Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, May 30, 2013

High Strength Corpus Christi.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Sacrificial Mass, the entire sacred space was filled with angels kneeling down, rejoicing and enjoying this holiness in the domestic church. They grouped themselves especially around the tabernacle and adored the Blessed Sacrament. They moved in from outside and floated to the altar of Mary, especially to the new Christ statue of the Risen Savior, whom we were allowed to receive here two days ago. The angels rejoiced and rejoiced that we were allowed to participate in this holy sacrificial meal today, because it is always a new gift from heaven for us too to be allowed to participate. The dear Mother of God blessed us during the Holy Sacrificial Mass and also St. Joseph, her bridegroom. The four evangelists and many saints, including Padre Pio, appeared. The holy archangel Michael struck again his sword in all four directions. The Merciful Jesus shone in golden splendor and sent us His rays of grace. These fell on the altar.

The Heavenly Father also speaks today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who lies entirely in My will.

My beloved children, My beloved Father children and Mary's children, My beloved pilgrims from near and far, My followers and especially My beloved little flock, today is a day of rejoicing. The Blessed Sacrament of My Son is rejoiced. It was already used on Maundy Thursday, but since Good Friday followed, this jubilation was not possible. The death on the cross of My Son Jesus Christ took place on Good Friday. But today, on this Feast of Corpus Christi, you may rejoice, and you may believe. Faith is a grace of the Triune God.

You, My beloved little flock, My beloved children of the Father, have always given Me, the Heavenly Father, My Son and the Holy Spirit in the Trinity, the glory, thanksgiving, joy, consolation and love. You are in love, and in this love you will grow, for Divine Grace, Divine Joy and Divine Love radiate into your hearts. It becomes brighter and brighter, because the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar shines in its bright glow today.

How many people, how many sons of priests still adore the Blessed Sacrament of My Son Jesus Christ today? Which priests are still in the truth today and recognize what a great gift this Blessed Sacrament of the Altar is in the Corpus Christi procession. Some times ago it was worshiped at altars in nature, which were erected for the glory and thanksgiving and joy of My Son Jesus Christ. Is one still aware of this great festival today? No! One is no longer aware of this festival. It has all become uncomfortable for these priests to worship today and still believe today, above all to follow the Way of the Cross of My Son Jesus Christ.

Sacrificial Priest I, My beloved ones, seek! The sacrifice was performed today at this altar, at this altar in Göttingen in the Kiesseestrasse 51b by My beloved and holy priest son, who celebrated it in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V in the full truth and validity. Do you know, My beloved sons of priests, what it means to celebrate this sacrificial meal?

Protestantism has come into your churches. What does Protestantism mean? This means that My Son Jesus Christ is not present with Godhead and mankind in the tabernacles and also not in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar which you adore. You, My beloved ones, worship it, but they do not. These sons of priests no longer know what it means to be a sanctified priest. To wear the holy clothes and to testify: I am a priest, a Catholic priest.

Is there a Protestant priest, My beloved? No! The priesthood is a sacrament. And these Seven Sacraments, which My Son Jesus Christ instituted, can only be venerated in the Catholic Church. They are sacred. They are the most important thing you have and this church is being destroyed with the Seven Sacraments. The destruction has already taken place and the decline of this church is still celebrated today. But do they also remember me? Does one also remember My Son? No! All is in vain, My beloved children. You atone, you pray, you sacrifice and you long for this holy sacrificial meal. You ask, where can it be found? Is it still there somehow? Will it still be celebrated? Will it ever rise again and be celebrated all over the world or has it become hopeless around you? Can you, My apostate sons of priests, deal with this in your priestly life when you reject the highest sacrament and do not want to be a sacrificial priest and have taken off the priestly garments? That is, you have disgraced My Son Jesus Christ to the utmost and rejected Him with the priestly garments you have shed. Do you not want to atone for this? Do you not want to return to the One, True, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, where the One, Holy, True Sacrificial Feast is celebrated?

I wish that these folk altars be smashed very soon, for they are an abomination to me! You despise me because you turn your back on me. You spread untruth, you spread misbelief and pass on this misbelief to the believers. And they do not desire! Why don't they make a request? Because you do not communicate the truth to them and despise them. They are so naive that it is dismissed as fantasy. But we, we great priests, we have a lease on the truth, and this truth must be pursued by all. "Never," you say, "will we want to humble ourselves and celebrate this sacrificial meal. No! That is not our wish." So says every bishop in the dioceses. Do these bishops obey the Holy Father? No! Does the Holy Father still have the key power today? No! Can the Holy Father still proclaim ex cathedra? No! The false prophet already sits on this throne.

And you do not recognize it, My beloved ones? Was it not enough for you that My Holy Father, whom I chose in conclave, betrayed and sold My Church in Assisi? And this was still celebrated among all religious communities that were present there. Everything shall no longer be true, My beloved ones, what you once believed and celebrated? And you, My elder sons of priests, did you not once celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast? Have you forgotten what graces have flowed from it? And how did you unite with your beloved Jesus Christ in the transformation. You have become one, one with His heart. You have given yourselves as sacrifices. And this love you have witnessed among the believers. You could not help but adore, give thanks and make atonement for the many sacrileges that are committed. These sacrileges are commonplace. They are not rare.

Why did you change the words of consecration? For 'many' you have used 'all'. Is it right that you are still reluctant to confess this one word 'many' today? They are My words of consecration, the words of My Son Jesus Christ and they must never be changed by one iota - never. And they have been changed. And even today, in the modernist churches this word 'all' is still used. Has He redeemed all, My son? Yes, all of them! But has everyone said yes to this salvation? No, not that! Not even today, although I love them so much, although I ask them all to come back to My loving heart. I wish it so much.

Did I not have to take My Son Jesus Christ, My beloved sons of priests, I ask you today, then not take out of these tabernacles of the modernist churches? You are in Protestantism. It is not at all the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, My faithful, in which you still find yourselves. You too are already Protestant. Nothing is left - nothing - of the Catholic faith. You are Protestant and do not even realize it. You also said that the faith of the Protestants and our faith is one. We worship a god after all. Do you really worship him? No! Do you really worship Him? No! You have fallen away, - apostate believers and apostate sons of priests, whom I once called to my vineyard. They were all called and chosen sons of priests.

My Heavenly Mother has watched over them. She held her hands over them. And today? Today they are Protestant. Can you understand that. The greatest secret was rejected by these priests. The Blessed Sacrament of the Altar is the greatest mystery which I have revealed and given you. Come to my heart burning with love.

My beloved father children, My beloved little flock, come to My Son Jesus Christ. He waits for your atonement, and He waits for your counter-love, for your consolation. Lonely and abandoned He walks the streets and yet He waits most of the time in vain for a single one to convert. Although these messages are scattered throughout the world, so few priestly sons are converted. I long for holy priests, because I want to found My priesthood soon. I am waiting for it.

Now My book that I wanted will soon be published. I have sought this publishing house, and I have revealed it to you. You would never have been able to find this publishing house out of you. That would have been in vain for you with your human power. But with the divine power and with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit this has happened. Now you will soon have this book in your hands. Again and again holiness will radiate into your souls. I want to touch you through this book. Therefore it is necessary that it is spread very quickly all over the world.

Where are you, My beloved Pius brothers? Where is your truth? Where is your Holy Mass of Sacrifice after Pius V? Didn't your founder set an example for you? Didn't he sacrifice everything for this Holy Sacrificial Feast according to Pius V of 1570? It was canonized. "Never would I have held a Protestant meal at the people's altar," he said. "My place was only at the altar of sacrifice. There I climbed up to the Calvary. There I was at home. There I have united with Jesus Christ. This I wanted to exemplify to you, My beloved Pius brothers, My beloved sons of priests. Where are you with this Holy Mass of Sacrifice?" He would never have celebrated a modernist mass or a mass after 1962, "Never," he said, "will I do this, for I love Jesus Christ, the Son of God, above all things. I embrace Him, for He is my whole life, my whole content, the content of my priesthood. And what has become the content of your priesthood? You must awaken again, My priest sons of the Pius Brotherhood. You have been called.

Already a long time ago I announced to you that you will split, and I have to watch my sons of priests, whom I have called, fall away. Is that not bitter for me? Did not I found you or did you found yourselves through your founder? He was the called and sanctified priest. Only according to him shall you orient yourselves! What has he accomplished through the Divine Power? Everything, everything he has given me. He is already a saint in heaven.

Why do you still want to connect with this destroyed Rome, with this false prophet sitting on the throne? Is this the true Supreme Shepherd who rejects the Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V? From the beginning he rejected them. Why, My beloved ones? He obeys Freemasonry. Don't you know that? Are your ears deaf and your eyes blinded to the truth? He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me and I in Him, but he who invalidly eats My flesh and drinks My blood eats judgment!

Is this what you want, My beloved Pius Brothers, when I love you so much and My longing continues to grow? Come back! Turn back! Confess your sins and your sacrileges and take refuge in My arms and in the heart of My Immaculate Virgin and Mother of God Mary. Without sin it is received - completely pure. Walk at your hand the true path of unity, true unity in the Catholic Church, not unity with all religious communities. You must not form a unit with it.

Isn't the Protestant Church a separation from the Catholic Church? Have you ever known this, My beloved ones, or have you overlooked it? Do they have the Seven Sacraments? Do they have the Blessed Sacrament? Were they given the priesthood? Were they consecrated? No! They are leaders of a religious community and nothing more. The Protestant religion is invalid. And yet I long for unity, for unity with you. All of you I want to draw you to My loving heart. I do not want to forget anybody because I love you all, love without limits. Come to the altar of sacrifice of My Son Jesus Christ! He has redeemed you also.

Look at the heart of My mother that burns with love. It is a flame of love. Continue to pray this love flame rosary three times. The value is in demand. And now on this Holy Feast of Corpus Christi, the Feast of My Son Jesus Christ, I want to bless, love, protect and embrace you all: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Love will endure, for love endures eternally! Amen.


