Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, August 3, 2013

Heart of Mary atonement Saturday and Cenacle.

Our Lady speaks after the Cenacle and the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V through her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today you have celebrated the Cenacle, My beloved believers. You have entered the Hall of Pentecost. That is why the altar of Mary was particularly brightly lit and white pearls came out of the roses. These beads leaned towards the Blessed Mother. All 14 roses had these pearls. In addition, during the consecration many diamonds came from these roses, which also inclined towards the Blessed Mother.

Our Lady will speak today: I, your dearest Mother, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is wholly in My Will of the Heavenly Father and today repeats words that come from Me, your beloved Mother and Queen of Priests.

My beloved children, My beloved believers from near and far, My beloved followers, you have entered the Pentecost Hall today. You have been sprinkled by Me with the Holy Spirit, because you are to continue to receive and pass on the Spirit of love.

My beloved children of Mary, you are dearest to Me because you follow My Son Jesus Christ in the Trinity on His Way of the Cross. It is very important for you to pray, sacrifice and atone for My beloved sons of priests, because many of them are on the brink of the abyss and do not know what the true way is. They have slipped from the true faith.

My beloved children, My beloved children of Mary, I protect you. Especially on this day I will pour out these graces of protection on you.

First of all, I would like to thank My son Raphael for all the effort he has put into this book of messages to Anne. It is the book 2012, which I would like to mention here as a new publication for all who want to live the true faith. Many are far from faith. My Son in the Trinity wants to reconquer this again. He has already suffered the priesthood in my little one, and he will also found this priesthood anew. You have contributed a great deal to this book, My beloved Raphael, My Son, My Son of Mary. The next book is already in print. It is the book 2013: The Heavenly Father speaks - messages to Anne. This will also be released quite soon, and you will be able to order it. It will be published and you will be able to read it at your leisure in your homes.

My beloved followers, My beloved children of Mary, go into your homes. I, as your Queen of the World, would like to give you this advice. Do not stay in these modernist churches, because you have no protection when the event comes. When everything comes over you, it is too late for you. My little one is atoning for many, many priests and has already saved many with her small community, the small flock.

Believe in the house of glory! From there many graces will flow into the whole world. Believe in the great event that is to come, because My Son Jesus Christ in the Trinity can no longer bear this uncleanness in the Vatican. Once again I ask My beloved Benedetto to leave this Vatican, because you have no protection and you are to be saved. You have already received this book of truth. Read it, for they are the words of your Heavenly Father published in it! They are also my words that I speak to you. Turn away from evil, for he pursues you there, and you are not safe for your life. You will be persecuted, yes, you will be chased out of this Vatican, because you are in the way of the false prophet. He proclaims in no case the truth, but erroneous belief.

You too have done this, My beloved Benedetto. But it will become even worse, even worse than a human being can ever imagine and expect. It will be cruel in these modernist churches, because the devil has stopped in the tabernacles. This corresponds to the full truth, even if you, my sons of priests, do not want to believe it. Look at yourselves. Have you not removed yourselves from My Son Jesus Christ in the tabernacle? Have you not turned your back on Him? Has My priest's son, My former Supreme Shepherd Benedetto, revoked Vatican II? No! It was to be done according to the plan of the Heavenly Father. The evil is still at work in this II Vaticanum. Flinch from evil!

I, as Heavenly Mother, want to press you to My Immaculate Heart and cradle you in My arms like a little child, because you are My sons of priests. I am your queen and mother and I do not want to lose you. I would like to ask all the sons of priests, especially those from the Marian priests' movement: Go into your homes! Turn away from evil, for you have no protection in the world. You are in the modernist churches and do not realize that this is the misbelief you are spreading there yourselves.

My love flows out on you and the love of My Son wants to enter into your hearts. Open your hearts because you are to be touched by My Son Jesus Christ in love. But if you do not open the doors of your heart, my beloved sons of priests, I cannot pour this love on you. Today you can receive special graces if you repent and follow the true faith, if you do not stand in the way of My Heavenly Father's plan, persecute the messengers and continue to deny them, because it is the messengers of the Heavenly Father, especially My little one from Göttingen, who has the world mission. I watch over them as a mother. Often I take her in My arms in her sufferings that she endured in her heart for My Son Jesus Christ. I comfort them because I also suffer these torments and go this way with you.

Beloved Children of Mary, you have already consecrated the Mariengarten on February 18, 2005. You have thus entered the Garden of Paradise. You are My flowers and you have consecrated yourselves to Me. For Schoenstatt you have done this. So far I am urgently waiting for the conversion of Schoenstatt, because Father Kentenich is praying in heaven for his community, the Schoenstatt Movement that he founded. Often, as a mother, I see tears in his eyes when he sees his sons of priests, who cultivate modernism and do not want to turn back, who continue to hand out hand communion and do not feel that they are lying in delusion and say their ready yes to delusion.

Also to this false prophet Francis I. they say their ready yes: "Yes, I will follow the new Pope, for it is he who will now lead the Church to the top". No, my beloved children, he cannot be it and he is not it because quite soon you will see that he leads men still further astray, into unbelief, because they will be confused. The evil one intervenes. He will do his mischief in these modernist churches. This false prophet will promote this, and the Antichrist will appear. All those who continue to cultivate delusion will not feel it, because they lie in grave sin and sacrilege, and the wall in front of them will become more and more powerful, so that they will not recognize anything. Darkness will enter into them and the divine light will no longer shine in them, which was their light bearer until now.

You, My children, continue to atone for these many, many priests, especially for the Vatican. Repent and pray, for he will be reduced to rubble. Yes, this is the truth of the Heavenly Father, which I am now repeating. It really corresponds to the full truth! I, as a mother, as the Immaculate Receiver, will have to watch My priests fall into the eternal abysses, and I, as the mother of these priests, may not stand by them. They continue to persecute My Son by rejecting the messages and persecuting the messengers whom He, the Heavenly Father, sends and has chosen, because they spread My truths in the world.

I love you all, beloved sons of priests, and I want to save you. I, as Mother and Queen, beg you very earnestly, get out of these modernist churches and flee. If you are pious, you will be persecuted and cast out. You have no place of rest there in these churches. On the contrary, you will become so confused that you will not even feel it, and then it will be too late for you. My Son Jesus Christ longs for your souls, whom He wants to save and lead into the truth.

I love you all and bless you now as Mother and Queen of priests and as your Mother with all the angels and saints in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You are protected, loved, and you are in truth as My children of Mary. Remain what you are and remain in unity, then the evil one cannot harm you, because he does not love it when you understand each other and he does not love it when you pray and atone and when you celebrate this Holy Sacrifice. He wants to push you out. He hates you. Believe in this truth, for I am your mother and protect you in every situation. Amen.


