Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, June 9, 2013

Third Sunday after Pentecost.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Sacrificial Mass, the angels flocked to the tabernacle and worshipped the Blessed Sacrament. The Father Symbol was already brightly illuminated during the priestly rosary and sparkled in golden splendor. The Blessed Mother and all the statues as well as the Way of the Cross shone in bright light. The angels moved in and they moved out and prayed again and again to the Blessed Sacrament on the octave day of the Heart of Jesus.

The Heavenly Father says: I, the Heavenly Father, will speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in My Will and speaks only words that come from Me.

My beloved children, My beloved believers from near and far, My beloved followers and My beloved little flock, you are in the Sacred Heart Month dedicated to the Heart of Jesus, My Son. Are not the hearts of your dearest Mother and the Son of God Jesus Christ closely fused together? Are they not one in love? Yes, My beloved children, adore again and again the Sacred Heart of Jesus and look at the loving heart of the Blessed Mother. She sees how her son Jesus Christ suffers from this modernist church. The believers fall away from the faith in rows. The apostasy will continue to progress. You cannot understand, My beloved ones. You pray and believe. You believe firmly and intimately. This faith should grow and penetrate deeper into your heart. Love remains the most important thing in your life. The Divine Love wants to radiate out of you, so that many people will be touched by it. In this Holy Mass of Sacrifice today on this Sunday, special graces were poured out into this city of Göttingen through the Heart of Jesus.

What great love has the Savior Jesus Christ for you, My beloved ones. He wants to embrace all of you in His exceedingly great love. You shall be firm, firmer and more solid, for you know what is coming to you through this apostasy. The evil one does not want to give way. On the contrary, it will become stronger. He will show his power in Antichrist. Maitreya is his name. He will come towards you. More and more he wants to take your souls and wants to have them for himself. But you, My dearest children, you have decided for Me, the Triune God, and thus the greatest, deepest and most intimate happiness is in your hearts. You can have nothing greater than faith, faith in truth.

Do these priests, who want to pass on the faith in their version, still believe in Jesus Christ, in the Triune God, in Me, the Heavenly Father? No! They are there for themselves - selfish and malicious. They still want to administer the church in ruin. Where is true happiness? Where is the heart center for you, beloved sons of priests? The center of the heart shall be the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, which you shall adore from the bottom of your heart. This should be passed on to the believers so that they can also pray, trust and believe. But what is in you? The unbelief and the erroneous belief. Do you still expect the believers to accept this erroneous belief? From you they shall accept it, because you say, "The lie is the truth. You turn the truth around because you cannot believe, because the holy of holies is worthless to you. You have separated from it. Isn't that bitter?

This bitterness is also an abomination for My Heavenly Mother. Again and again she wants to flow through the hearts with divinity, yes, even flood them, because she is the Mother of the Church. She wants to lead the church back on the right path as a mother, and she looks longingly for fallen priests. She wants to attract them to her Immaculate Heart.

Beloved sons of priests, consecrate yourselves to this Immaculate Heart. It has a divine attraction for you when you consecrate yourself to her. Only then will Jesus Christ be your center, only then will you want to celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast in truth.

Prepare yourselves that I, the Heavenly Father, will let this great event come, even if you cannot believe that it will happen. The hour and the day are determined by your Heavenly Father. Nobody will be able to explore the time and nobody will know at this time when it will happen exactly. But it will come. The soul show will precede and you will see your sins running before your eyes like a movie. The cross, the big cross, the light cross will appear in the firmament all over the world. Will you be frightened or will you want to explain it as a natural phenomenon?

What do these huge flood disasters mean to you? It is I, the Heavenly Father, who through such signs admonishes men and wants to say: My children, come back to your Father. He does not want to punish you. He wants to admonish you and bring you back to His heart, because He loves you. Your hearts shall again be in accordance with order, with truth. I am the Love, the Divine Love and nobody will be able to understand this Love. It is immeasurable. You cannot measure them. It is unfathomable, but you, my beloved little flock, give me a little comfort through your counter-love. I love you because you love Me in your imperfection. I gratefully accept this comfort.

My beloved ones, I continue to fill your hearts with My love. I fill them in excess. You cannot understand that either. You see these disasters and your heart suffers. How must the heart of my dearest mother suffer because she knows that these disasters are my will. Everywhere the water overflows its banks and I, the Heavenly Father, wait for the priests to go and bless. I have given them great power through their priesthood. They can ward off evil. But do they? Do they trust that they have this power?

My beloved priests, put on your true priestly clothes again. At this time this is very important. Only then do you show and testify: "I am a priest. I want to help you. I want to stand by your side and I want to teach you the true faith. Let your hearts burn with love and be full of happiness. It is not earthly happiness that should fill it, but divine happiness. This is beyond everything and you can endure these disasters. You will get the knowledge of good and evil, because the evil one will become more and more cunning. He does not want to reveal himself, because he imitates everything. He also wants to imitate the signs of heaven. Is that possible? Yes, he has the power because I want him to. But you, My children, are protected. I will show you these signs. When they are from me, they have a completely different radiance. And very soon you will say: "This is from the Heavenly Father, I know exactly how to distinguish it, because His love is so great that He lets this luminosity shine into our hearts.

Beloved children, hold on! Beloved atonement souls, hold on! It is not easy for you to suffer all this at this time.

Beloved Monika, often you will want to give up because it becomes too hard for you. But you have the Heavenly Father who stands above you, and you will always say a joyful Yes to Me: "Yes, Father, however hard it may be, You are with Me and guide and lead me, and You will never impose so much on me that I cannot bear it.

And you, my little one, what will it be like with you? Even so! Suffering serves the salvation, the salvation of the priest souls. You want to atone for the priests and My little Monika for her family first. She wants to save them and never let them fall into the abyss.

My little one, they are important to you, the priests who have fallen away. There will be even more. You want to save them, save for heaven, save for the eternal wedding feast. They should be allowed to participate. My longing for them, the longing of your Heavenly Father, will grow. But also the maliciousness will become more and more. You cannot explain it to yourselves. But I will forgive everyone if they take advantage of the Holy Sacrament of Penance: Confess, confess and repent of their sacrileges.

Two popes in power. I would like to explain it to you again. Can that be? Two popes in papal robes, in white cassocks? Do they both want to rule? Do they both want to take the supreme pastoral office or what is the purpose of these clothes? The one resigned from his office, but not according to my wish and plan, but out of fear of men, because he could no longer steer the little ship in the right direction and the Freemasons became oversized. They demanded more and more, and he did not know where to go for fear of mankind. Is this right, My beloved ones, that you believe the Vatican is now his safe destination, his home, where he can feel safe beside the false prophet? Can this be right? It is so shown in the media, and you, My beloved believers from near and far, you who do not want to let the modernist church, you believe in it?

I urge and ask you to go out of these churches. Go into your houses and celebrate after the DVD only the Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Feast according to Pius V., as My Priest's Son here in Göttingen does. By his example he wants to save everyone and testify that he is in the truth, and that he honors this Holy Sacrificial Feast according to the truth and wants to offer His consolation to the Heavenly Father in the Trinity.

You must persevere, My beloved ones, you must not give up! To give up and despair is the easier way, but you will not be happy. You want to achieve happiness, the Divine Goal. There you want to feel safe, My beloved priests. Again and again I want to remind you where you stand, because I love you so much.

And the tears, they are bitter tears that I weep for you, as well as My Heavenly Mother. In many places she cries. And does one believe her, the Heavenly Mother of God, the Bearer of God? No! One rejects it and says: Those who believe it, for them it is fantasy, imagination. But just these are My pious children, My dearest, My humblest, My most patient and the most meek.

It does not need to be great scholars that I as a priest desire, but the heart must be right. The heart must be softened for my love because when I knock I want to see their doors opened so that I can enter with the truth and fill them with my love, then everything will be all right again, my sons of priests.

I do not give up hope. I know about the hardship in your hearts and the loneliness when you go this way alone. And yet you will succeed if you only want to. I have given you freedom. I do not force you to celebrate this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, but I desire it from you. I desire from you this sacrifice of the Mass, in which holiness can be recognized and where you will be united with My Son Jesus Christ.

Can you imagine Him changing in your hands when you turn your back on Him? Can My Son Jesus Christ give you this possibility of transformation if you also change the words of transformation? It cannot be, my beloved ones, because your intellect must then begin.

What have you sworn at your consecration? Love over love. You have consecrated yourselves to Me through your bishop. I wait for you, for your ready hearts. You will recognize: "What I have praised, what I was called to do, I live it today. I will bear witness to this among all those for whom I bear responsibility in my priestly life. You are responsible for many. Look into your ranks. Follow the abandoned ones. Convert, for love is waiting for you. The only and greatest is the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, My Son Jesus Christ, your center, your pearl, your treasure. This is the way it has to be. I beg and call you again and again: Return! Return to that loving heart that you chose on your consecration day. It is your heart that beats towards me. Listen to these blows. They belong to me. Every single heartbeat shall belong to me forever and ever. After that I long for myself again. This longing will never stop, and this longing will never stop demanding.

And now I bless you in this Trinitarian Love, with all angels and saints, with your dearest Mother, with Saint Joseph, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Jesus Christ embraces you in Divine Love. Say again and again: Love is the greatest thing and we want to follow this love and say 'yes father' until the last breath. Amen.


