages there. But they have not followed Me. No! They rejected Me and said that they were above it with Schoenstatt.
What about the Mariengarten? Have all branches now consecrated the Mariengarten? No! Didn't Father Kentenich tell them: "You should all enter the Garden of Mary because you are to become humble little priests? Are you humble if you do not want to enter this Marian Garden? No! You feel strong and masculine. "That doesn't belong to us. This is for women." So you say and insult me thereby. You shall all be little flowers of the Blessed Mother and be planted in Her garden of paradise with the flower with which you sacrifice yourselves.
Yes, I have talked about Schoenstatt for a long time now because this great work is close to my heart. Did not My Father receive messages from heaven? Yes, it is. Isn't 'Himmelwärts' (a little booklet) based on messages or was Father Kentenich as genius as they say? No! He could not do it from within himself. To him everything has been entered and written down in shorthand style. Thus it went into the world - even today. Often one forbids the 'skywards'. And yet this 'heavenwards', this little book, contains a preciousness.
You, my beloved little group, pray daily from 'heavenwards'. And that is right and proper. Thus you strengthen yourselves, because you are the small plants, the small flowers, which my mother wants to water. The Blessed Mother, the 'Mother Thrice Admirable Queen and Victress of Schoenstatt' will win. You will see it. The victory is certain for you. Even if you do not progress so quickly in the truth, I, the heavenly Father, will impart to you in the full truth and in its entirety all that is still lacking.
You, My little group of three, renew on Tuesday this consecration of the Marian Garden, which you closed for Schoenstatt on February 18, 2005. You will now renew them in a deeper sense: Everything for the Schoenstatt Work. You live for Schoenstatt, My beloved little flock. You follow the words of Father Kentenich, even if he did not take care of the messengers. At that time he did not think so far that he could additionally take the messages into the great work. He locked himself against it. However, he has received the order from Me, the Heavenly Father, to tell you, My little one, that he is sorry.
You are right to be taken out of Schoenstatt. You're on the right track today. You could not go along with this modernism, because you have a special world task which is not understood, and which is rejected and ridiculed by many. Accept the mockeries. They must be. This is the truth. You must be followed. You must be rejected. You must carry the cross of the world: atone, suffer and take the most serious illnesses upon yourself. Until the last breath I will have to impose this on you.
Atonement for the whole world. Isn't that the most important thing, my beloved little one? Isn't that the greatest thing? Do you not participate fully in My suffering on the cross through this? Are you not standing under the cross? Your little flock is there to support you. Also some have already reached out their hand to you and see their suffering as their cross. They surrender themselves. Not like you, my little one, for you have become My plaything. I may use you as I wish. I may give and take as I will. You have surrendered yourself to Me. You told me that. And I accept it. Often your sufferings are so severe that you call on all the angels and saints for help. You may do that, but you must not give up.
Beloved little flock, you are in the greatest fight, the fight of Satan. Do not give up, but fight the biggest fight. Accept the mockery gladly. Be thankful for every suffering that you are allowed to bear, not have to. No! You may wear it.
Dear little Monika, how often do I ask you to take your illness upon yourself. It is an atonement. Here under this roof are two atonement souls, because I, the Heavenly Father, need them both and have prepared them both for the world mission. Atone and suffer for your family, beloved Monika, is written in your heart. I will save them all. Be safe! The Heavenly Father can do everything! I can make the impossible possible. Even if your thoughts are not My thoughts and your desires do not correspond to My desires, I am the loving, good Heavenly Father, who knows everything, who has the foresight, who sees not only the present, but also the past and the future. I can see into all hearts. I know when they are ready to listen to my words and my instructions.
Many indulge in addictions, and this is bad: alcohol, drug and tablet addiction, etc. This is the devil's territory. But you can save them. Through your prayer and through your atonement they will become lamblike, because I accomplish the other, which you cannot guess. I can do everything in My omnipotence. Trust Me to do it. Am I not the all-knowing God, the All-powerful, the Creator of heaven and earth? Trust me completely, even if it seems different to you.
You walk the narrow way, the hardest way, and this includes that you give Me, the Heavenly Father, your full trust. I will do everything well. Never go into the path of evil. He wants to sow discord between you, and he wants to sow the tares between my wheat. The weeds will be pulled out one day but not yet. I let it grow with My wheat.
But in My vineyard all are called, all of them, whether they are alcoholic or drug addicts. They are all My dear children. If you give it to the Blessed Mother, consecrate it to Her. Consecrate your children daily and stay on this track. Be zealous in your devotion and in your preaching.
I wish that My messages in these three books be sent to your children, although they do not believe. Even if they do not believe then, it will still be a success. You have to believe in that. You do your own and I, the heavenly Father, will then be able to do mine. I cannot save the world without your cooperation in giving all that you can. I have made this dependent on you, on you children of men. You cannot believe that the great God looks down on you little sinful people and that I, the Heavenly Father, make myself dependent on you.
The loving Father, the Triune God, knows everything. He loves people. Recognize me as loving Heavenly Father everywhere and spread me but only as the Heavenly Father. Does not say God. This is general. Everyone can serve a god. If one says, "God loves you," it is not enough for me. "The Heavenly Father loves you", that sounds tender and loving. So it will be, because I want to be worshipped as Heavenly Father and love people. The streams of love should flow into their hearts. Water the little plants with your prayer and devotion and also with your suffering so that they can grow. They will become fertile one day, but only when you do not expect it.
You are still fighting. You are to pass the fight because victory is certain for you. Look at your Heavenly Mother. She stood under the cross and took everything upon herself. She experienced the most severe suffering of My Son until the last breath as Coredemptrix and Mediator of All Graces.
The Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit now blesses you. Amen. Be vigilant, for the wicked man walks around like a roaring lion, for he wants to devour you all. Stay in the fight and continue to fight bravely and courageously! Amen.