Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, August 11, 2013

Twelfth Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V. through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Already during the rosary, many angels were drawn to this house church in Göttingen. The symbol of the Holy Spirit shone in golden splendor and was illuminated by glistening light. All the saints' figures were brightly illuminated, especially the Father symbol above the sacrificial altar, the altar of Mary with the Mother of God and especially the Risen Savior with the victory flag.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is wholly in My Will and speaks only words that come from Me.

Beloved little flock, beloved followers, beloved believers from near and far and beloved pilgrims, who tomorrow, on August 12th, you will hurry to Heroldsbach, I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you, for it is of great importance that you know I am with you. I am with you all the days of your life when you follow Me. You, my followers, have so far followed my will. You too will gladly hurry to this pilgrimage place Heroldsbach, because My little flock will be present there. They were indeed forbidden to enter their homes, but I, the Heavenly Father, stand above everything. I wish that My little flock hurry there to save many priest souls in the night of atonement. Atonement is important!

"Where do they get this power from", you ask, My beloved believers. They could not cope with it if I, the Heavenly Father, would not give them the Divine Power. The power does not come from you. I have given them to you for your protection. I give it to you so that you may enter into the night of atonement with this Divine Power. Atone and pray, because how much was sinned at this place of pilgrimage Heroldsbach. Like many sacrileges are still committed today at this grinding table. Is this a table of sacrifice where My Son celebrates His Holy Sacrificial Feast through His priestly son? No! It is not a sacrificial altar, it is a grinding table of Protestantism. Can there My Son Jesus Christ be transformed in this priestly son? No! It is not possible, because he celebrates the meal fellowship with his back to the tabernacle. That is, he has turned his back on me.

He too does not believe in the Trinity. He rejects this holy sacrificial meal. How often have I called the attention of these sons of priests, who celebrated the banquet there, to this, My Holy Sacrificial Feast. How often have I called the attention of these pilgrims to go out when the meal fellowship is celebrated. It is sin, My beloved pilgrims from near and far, if you participate in this meal fellowship, although you know that this does not include a Holy Sacrificial Feast. The Holy Sacrificial Feast is only in truth if a priest in the Tridentine rite according to Pius V celebrates this sacrificial meal. This does not happen there at this place of pilgrimage.

Therefore you, My little flock, go there to distribute these graces again. The pilgrims should feel that the Holy Spirit is working in you. It is not you who are active, my little one, but I in you. My Son Jesus Christ will have to continue to suffer in you because these priests despise My Holy Sacrificial Feast, disgrace it, put it on the side and say, this is the same as the meal fellowship. The Extraordinary Mass cannot be mixed with the meal community. Then she is not in the truth. They are told that the sacred sacrificial banquet in the extraordinary rite and the communal meal is the same.

My children, My beloved children, why don't you use your minds? Is that really the same? Does it really correspond to my truth, which I announce and give to all men of the world? Is it really the same thing that you want to celebrate and believe in because the authorities make you believe it? No! It is deception. Does this Supreme Shepherd, Francis I, look upon him as being completely true? No! He deceives people. He feigns mercy to them. He wants to attract people to himself. He wants to show men a happy face and love, love over love. Love towards the neighbor. Does it really correspond to the truth. No, My beloved ones.

"Love your neighbor as yourself." So says the gospel. These are My words. Do you really love your neighbor? Do you not push him out of your community? Didn't My priestly son have to leave this place of pilgrimage because he was expelled and, in addition, he was forbidden to confess? Can it then correspond to the truth when my priestly son, who has received the grace of confession, is expelled and the faithful who wanted to receive the sacrament of Penance with him can no longer confess? The confessions in modernism do not correspond to the truth. Modernism will be shown to you. But you do not wake up. You do not go out, and you do not believe my words, which were announced for years. No! My chosen messenger had to go.

And yet, My beloved ones, today I want to send them anew to this place of pilgrimage. Tomorrow, this day, they will be with you among many others who join My truth, who believe, trust and love. They love me above all because they willingly take their cross on their shoulders and follow me in everything. Even if it says: "I give you prohibition. You have no business in this place of prayer in Heroldsbach. Go out. We cast you out." You must all reckon with this, my beloved followers, who take up your cross.

Has not Jesus, My Son, atoned for all? Did He not go to the cross for all? Did He not shed His Blood on the Mount of Olives, and did He not make the Heavenly Mother weep tears of blood in many places because her Son Jesus Christ is being disgraced, because these many sacrileges continue to be committed by the sons of priests right up to the authorities - many sacrileges that do not stop? They go further in, and the evil one has seized power.

I, the Heavenly Father, allow it so far. But as regent of My Church, I will prove to you that I am the Most High, the Most High Lord and God, the Almighty, the All-powerful, the All-knowing. And I will raise and let sink my hand of wrath also over this place of pilgrimage. It is not My believers who believe, trust and love who are in danger, but those who reject My messages and continue to despise My beloved ones. They are of the devil, and they will have to endure severe suffering, because I, the Heavenly Father, want it that way. He who despises My Mother and My Son is the devil. He is not worthy to go to this My pilgrimage place Heroldsbach and receive these graces.

They are pilgrimage graces that you can pick up, My beloved ones. But take all your cross willingly upon yourselves and follow My Son, follow Him until the Mount of Olives, until you are forsaken and that you believe that it was all in vain. You will have to suffer everything when you follow My Son. Weep for the sins of these many people who despise you and pray for them, because otherwise they will fall into the eternal abyss, into eternal hell, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. The wicked man will cast a spell over them. Not you, My beloved ones, will be able to recognize this evil one through your power.

How many are running after this false prophet It is celebrated. There is rejoicing and even obedience is shown to him. The time is not yet fulfilled for the Antichrist to ascend to this throne. Then, my beloved ones, it is too late for many to still be able to turn back because his power will be mighty, which he feigns to you. And how quickly you will believe him, for it is very convenient to go this way. But the path in the Trinity is difficult and steep, with a large cross but filled with love. My Divine love will reach all people who are of good will, not those who reject Me and despise and kill their neighbor, as Islam proclaims in the Suras. So it does not correspond to the truth. Can you not see it? You want to make this religion equal to the only one, Catholic faith? Is that possible? You believed, you prayed and were one among yourselves. But then came the sword, the cross, and you fell away in rows and you fall prey to this confusion of the present time. You let yourselves be confused and lost.

But I, the Heavenly Father, want to press you all to My heart, because I long for these lost sons of priests. They are to decide anew for me, for the truth, because I love all of them until death, which I suffered for them.

And so I bless you with boundless love, with gratitude, with faithfulness and perseverance, with all angels and saints, especially with your dearest Mother, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Love the Trinity and remain in love because I am with you all days until the end of the world. Amen.


