Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Sacrificial Mass on Christmas Eve in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During this most holy night in the year 2012, large crowds of angels moved into this house church in Göttingen. They radiated a special light, the light of the Most Holy Night. They carried candles in their hands and brought them to the manger for the baby Jesus. An incomparable light then radiated from the Child Jesus and these rays also went in all four directions. They were rays of grace.

We should pick up these rays again and again during the Christmas season from the baby Jesus in the manger. The child Jesus holds them ready for us. It became human for us that night. The Godhead and humanity is in a stable, poor and small. It did not even feel the warmth of its mother. It was comforted by Saint Joseph. It was warmed by the animals. Which little child has to endure this suffering at birth. Nothing was too much for the baby Jesus. It wanted to come into the world and become human for us to redeem us. It knew about this difficult path. Suffering after suffering accumulated throughout the life of dearest Jesus Christ.

And the Heavenly Father looks at His little child Jesus, His only Son, whom He gave for all people, because Jesus became man for all people - not only for some. The Jesuit is still waiting for the promise of His beloved priestly sons. The child Jesus will never deviate from this wish. It carries the suffering and it also challenges us to accept our suffering again and to carry it willingly in love.

The Heavenly Father now says: This is not easy, My beloved ones. I know about your need. Therefore I send My Son into this world to give you this comfort. All you who believe have to endure great suffering. They will not cease to persecute you because you are not respected by the people. On the contrary, you are ostracized, you are abandoned, you do not belong in this society, you do not even belong in this Church. No! You must also experience these slanders, this being rejected and abandoned. For My Son Jesus Christ, who became man on this Holy Night, took these persecutions upon Himself. It was never an easy time for My Son Jesus Christ. And yet, He stretches out His arms to you and embraces you with His love. What great love He radiates on this Holy Night. The light in your hearts is brightly illuminated now. You have been embraced by His love. He can say nothing else to you but: Thank you, thank you, thank you.

We thank the Child Jesus that we were allowed to remain faithful to Him, that even in suffering we could always say the ready "yes" in all persecution, in all the gravity of our suffering and our cross.

The Heavenly Father continues: You shall never stop repeating the 'Yes Father'.

Yes, dear Jesus child, we also say a ready yes to you. All your love you want to give us, yes, you want to give yourself again.

Thank you also for your little dear Monika, who has made this covenant of love with you today and who is ready to carry every cross and suffering with our group. She has never shunned suffering and the cross. You put her through a lot. But today I know that the suffering had to be that she stood in the great test and willingly took this test upon herself and passed it. Now it becomes stronger and stronger because you are holding it.

Dear Child Jesus, we offer ourselves to You with all our love, which should never stop in our hearts, that is, the flame of love should grow bigger, even when people despise us and reject us, because then we can prove our love to You. We should be there to comfort you. And that is what we want to promise tonight. We accept all these graces gladly and humbly. Humility, dear child Jesus, must never be missing. Never shall pride prevail, but willingly we want to fulfill Your plans, which You have planned for us.

Yes, one day you will draw us to you forever. We thank you for this. We are all here on earth to earn heaven through the cross and suffering. We want to hold out. We promise you this on your crib.

Dear child Jesus, take us again and again in your arms. Then, when it becomes difficult, you shall be there and be reborn in our hearts. We never want to let go of this happiness and want to thank you, thank you, thank you.

And so, the Heavenly Father in His little JESULINE blesses us now, whom He has sent into the world today and wants to pour out this blessing of grace on us. It blesses us in the Trinity with the Heavenly Mother, the Immaculate, Almighty God, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. All angels will continue to accompany us on this path. Amen.


