Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Feast of the Nativity of Mary.

Our Lady speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in Göttingen through her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Rosary and during the Holy Sacrificial Mass for the Feast of the Nativity of Mary, the Blessed Mother will speak. There were many angels grouped around the altar of Mary. Also the altar of sacrifice and the father symbol were surrounded by angels. The angels moved in and moved out. They were full of joy and worshipped the Blessed Sacrament kneeling and floating. The bouquets for the feast of the Blessed Mother were flooded with bright, glittering light. They were decorated with diamonds there in Mellatz and also here in Göttingen at the altar of the Virgin Mary.

Our Lady will speak to Her feast today: I, your dearest Mother of God, will speak to this feast of Mine today through My willing, humble and obedient instrument and child Anne, who is completely in the will of the Heavenly Father and speaks only words that come from Me, your dearest Mother, today.

My beloved children of Mary, My beloved little flock and pilgrims from near and far, today is the feast in which I was lifted up full of glory from the womb of My mother Anna, because I was conceived intact, without sin. The angels lifted me out and sang with joy and rejoicing. With this rejoicing I was received on earth, because from my conception I was already unharmed, untainted, without sin. The Heavenly Father in the Trinity knew about this election, because He had created Me, His Mother, for the whole world. You are celebrating this event today.

I already said yes during my birth. I was chosen for great things. I knew that already as a small child. I was something special. But I also knew that I had a big task to solve for the whole world. Already as a child I was prepared for this saying yes, - also to the suffering, to the suffering of Jesus Christ My Son, whom I was once to bear. Much awaited me and yet my willing yes was not absent.

I also wish this willing yes today from you, My beloved children of Mary, - yes to sorrow, because it is about the greatest fight of Satan, which you cannot imagine. Have I not promised you that you will crush the head of the serpent with Me? This is a promise, but also a task.

You have much to suffer and much to bear in this chaos of today's modernist church. You will not be accepted, and you will not be cheered. On the contrary, you are outsiders whom one denies and whom one may mock and attack in every way. This is hard for you, My beloved ones. How many disappointments you, My little flock, have already experienced. One disappointment alternated with another. You never had your peace and were allowed to experience everything without being rejected and without feeling the slander of the other. You were on the way of the cross and still are. This calvary is steep and gets even steeper until it reaches the top.

You are currently going through the worst trials. You have felt it this week. They begin to deceive and gut you with full consciousness. So it is, my beloved ones, and you are grievously sorry for it. With full consciousness I have said. You are not the guilty ones, although you still blame yourselves for it today. You have been deceived to the highest degree by piety, even by feigned religiosity. So it is.

It is quite normal for every person to first of all regulate his own things in his life and never expect to live at the expense of the other person from the beginning. Never will a person who is of a normal nature throw everything away and be satisfied with it, if he then becomes a burden to the other. You would have felt it if I, the heavenly Father, had not warned you and intervened. Without Me you have no knowledge. On the contrary, you are blind and headless. It will stay that way. You have to act, then, when you watch the situation - with alert eyes. You cannot a priori believe someone who could deceive you. You have to ask: What is the situation? How should it continue? Ask the other person how he or she imagines life to be. If you want to help, you are welcome to help, but only if the other person doesn't try to deceive you and take advantage of you. That can never be My wish. This is clearly evil, my beloved. Please do not attribute this to yourself, you will become unhappy, because you should be happy that the dearest Lord Jesus and the Heavenly Father called your attention to you at the moment when the limit was reached. For this limit could not be crossed, then you would all have been in chaos and the other could not have corrected it, but you would still have been responsible for this misery.

This is how it would have happened if your loving Father had not taken pity on you and intervened when it was time. You still have not grasped the whole situation, because it is worse than you can grasp it. Only your Heavenly Father knows about the future, - not you. You know the present and also the past, but you cannot look into the future. Therefore rely on your Heavenly Father.

I, your Heavenly Mother, am sad that you had to go through this. You wanted to do everything for the other, and yet you were disappointed to the highest degree. This is sad for you and bitter, because your whole community, your little flock, is suffering. You might say: Why didn't the Heavenly Father intervene earlier? - I can answer this question for you. The Heavenly Father lets many people go to the limit, so that they can see their mistakes, so that they can ask for forgiveness and so that they can return to the truth. If lies and untruth are in them, I will test them and bring them back to truth. And often you have to suffer from it, in this time where I test the other one. It was a time of examination for the other.

You, My beloved ones, have passed your test by admitting your headlessness. To act only with feeling is not possible for you. In a state of euphoria the mind often goes blank. "I am in such joy that I do not see the consequences, what the other person makes of it and how he can deceive me. I can also deceive the other through religiousness and piety. Unfortunately it is so. There are people who do not want to do good to the other person and are not on your path. That is why I have cut off this situation and this person from you. She remains cut off from you. It is not only once, but it will continue to repeat itself. This person is unfortunately not viable, but if he fulfills My desire and plan, I, the Blessed Mother, will make him viable. I will take her by the hand like a little child and lead her out of the thicket. Then she will feel where her faults lie and she will be able to apologize to the people who wanted to do good to her.

I love you, My beloved children of Mary. I know that I have carried you in My heart and will continue to carry you in truth. Only then alone can you survive. You have mastered your trials. You have thought of confessing this guilt before the Triune God and bearing before Him the faults you have made. That's all you can do. You cannot compensate for the mistakes of the other. This is something you have to do yourself.

How much I love you that you have done the will of your Heavenly Father You didn't ask what was coming to me, but you wanted to help the other person without any ifs and buts. That was important for you. And so I love you, My beloved little ones. That is why I have entered your hearts today, because I want to let Divine Love again flow into your hearts, especially you, my little one, who now has to bear the great suffering through the mistakes of the other. You atone for her, for her weaknesses and for her mistakes, which she made in a grave way.

Thank you for atoning. You would have the freedom to say yes or no. You have given your yes to the Heavenly Father today, during the Holy Mass of Sacrifice. And you, my little flock, you have stood by her side and will continue to stand by her side in this time, because she endures hell torments. Olive-mountain sufferings have come upon them because My Son Jesus Christ had the thorns pressed into His head by this person and was scourged anew. What this means, My beloved ones, no one can measure, but I, as Heavenly Mother, know about His deep pain and suffering. And today, on the feast of my birth, I suffer especially from it, but love, love shall not stay away from you. I will let Divine Love flow into your hearts again, so that you can begin anew with Divine Power. You will master this situation and this problem, but only with the help of the Heavenly Father. I will watch over you and will be there for you and will not leave you alone in your pain.

And now I bless you with all heaven, with all angels and saints, in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Live love, because love is the most important thing in your life! Amen.


